Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2077 Escaped?

Boom! ! !

A breathtaking light explosion shattered, shaking out an endless gray light and cold air. The figure of the Ghost Dao Immortal turned into a terrifying escape light with the skull and rushed away...


Bang! ! A terrifying light explosion shattered, and the skull seemed to hit an invisible light shield, making a earth-shaking explosion, and the whole thing was reverberated in the light shield...

Whoosh! !

The boundless array runes in the void continued to ripple and vibrate, and a large and amazing light shield appeared in the void, spreading in all directions...

The skull where the Ghost Dao Immortal was located was spinning anyway, rolling up an amazing storm, and hitting another array light shield...

What's going on? ?

How could there be an array here?

The Ghost Dao Immortal didn't expect such a result, and his face was full of horror...

How could there be an array here quietly? It immediately gave it a very bad feeling.

At this time, the Ghost Dao Immortal saw that in the far distance, Fairy Bai was perceiving and chanting, constantly releasing array beads, these arrays were constantly surging out, and the runes condensed light was added to the surrounding arrays...

This puppet can also arrange arrays, where does it get so much mana?

Could it be a puppet controlled by the soul?

This is impossible, how can the people of the immortal race be controlled like this, isn't that courting death?

Before the Ghost Dao Immortal could think more!

The rumbling of the boundless blood and fire storm, the hand of the god was like a terrifying storm covering the sky and the sun, and it crushed down towards the Ghost Dao Immortal frantically! !

Not good! !

How could the Ghost Dao Immortal not realize that his situation was dangerous?

He quickly pinched his fingers and chanted the spell, and boundless cold and cold magic power burst out from the ghost immortal. With a flick of his finger, the brilliance of the soul of Lianxu burst out, forming a phantom of ten thousand feet, which kept pouring into the skull...

At the same time, the ghost immortal tapped his fingers, and terrible demonic energy gushed out from his sleeves, and he directly released four treasures.

Four hideous expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, and four bronze metal mask treasures...

As the ghost immortal released these four mask treasures, the terrible gray light aura kept shaking in the air, and countless yin auras kept shaking out in the space...


The four bronze masks of joy, anger, sorrow, and sadness kept pouring out, and the aura formed four strange evil ghost-like figures wearing masks of joy, anger, sorrow, and sadness, and all the yin auras on their bodies kept surging and bursting out.

Four huge ghost masks burst out a huge strange array ghost face, which turned into tens of thousands of feet in size, and spurted out a beam of light at the huge divine flame hand that was suppressing it...

The boundless terrible storm vibrated out, and the gloomy ghost energy of the boundless black machine and the terrible storm collided and exploded, and the boundless storm continued to ripple out! !

The two sides were actually deadlocked in mid-air, as if no one could do anything to the other!

But at this moment!

With a bang, a terrible thunder light burst out, and appeared next to the skull of the ghost immortal. Ye Han's figure was like a purple-gold electric light god. In an instant, the boundless purple-gold electric arc of his fist swirled, and there was a huge bone-refining sword in his hand! ! !

This bone refining sword is covered with purple-gold runes and scales, and there are countless barbs on the sword, which looks very ferocious, and purple-gold arc runes are spinning all over it...

After Ye Han practiced the Eightfold Bone Refining Technique to the extreme, the sharpness and power of the bone refining sword he used again is no less than the Sword Emperor's Divine Sword!

More importantly, this bone refining sword is part of Ye Han's skeleton. Without hurting himself, the mana consumed by using the bone refining sword is less, but the power is greater.

Da Geng Shen Wu Sword Technique!

Ye Han blasted out with a sword, the sword light was like a rainbow, plus the ability of the Demon-Breaking Divine Thunder to destroy demons and suppress evil...

A terrifying sword light of tens of thousands of feet in size blasted across the void, and a terrifying ripple grew in the space, instantly impacting the terrible storm...

The masked evil ghost of joy, anger, sorrow and sadness released by the Ghost Dao Immortal roared and roared, grabbed a skeleton battle axe with both hands, and blasted towards the sword light of the Great Geng Divine Enlightenment Sword Technique that Ye Han attacked...

The four skeleton battle axes of the masked evil ghosts of joy, anger, sorrow and sadness were no match for Ye Han's bone-refining sword, and were directly crushed and blasted into pieces...

The boundless and terrifying sword light burst out from the bone-refining sword heavily slammed into the huge skull that surrounded the Ghost Dao Immortal! !

With a terrible bang, the whole skull was blown away by the Bone Refining Sword, and a terrible groove had already appeared on it.

At the same time.

The sword breaks the sky!

Ye Han roared, and the sword light burst out like a rainbow. He waved the Bone Refining Sword in his hand frantically, and the sword intent continued to burst out. The light of thousands of swords shattered, forming countless sword beams, breaking through the sky and the earth, overwhelming the sky and the earth, slashing at the four evil ghosts of joy, anger, sorrow, and madly slashing at the figure of the Ghost Dao Immortal who was blasted away!

The light of thousands of swords burst out brilliantly, how could the Ghost Dao Immortal be Ye Han's opponent!

What's more, there are the formations arranged by Fairy Bai, a genuine puppet in the Void Refining Stage, and the huge white dragon that bursts out from the White Dragon Watching Sky Bottle! !

Aww, a terrifying ray of white light shattered, and the huge white dragon crushed and bombarded countless brilliance storms, and actually impacted down, hitting the skull of the blown away Ghost Immortal with a heavy blow...

A bright white light storm shook and shattered with a bang, and the skull treasure of the Ghost Immortal finally exploded irresistibly...

not good!

Kidou Sage's body was knocked away, his eyes showed horror, and his strongest treasures were used. Since they are no match for this guy, it seems that if he doesn't leave, he will be in danger.

hateful! !

Just wait for me.

The Ghost Immortal roared angrily, flipping his hand over and a blood-red talisman appeared in his hand. As he pinched the hand and recited the incantation, mana crazily surged into the talisman, and suddenly the talisman exploded with blood and flames...

With a bang, the bloody storm exploded, and the figure of the Ghost Immortal disappeared into the void instantly like a ghost! !

How could a being with such a cultivation level as Ghost Sage not have an escape treasure?

It's just that the value of this talisman is too precious, equivalent to the value of a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure. It can ignore the immortal cultivator's formation imprisonment and power imprisonment, and directly teleport and escape! !

Ran away?

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