Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2061 Is nine too much?

Boom... Boom...

Clang... Clang...

A person covered with thick metal fragments, holding a hexagonal black metal block in both hands, is walking on a golden staircase. Golden electric light, hot red flames, terrible ice cannons, whipping vines, and wind and snow attack this metal figure!

The whole thing is constantly exploding and roaring like the end of the world...

The figure walks forward step by step along the stairs!


With an extremely shocking roar, a huge hammer suddenly hits the wall. The hammer vibrates in a circle, and the terrible storm hits the side of the metal man who is walking with difficulty!

"Damn it!!!!"

The metal man roared, and his arms suddenly blocked the hammer that hit him!


There was a terrible and boundless roar, and the flames burst out. The sparks from the friction of the metal man's feet were constantly moved by the huge hammer...

The hot flames on the ground were full of sparks.

The metal man was pushed out three or four feet, and stopped at the edge of the stairs, and offset the power of the hammer that was impacted!


The storm shook, and the space was twisted and shook out an amazing storm, and the terrible hammer was blocked! !

Damn! This thing!

Ye Han cursed angrily, and the extremely terrifying power burst out. The terrifying metal fragments were all shaken up, and the lightning, flames, hail, storms, etc., were all shocked and rippled out at this moment.

The huge hammer was also pushed back abruptly! !

Boom! The amazing storm shook, and the entire huge hammer shook out a terrible storm, and the ground shook a bit! !

Yes, it was Ye Han in the metal armor.

It has been ninety-nine years! !

I have been in this Zhentian Tower for ninety-nine years! !

There is one month left before it will be a hundred years! !

Ye Han's eyes are full of tenacity. There are still four steps to go to the top of the Zhentian Tower! ! !

It is not difficult to go up! !

This is the fifth time Ye Han has gone up, but the black metal stone he brought up every time is wrong! ! !

It is not that Ye Han can't see clearly, but the grooves of the black metal blocks needed to go up will change every time, and the grooves of the last few steps will change.

This makes Ye Han very difficult. Ye Han even thinks that this is the damn guy who deliberately made it to mess with him...

Not bad!

In these ninety-nine years and eleven months, Ye Han has never stopped, and has been here to break through the so-called third test.

As the guy who presided over the trial said, there is no life-threatening thing here. It only allows the cultivators who enter the Zhentian Tower to practice and break through the limits of the physical body to climb the stairs and reach the top of the Zhentian Tower.

This staircase is not so easy to climb. Each step will increase the gravity restriction of the armor, and there are continuous metal, wood, water, fire, earth, lightning, sound waves, light explosions, and body-building attacks...

Ye Han can still withstand the first few dozen steps.

The first wave just keeps increasing gravity, and the power of body-building spell attacks keeps increasing. There is still only one kind of body-building spell attack, for example, fire is just fire, and lightning is just lightning.

The second stage starts to be troublesome. The steps to pass have more than two grooves. Not only do you have to move more than two black metal blocks to inlay, but the armor you wear also becomes two sets, and the body-building spell attacks become more than two types...

The difficulty has increased exponentially.

From the time Ye Han himself passed, it can be seen that it took Ye Han only more than a year to reach the first wave.

The second wave took Ye Han seven or eight years...

Then the third wave became three...

However, the benefits of passing each time were also great. After each time, the blood essence of the ancient beasts came from the Zhentian Tower to restore his tortured body...

It's true that under such horrible and increasing torture, Ye Han's body finally broke through the limit and reached a higher level.

Otherwise, he would not be able to withstand the last wave of five kinds of metal armor and five-level spells.

But Ye Han knew that the guy who presided over the body refining must have made it more difficult for himself. If the other five immortal cultivators who participated in the Zhentian Tower were also at this level, they would definitely not be able to pass.

This is about to exceed the limit of the physical body of the immortal cultivators in the Lianxu period. How can there be so many?

Ye Han is confident that his physical body, which has been broken through again, will not exceed five immortal cultivators in the entire Tianling world...

Especially now in this last wave, in fact, he has reached the last step, and he is only one step away from passing the so-called Zhentian Tower test.

As a result, Ye Han had climbed up this last wave of stairs five times.

Now it was the sixth time!

Because the shape of the concave grooves in the last inlay was changing every time, and it was different every time.

Ye Han was so angry that he finally came up, but because the metal block he brought was different, Ye Han had to go for nothing! !

At this point, Ye Han knew that it was very likely that the damn host of the trial was playing a trick on him and not letting him pass so quickly.

Ye Han was also angry but dared not say anything. There was nothing he could do. Who told him to be completely controlled by others?

I just don't believe it.

Ye Han's eyes were full of anger. Last time, he didn't bring five black metal blocks, but nine metal blocks of different shapes.

Because this damn guy was changing the inlaid concave groove, he simply brought four more this time. Since you want to change, then let you change!

Originally, Ye Han wanted to bring ten, but ten was really too much. It was the limit of the limit! !

Now every step he took was like carrying a huge mountain on his back. Compared with a hundred years ago, his physical strength was at least twice as strong.

Such a strong physical body is rare even for a cultivator in the Void Refining Stage.

But the other party seemed to be unsatisfied and wanted him to break through to a higher level.

Bang! !

Ye Han had reached the next step!

The moment he went up, there was a sudden rumble and tremor above his head, and a huge brick and stone fell on his head! !

Boom! ! ! With a thunderous explosion, Ye Han held up the huge stone with both hands. The shoes on his feet suddenly broke and exploded, and the bones of his feet cracked instantly...

Puff! ! Ye Han opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body slowly squatted down, and the steps were shaking! ! !

Damn it! Is nine too much?

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