Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2064 Tianxuan Star King

It was seen that the Tianxuan Star King did not match his voice at all. The Tianxuan Star King was extremely short, like a three-year-old child, with a white face like jade, a baby face, and a black hat with gems inlaid on it, emitting a trace of golden and dazzling star power.

He was wearing a strange robe and sitting on a gem with swirling star aura runes.

Moreover, this baby face had narrow golden pupils in his eyes and an impatient look, which looked like a very interesting little doll.

This made Ye Han reveal a bit of a strange look, and he could not believe that this was the Tianxuan Star King who had been presiding over this trial and had a very proud voice.

The Tianxuan Star King's delicate appearance was really hilarious.

However, the Tianxuan Star King looked at Ye Han's expression and said coldly: "Boy! Respect this Star King! I can turn you into ashes with just one thought."

Ye Han reacted and felt that although the unfathomable aura of the Tianxuan Star King was not released, he was definitely a cultivator with the same cultivation level as the Ghost God Demon Lord!!

But in comparison, he felt that the Ghost God Demon Lord was more terrifying!

Of course, is this also because the Tianxuan Star King did not emit his aura?

Ye Han immediately knew what was going on. It must be that the Tianxuan Star King had some concerns here and did not dare to use his magic power.

Of course, even if this mysterious Tianxuan Star King did not emit his aura, he knew that his cultivation level was definitely not his opponent. The other party could indeed crush him with just one breath.

Of course, the reason why his cultivation level could improve so much was indeed because of the cultivation of the Tianxuan Star King.

On the contrary, the Ghost God Demon Lord and the Tianxuan Star King, two beings with such cultivation levels, were cultivating the strength of their physical bodies.

What is the relationship between them?

Ye Han felt that Tianxuan Star King and Youshen Demon Lord definitely did not have a very close relationship!

Youshen Demon Lord asked him to bring that strange token to Tianjian Fairy City. It is very likely that Youshen Demon Lord is using Tianxuan Star King to achieve his own goals...

Of course, he himself did not need to expose all this, that would be courting death, but if he was caught between such a powerful existence and did not protect himself well, then he would be dead.

So, Ye Han respectfully bowed to Tianxuan Star King and said: "Greetings to Tianxuan Star King, thank you for your kindness to me!!"

Apart from anything else, the blood of the divine beast that Tianxuan Star King took out is not much worse than the water of the fairyland that Youshen Demon Lord took out.

Obviously, he is very optimistic about himself.

Just like Ye Han, if he cultivates a very low-level navel orange with limited growth, he will not spend too much time and energy, and he will only spend time on those strange insects with good growth attributes.

This situation is the same.

Looking at Ye Han, who was respectful to him, Tianxuan Star King's face looked a little better, and he said in a deep voice: "Very good!! It's good that you know that this Star King has worked hard!"

The voice paused, and he continued: "Originally, this Star King wanted to choose one of you who could take on the important task, but after these three rounds, you are already far ahead, there is no need to choose anyone else, and this trial, there is no need to continue."

As he said, Tianxuan Star King patted his storage bag, and a crystal clear token with starlight flashing in his hand appeared in his hand. He handed it to Ye Han and said: "This is my token, you take it first and go to the Yuwen family in Tianjian Fairy City to stay for a while! They will give you the corresponding identity, and then I will naturally find you! Just wait patiently."

Ye Han respectfully took the token in Tianxuan Star King's hand, and his heart moved. How come the material of this token is exactly the same as the material of the black token in the Heritage Tower?

What is the relationship between the metal fragments and metal blocks in the Zhentian Tower and the hexagonal metal blocks in the Heritage Tower?

Ye Han had many questions in his mind, but he said without revealing a trace: "Yes! Senior Star King!!"

Tianxuan Star King heard this, and said with a tone of old-fashionedness on his baby face: "It's good to know! Go! Don't tell anyone that you have seen me. Others should do what they should do, and you don't have to pay attention to them."

Ye Han bowed and said: "Yes! I know!"

Ye Han was a little surprised when he said that. He didn't know those people at all. Why should he care about them? Isn't this a waste of time?

Then, Tianxuan Star King waved his hand, and a piece of spiritual light rune space power rippled in the air, directly forming a teleportation space power in the space.


Ye Han felt a space power coming from his body, which directly teleported his figure out...

The next moment!


Ye Han felt his eyes light up, his spiritual light trembled, and he appeared in an empty valley.

Although he hadn't been here for many years, this place had changed a lot.

Ye Han still remembered very clearly that this valley was the valley he had come to with the token given to him by the Ghost God Demon Lord.

The valley was empty, and it seemed that no one had been here for many years.

Ye Han took a glance and felt like he had seen the light of day again. A hundred years was not a long time for a cultivator like him.

But if you spend most of the hundred years struggling in agony, with tens of millions of pounds of armor on your body, flames, electric shocks, wind, freezing, etc., you will feel like you are living a year.

Ye Han didn't know what kind of willpower he had to persevere.

But he finally gained a lot. His cultivation has finally broken through to the peak of the Great Perfection of the Spiritualization Stage.

As long as he has enough conditions, he can pass the Refining Void Stage.

Unfortunately, he is now controlled by two super powerful beings. He can't find a solution at all and can only be led by them.

Thinking of this, Ye Han's great progress in cultivation seems insignificant.

This is the world of immortal cultivation. The strong are respected. If you are not strong enough, you will be controlled by your opponent.

I have to practice harder! !

Ye Han's eyes showed a decisive look!

Just thinking about it.

Buzz buzz buzz! ! ! Ye Han felt that one of the storage bags, a communication token, was constantly trembling...

Feeling the movement of the communication token, Ye Han smiled bitterly. After so many years, he almost forgot about this woman. She was still looking for him? Most likely it was because of the fairyland...

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