Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2092 I know where the new tower is

Hearing the woman's shout, Ye Han and the other two suddenly looked serious and looked in that direction...

Seeing a beautiful woman with golden skulls all over her body, she was wearing a long black tights, with blood-red runes all over her body, and colorful ribbons wrapped around her long black hair.

Ye Han and the others rushed over quickly, shouting in horror: "Three Taoist friends, help me!!"

When the three saw the woman running over, their faces moved and they showed surprise.

Bafang Cailai said in surprise: "Blood Cloud Clan?"

Yuwen Hong and Ye Han also looked at the female cultivator in surprise. Judging from her appearance and clothing, she was indeed a cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan who was exterminated by the immortal clan not long ago!

I didn't expect to meet another one here.

Although the other party was very panicked, and she was a female cultivator.

But in the world of immortal cultivation, who dares to save people randomly? The other party may have other purposes. The three of them looked at each other and prepared to bypass each other.


A burst of arrogant laughter came from a distance: "Can you escape?! Hahaha! You Blood Cloud Clan are all exterminated!!"

Then three immortal cultivators wearing golden armor and bursting out amazing immortal spirits were chasing after the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan.

"Is it really the immortals?!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's eyes showed a trace of murderous intent. The situation of being chased by the immortals in the past was still vivid in his mind.

Now this damn immortal appears again?

However, he did not intend to take action. After all, the three of them were immortals, and he didn't know if there would be reinforcements behind.

This is the advantage of a powerful race. Even if you are alone, if you are a powerful race, ordinary cultivators will not dare to attack you easily, because there may be cultivators of the same race around at any time.

In the Tianling Realm, racial relations are very important. Most races have strict regulations. If the same race is attacked and hunted, cultivators of the same race must provide assistance.

In most cases, they act according to the situation. They will only attack if they can break the opponent. If the opponent is too strong, they can only pretend not to see it and run away.

The advantage of a large race is that there may be a lot of fellow cultivators around.

Seeing that Ye Han and the three of them could not get around her, the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan immediately shouted loudly: "Wait a minute! Fellow Daoist! I know where the new tower is! Save me!!!!"

While speaking!!

Don't even think about running!

Those immortal cultivators burst out with amazing mana, and the burst of immortal spirit released a series of extreme immortal flames.

One released a large group of firebirds, each of which was ten thousand feet tall, turning into an endless terrifying fire storm. The area within a hundred miles was filled with extremely hot red flames, causing flames to sizzle in the sky and earth...

One released a strange long stick treasure. The reason why it is called a strange long stick is that there are huge ghost faces of unknown monsters on both ends of this long stick. As this cultivator changed, he chanted spells and immortal flames continued to flow into it, spraying out circles of mana light explosions...

The other released a gray-black bottle treasure. As he pinched his fingers and chanted spells, this black bottle treasure continued to twist and shock out extremely shocking purple-black liquid, which gushed out, forming a black sky...

With the three magic treasures impacting like this, the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan was imprisoned by these spells within a hundred miles, and she had no power to resist at all.

"Daoyou, save me! I know where the new tower is!!!"

The female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan screamed and quickly made hand gestures. A purple-black exquisite small tower appeared from nowhere, emitting a wisp of gray-black electric light...

As the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan made hand gestures, her magic power was released crazily.

In an instant, a series of gray-black terrible electric lights were released, and a thousand-foot-long black lightning burst out and continued to bombard...

Bang, boom, boom, the continuous thunder burst, and a series of black lightning bombarded the firebirds, the vortex storm attacked by the strange long stick treasure, and the terrible black water mist...

It exploded crazily, the boundless thunder storm, the storm surged and spread, the twisted and broken flames continued to impact, and the whole world was twisted and roared and shook! !

Although the black-gray lightning tower released by the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan was very powerful and could block most of the attacks, after all, it was one against three, how could it be the opponent...

It seemed that the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan could not resist!

Ye Han said without hesitation: "Let's take action and kill those three immortals!"

As he spoke, a shocking green flame storm suddenly erupted from Ye Han's body...

Vajra Fire Divine Art!!!

As Ye Han activated the Vajra Fire Divine Art, a terrifying storm of boundless hurricanes and strange fires rolled up on his body in an instant. The swirling hurricanes and strange fires complemented each other and instantly turned into a huge flame Vajra figure tens of thousands of feet in size! ! !

The reason why Ye Han decided to take action without hesitation was that the purple cauldron in his sea of ​​consciousness instantly felt that the small tower treasure that was trembling with black lightning that the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan took out had a slight connection with the Thunder Tower in the purple cauldron that was constantly absorbing the lightning of the Demon-Breaking God's Thunder...

You know, since getting the Thunder God Thunder Tower, the sapling on the purple tripod is growing, but the growth rate is not ordinary slow.

After so many days, it is just a small bud.

Now it is touched by the gray-black small tower taken out by the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan, which is indeed a special situation.

Ye Han also suddenly connected the situation. There must be a big connection between the broken tower mountain, the Thunder God Tower, and the black-gray small tower of the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan.

It will not appear in this place by such a coincidence.

And the female cultivator of the Blood Cloud Clan can take out this black-gray small tower and shout that she knows the location of the new tower on the broken tower mountain, which naturally makes Ye Han tempted!

Besides, this immortal clan has new and old grudges with me, so I will kill it.

And the three immortals saw the terrible flame King Kong in the terrible hurricane fire vortex displayed by Ye Han! !

The terrible flame storm spun up, and the terrible flame King Kong rushed towards each other! ! !

Everyone exclaimed.

"How is it possible? This is the Vajra Fire God Technique!!!!"

"Impossible! We are all immortals!"

"What are you doing!!"

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