Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2079: Thunder Tower

Feeling the excitement and vibration of the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Han's eyes showed joy and he pointed his finger...

Circles of mysterious silver radiant runes burst out from the ghost skull mirror in front of him!

In an instant!


A piece of mysterious silver radiant runes, in the little tower that grabbed the heart of Kidao Sage, the skeleton arm suddenly turned into gray light runes, trembled, and disappeared in place!

The moment Kidou Sennin's soul was locked by the Immortal Soul Altar, it was too late to react. His most important treasure was actually snatched away by this damn bastard.

Immediately, the Ghost Immortal roared angrily: "Damn! Seeking death!!"

As he spoke, the dark robes on the Ghost Immortal's body continued to swirl out, and the boundless and terrifying black blood-light runes began to swell with terrifying ghost energy. Countless ghosts, demons, and monsters swirled out of his body. , formed a boundless terrifying storm, abruptly breaking through the control of the divine soul chain of the Immortal Soul Altar, and was about to burst out all at once.


Seeing this, Ye Han's mana surged out crazily, and the aura fed back from the purple cauldron suddenly restored all of Ye Han's mana. He quickly kneaded the secrets with his fingers and shouted: "Don't even think about it!"

As Ye Han's mana surged out crazily, he got into the Immortal Soul Altar!

The terrifying and boundless power of the soul, the power of the stars, burst out at the Immortal Soul Altar...

The four ferocious statues with swords, guns and sticks wildly waved their swords, guns and sticks to attack with countless golden soul attacks.

Boom boom boom!

I saw the attack of the golden soul like boundless sword intent. The overwhelming attack swirled and exploded on the Ghost Immortal. The whirlpool black hole of demons and ghosts exploded, making an earth-shattering roar and exploding. Countless demons and ghosts were directly exploded by the fireworks of the attack. …

Just then...

There was a bright gray tremor, and a giant white dragon that was ten thousand feet in size, driven by Fairy Bai's crazy hand movements, charged towards the figure of the ghostly immortal! ! !

No! ! !

Kidou Immortal roared in horror, and suddenly felt that all the mana in his body was running around like he had lost control. This was the importance of losing the small heart tower! ! He actually couldn't control the magic power in his body...

Boom! ! !

A bright white light storm exploded, and the huge white dragon swallowed the ghost immortal in one bite, and the boundless ghost energy storm exploded...

The giant white dragon was in the air, spinning wildly and hitting Fairy White directly!

White light runes flashed out with a buzzing sound, and the White Dragon Watching Sky Bottle formed a huge white light vortex in front of Fairy Bai...

The giant white dragon suddenly got into the white vortex and disappeared.


Booms and booms of suffocating ghost energy kept vibrating and erupting in the White Dragon Watching Sky Bottle. It was obvious that the captured Ghost Dao Immortal was resisting!

But it’s all in vain!

Following Fairy Bai's hand and chanting the incantation, the mana restriction of the White Dragon Watching Heaven Bottle was activated...


The Ghost Immortal's urgent and frantic begging for mercy came out from the Bailongguan Tianzun: "Fellow Taoist, have mercy on me, fellow Taoist, have mercy on me, only I know the secret of the Divine Thunder Tower...!"


How could Ye Han care about this ghostly immortal's begging for mercy?

Following his divine command, Fairy Bai continued to chant the incantation, driving the White Dragon Guantian Bottle to continuously imprison the aura and mana of the Ghost Immortal and attack his soul. There was no match for Fairy Bai.

Mainly because before, the magic power of this ghost immortal was severely damaged. It was not at its peak state at all. At most, it was equivalent to the cultivation level of the first level of the Void Refining Stage...

In the fight with Ye Han, he was completely at a disadvantage and was beaten back steadily, otherwise he would not have used the group of escaping prisoners to escape.

What's more, the most important small tower that protects his ghost energy and mana was taken away by Ye Han's ghost skeleton mirror, which means that this guy's mana cultivation level is only slightly stronger than that of the god transformation stage...

Where is Ye Han's opponent?

Following the Bai Fairy's hand seals and chanting incantations, he continued to drive his magic power to imprison the ghost immortal in the White Dragon Watching Heaven Bottle.

The voice of the Ghost Immortal gradually disappeared...

However, Ye Han did not take out the spirit and flesh of the Ghost Immortal, because the Bailong Guantian Zun also needs to absorb the spirit and flesh of some immortal cultivators, so that it can become more powerful...

Naturally, this was something that had not happened before, but after Ye Han refined the Right Protector into a puppet, the Bailong Guantianzun became her core treasure for operating the formation.

This is a fairy treasure!

Even the puppet White Fairy in the Void Refining Stage cannot be fully driven, so absorbing more souls, flesh and blood of immortal cultivators can make the White Fairy's cultivation grow faster, and also be able to exert the more powerful magic power of the White Dragon Guantian Zun. .

Another reason is mainly because the Ghost Skeleton Treasure Mirror has now reached a bottleneck, and it seems to have no effect in absorbing immortal cultivators at the Void Refining Stage.

At least, absorbing just one Kidō Sage is of little use.

Ye Han didn't care about the situation on Fairy Bai's side, but pointed a finger, the fairy soul altar, and the ghost skull mirror began to spin, turning into a ray of light and flying into his hand, and the ghost immortal released The treasures that I had no time to collect were the four weird four-color masks of joy, anger, sorrow, skull treasures, etc.

Of course, the most important thing is the so-called Divine Thunder Tower captured by the crystal clear skeleton of the Ghost Skull Mirror! !

This ghost immortal didn't know what kind of evil method he practiced. He actually didn't want his heart anymore, but used this divine thunder tower to replace his heart. If you look closely, there are still traces of purple-gold arcs trembling on it, which is the same power as his demon-breaking divine thunder.

That made Ye Han feel very surprised. Even in the immortal race, the demon-breaking divine thunder is a lost treasure against the heavens. It has disappeared in the earthly realm...

The divine thunder tower in the heart of this ghost immortal is actually so strong. What's more important is that his two purple tripods are also vibrating excitedly towards this divine thunder tower, as if they want to absorb this divine thunder tower.

Immediately, Ye Han reached out and grabbed the divine thunder tower.

A purple-gold rune swirled, and the divine thunder tower was absorbed into the purple tripod by Ye Tianyu.

The reason why Ye Tianyu's purple cauldron was absorbed was because Ye Han had not had the opportunity to take out his own purple cauldron to absorb the ancient human heritage in all these years, so he still could not use his own purple cauldron, and could only let Ye Tianyu's purple cauldron be absorbed into the Thunder Tower! !

When the Thunder Tower was absorbed into the purple cauldron, an amazing situation began to occur.

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