Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2059 Mysterious Metal

With this thought in mind, Ye Han walked to a square and flat metal block that was several feet square and just big enough to hug.

Hug the metal block with both hands!

With a buzzing sound, the mysterious gray light runes trembled, and the square flat metal block split apart, turning into small square metal blocks, spreading along Ye Han's body...

The rattling metal blocks overlapped each other, making Ye Han's body covered with metal blocks, as if he was wearing a set of metal armor!

at the same time!

Buzz! An astonishing and strange silver rune surged on his body! ! !

Um? ! Good weight! ! !

Ye Han immediately felt the metal square block splitting. After putting on the metal block, he immediately felt that the armor weighed tens of millions of kilograms. Even his strong body felt heavy.

There is also a large black metal block in the square in his hand, which emits a strange luster. What is going on?

Ye Han felt that the metal block on his body was emitting strange power runes, which made him feel very strenuous. How could this be possible?

After feeling it carefully, Ye Han's face changed, revealing a look of surprise. It turned out to be so.

After letting myself hug this square metal block, when I put on these pieces of metal block, my mana was restrained by a silent restriction.

In other words, now he can only rely on his physical strength to resist the gravity of this metal block.

And what is the black metal block in this hand for?

There was a strange look on Ye Han's face. He looked forward and saw a long staircase in front of him. The strange thing was that this staircase had eighteen steps. After reaching the eighteenth step, the bottom was already empty. .

Then Ye Han didn't know what was happening next, so he could only go over and take a look?

The guy who presided over the trial said that he had to reach the top of the Sky-Suppressing Tower within a hundred years to pass the trial.

So is this step the place to go up to the tower?

It won't be the same old thing, one step up and some gravity restrictions, right?

Looking at the steps, Ye Han's eyes showed a wry smile. It seemed that the metal armor could not be removed...

Forget it, let’s go to these steps first.

Ye Han thought so and walked towards the steps step by step.

Although Ye Han's physical strength is extremely powerful, after putting on this strange set of metal armor, his magic power is restricted. He relies entirely on his whole body to walk. Every step he takes seems to be carrying a huge mountain on his back. , which consumes a lot of his breath power.

However, he could still barely hold on, but let Ye Han walk up the steps and step up.

An astonishing buzzing sound was transmitted.

Ye Han felt that the suit of armor on his body had a special forbidden resonance with the steps, and the power of the strange electric current flowing slowly was trembling...


Even though Ye Han's powerful body felt stinging, the weight of the armor instantly increased a lot!

hateful! Not only is the weight increased, but electrical stimulation is also required! !

Ye Han had not experienced this feeling of pain, numbness, and being pressed so hard that he could hardly breathe for a long time! !

No wonder that damn bastard said that his body, which was so powerful, would benefit a lot recently.

If he had been subjected to this kind of terrifying crushing and stimulation, it would indeed be impossible for his body to break through the limit under such long-term stimulation and crushing.

Thinking of this, Ye Han's eyes suddenly trembled, and he gritted his teeth and said to himself: "Come on!! Let's see how much power this thing can stimulate me!"

With that said, Ye Han took another step towards the second step above...

There was an astonishing roar and vibration, and he felt the gravity of the armor on his body increase again. Even though his strong bones were about to collapse, his muscles were trembling...

And this time the electric shock on the steps was strengthened again, making Ye Han's skin numb with such power! !

hateful! !

This can't stop me! ! !

Ye Han's tenacity in Taoism was not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators. Not only did he not show any fear, his fearful expression became more determined.

As he went up the steps step by step, the metal fragments in his armor became heavier and heavier, and the electric shocks he received became more and more terrifying!

When we reached the eighth step.

Bang bang bang! ! !

As Ye Han was walking on the steps, the entire metal fragments were trembling with crackling arcs. They were beating and trembling on Ye Han's body. His whole body looked like a lightning man wrapped in lightning.

Gradually, a smell of burnt black meat came out...

Yes, under such a terrifying electric shock, Ye Han's skin began to turn black and burnt...

However, Ye Han had no intention of stopping. This matter might just be a matter of breath. If he didn't stop, he might fall short and be unable to move forward.

The steps at the back were getting slower and slower. When he reached the thirteenth level, Ye Han felt like he was about to fall apart even if he took a step. He gritted his teeth and wanted to keep moving forward...

Can't stop me! !

Can't stop me! !

I want to go up!

Ye Han's eyes were already blood red, and there was only one thought in his mind to persevere. The muscles and bones on his body were trembling, and every inch was incomplete. His hair had long been completely gone and turned into ashes.

step! !

Go up! ! ! !

It took four days for Ye Han to reach the eighteenth step, one step up...

Ye Han almost fainted, only his strong Taoist heart and thoughts were supporting him forward!

But when we reached the eighteen steps, the front was actually suspended in the air. There were no steps as we continued forward, but there was a triangular depression on the side wall!

Seeing the sunken groove and shape, Ye Han really couldn't resist it!

asshole! ! So that’s it! !

Ye Han cursed angrily. He had reached his limit and could no longer hold on. He suddenly fell down...

There was an earth-shaking roar and the entire stairs shook. Ye Han felt as if his bones and muscles were being crushed, and he couldn't help but spit out a large mouthful of blood.

at the same time.

A piece of metal fragments exploded, and the metal fragments on Ye Han's body exploded like a goddess scattering flowers. They flew out in all directions, scratched once, and fell on the black metal block like a stream of light, turning into silver again. It looked like it was wrapped in bright metal fragments.

And at this moment, Ye Han felt that his body suddenly relaxed, and an unprecedented feeling came...

What's going on here?

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