Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2095 This is just the beginning

However, this excited voice just shouted out...

A rumble of astonishing roars and vibrations came in the distance, followed by a terrifying black and gray gas storm surging out from the distant gray sky. This black and gray gas storm could be seen from far away in the sky, constantly flying in the sky. The impact rippled and rolled away, and the entire ground shook with rumbles.

The sky was terrifying. The black mist surged and rolled like waves, rolling out in all directions, creating a boundless storm.

The sky under the three suns has dimmed, and the entire sky is pitch black.

It can be seen that the black mist is rolling in two directions, and it looks like something huge has crashed down!

What's even scarier is.

Ouch! ! ! ! ! !

The roars of terrifying monsters came from the distance, and patches of terrifying storms came from the distance.


Boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

A series of continuous light explosions came from the distance, exploding into a boundless storm, and it seemed that some terrible battle was happening on the horizon...

Then came a series of screams and roars.

"No!!" That.

"What kind of monster is this?!"

"Quickly retreat."

Followed by a chaotic roar and explosion, the spiritual energy of the world around him was stirred into a very turbid state, and all kinds of negative aura forces continued to erupt.

On the horizon, countless gray-black spiritual bodies began to form, rippling among them...

Feel this situation.

Ye Han and others, who were originally a little excited about the appearance of the new tower, became serious...

The terrible vibration made the whole ground shake.

The four of them had to use their magic power to stabilize their bodies.

Ye Han frowned and said to Pingliangzi: "Fellow Taoist Pingliangzi, the new pagoda in Broken Tower Mountain shouldn't be that close, right?"


The reason why he asked Pingliangzi to join was because Pingliangzi claimed that he had a way to enter the new tower of Tashan Mountain, and he found it so quickly?

Doesn't that mean that Pingliangzi is of no use?

But when I thought about it, it shouldn't be that easy to find. Many immortal cultivators who entered Broken Pagoda Mountain to look for a new pagoda had already heard the news and came to look for this new pagoda.

After all, except for a few that are very difficult to break through, most of those old towers have been hollowed out by these immortal cultivators. How can there be any chance?

Therefore, there are not so many immortal cultivators coming to Broken Pagoda Mountain in normal times. Only when a new tower appears will more immortal cultivators come.

There had been a big battle here just now. If the Star Tower was nearby, those cultivators would have gone there long ago. Why wait until now?

Hearing the dissatisfaction in Ye Han's tone, Ping Liangzi immediately said: "Fellow Daoist Ye, you thought too much. The new tower that appeared is definitely not the new tower. The location of the new tower is in a more mysterious location. I didn't even sense the specific place. It should be It’s in a deep place in the Broken Tower Abyss.”

Having said this, Ping Liangzi said solemnly: "Everyone knows the horror of the Broken Tower Abyss. It is definitely not that easy to go in and find the new tower!"

After listening to Ping Liangzi's words, Yu Wenhong on the side sneered: "I don't know if what you said is true or false, so what is happening now? Everyone is talking about the new card."

As soon as he said this, Ping Liangzi frowned. This dead woman had been targeting him before, and she might be in trouble. When the opportunity comes, he must kill her and eat this dead woman alive!

Ping Liangzi patiently explained: "We may not know the dangers of crossing Tashan. Didn't we encounter many dangers along the way? It's normal to have other dangers..."

The words have not yet fallen.

An increasingly terrifying roaring and exploding sound came from the front, and it was obvious that some immortal cultivators were fighting inside, and there was a very powerful monster aura rolling and gushing out.

A terrible and boundless storm surged.


Suddenly there was a terrifying ripple in the sky. The gray-black storms that surged up actually began to form huge circles of vortices in the sky, with strands of black lightning inside, twisting, tearing, and exploding...

Looking around, the entire sky is filled with such a huge, dark, trembling whirlpool of lightning...

What's happening here? ! ? !

Everyone looked towards the sky. It was rare to see such a big symptom. It could be seen that many huge space cracks had been torn out in the sky.

Is there something coming out of the crack in space?


Boom! ! !

Explosions of wind, thunder, and clouds were continuously transmitted through these space cracks, shaking the whole world to buzzing and surging.

An amazing scene appeared.

Boom! A thunderbolt of black lightning wrapped around a gigantic, gigantic tower, struck out from the cracks in space, and smashed down to the ground like an Optimus Pillar.

What's even more terrifying is that the huge number of towers struck by this huge tower is not ordinary.

There was a rumbling and earth-shaking roar, and one huge tower after another impacted from the cracks in the space.

Each of these towers has different shapes and special shapes, but each one is huge...

A huge rain fell from the sky! !

Everyone watched as these huge towers continued to bombard them as if they had crushed the heaven and earth.


With a rumbling sound that shook the earth and was extremely terrifying, the first huge tower that fell from the space crack had already landed on the ground in the distant sky. At this moment, the ground was hit by an extremely terrifying black light storm...

The entire ground was shaking violently, and countless rocks were shaken and flew up...

But this was just the beginning.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

With a series of earth-shaking roars, the entire huge abyss of the broken tower seemed to collapse and shatter at this moment. Countless mountain towers were smashed to pieces at this moment, and the endless roars and shatters continued to attack the sky.

And the nearest few huge towers that fell were near Ye Han and others.

That was even more terrifying. The rolling sand, dust and rock storms attacked, which was really shocking.

Ye Han and the others quickly released their defensive treasures and armors. Each of these towers was tens of thousands of feet tall. If they fell and hit him, even a strong body like Yihen would be smashed into a meat pie. Moreover, the materials of these towers were extraordinary.

What was going on? How could so many towers suddenly fall from the sky?

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