Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2105 Loose Sand

In the vast expanse of empty land, there are people more than ten feet in size, holding two huge long knives. They are all wearing black armor and helmets. There is a swastika-like flame on the helmet. The ancient tower guards with blood-red breath spurting out of the holes were active on the ground.

Not far away, there was an even bigger ancient pagoda beast that was tens of feet in size. The war general stood still there, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and his aura was surging.

Although the ancient pagoda monsters and warriors are huge, they are still far behind those truly very large and terrifying monsters that can easily reach tens of thousands of feet in size.

It seems that the owner who made the armor deliberately described their size as being so small. After all, if they were really terrifying monsters that were ten thousand feet in size and wore such large armor, they would be worth just one piece.

And these ancient pagoda guards gathered in an extremely vast area. Behind them was a large mask of colorful spiritual light that rippled and swirled. It shone on the bodies of these ancient pagoda guards, and pieces of colorful spiritual light shone on their bodies, outlining them. The huge figure...

And at this time.

In a very hidden mountain cave, nine immortal cultivators gathered in this underground cave and were discussing countermeasures!

These nine immortal cultivators are basically not from the same race. Their appearance can be seen, and they are headed by three immortal cultivators in the Void Refining Stage.

"Damn it, if a few more fellow Taoists could help divert some of the ancient pagoda guards and share some of the burden, these guys would be much better off."

"The first problem now is not to distract these ancient tower guards! It is the entrance restriction. How do we get in? Attack with magic like last time? Everyone knows the consequences, and it is of no use."

"Not only was it useless, it also attracted the ancient tower guards."

"That's right, let's kill these ancient tower guards in batches."

"This is a good idea. Although there are a lot of these ancient tower guards, if we slowly nibble away one by one, we can still kill them all."

"How long will it take for each of these to be resolved? When more races and more powerful immortal cultivators know the news, will they still have our share if they come?"

"That doesn't work, that doesn't work either, why don't we just rush over?"

These nine immortal cultivators are not of the same race or came together. Instead, when they were besieged by the ancient tower guards, these guys survived, and then they gathered here to discuss countermeasures and advance and retreat together. So that I can get the chance treasure.

In the face of absolute interests, many cultivators will choose to do this. After all, as long as they enter the pagoda first, their chances will be much greater than ordinary people.

Naturally, there can be no internal fighting, let’s get the treasure first.

Just when everyone was talking about it and couldn't unify their opinions and plans.


boom! boom! boom!

Violent roars and explosions were heard in the distance, the entire ground was shaking, and some gravel was scattered throughout the cave.

Sensing this situation, everyone suddenly looked at the outside with surprised expressions and ran outside quickly.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Is there any movement?"

"Anyone else?"

As everyone rushed out, they saw huge beams of multi-colored spiritual light roaring and exploding on the horizon in the distance, attacking on the hillsides thousands of miles away, in the dark mist. , it seemed particularly conspicuous, and attacks came in waves, and the terrible sound of the storm had already reached this side.

Seeing this situation, everyone was surprised. What is happening? Are there any other immortal cultivator survivors?

And why are they making so much noise?

Or is there a new tower appearing in this Broken Tower Mountain?

And if there is such a big movement, the ancient tower guards will be in trouble.


As the colorful auras burst into the sky, the ancient pagoda guards who had stopped moving suddenly burst out with arrogance from the fiery red light in the gaps between the swastikas on their helmets...

With a vibrating sound, these ancient tower guards turned around one by one and looked in the direction of the colorful auras bursting into the sky.

I don’t know what happened, but among the ancient tower guards, an ancient tower warrior suddenly raised the huge sword in his hand and roared: "Kill!"

Following the earth-shattering roar of the ancient pagoda warrior, the aura runes on each of these ancient pagoda guards suddenly surged, and they turned around in a hurry and shot out streaks of light toward the sky. The direction of the pillar of multicolored spiritual light struck in the past.

All of a sudden, there were seven or eight hundred ancient tower guards, warriors, and ancient beasts. They rushed over and the whole ground shook, raising up a boundless storm of dust, and the whole ground was roaring and shaking.

Seeing these ancient tower guards, they ran wildly in that direction.


The eyes of these immortal cultivators lit up, and they all started talking excitedly.

"Great, these ancient tower guards have been lured away."

"What a great opportunity. It might be a great opportunity for us to go over now."

"Three seniors, what do you think we should do?"

"Yes, yes, seniors, you make the decision, we will follow."

"If you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to get a better opportunity."

"But not all of these ancient tower guards have been withdrawn. There are still so many left."

"You still think they are all gone, so we can just pass through."

These immortal cultivators were talking excitedly and found that although most of the ancient tower guards were attracted by the light column in the sky and had already flown away, there were still many who stayed in place, and most of them were ancient tower beasts and generals that were more difficult to deal with...

Most of them were comparable to the level of the Refining Void Stage, and it was not easy to pass through with dozens of them there.

So they all looked at the leading immortal cultivator in the Refining Void Stage, hoping that they would make a decision.

One of the immortal cultivators in the Refining Void Stage with a bald head and dark red skin said in a deep voice: "Now is indeed a good opportunity. We can't miss it when the opportunity comes. Let's do this. The three of us will lead the ancient tower guards away first! You go open the door."

As the immortal cultivator in the Refining Void Stage spoke, the other two immortal cultivators in the Refining Void Stage also changed their expressions and nodded in agreement: "Let's do it!"

The immortal cultivators in the Refining Void Stage had discussed it well, so those guys in the Transformation Spirit Stage naturally had no right to speak! !

At this time

A brilliant multicolored spiritual light burst forth with a roar. The ancient tower guards had already rushed over, and a series of terrifying roars and explosions erupted...

Has it begun?

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