Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2107 Weird Situation

The terrible rumbling vibration, the colorful spiritual light column bombarded the colorful light curtain, and the swirling vortex that impacted on it twisted the surrounding colorful spiritual light and the spiritual energy of the world.

The extremely shocking sound of crackling and crackling surged on the colorful spiritual light curtain...

Can it be opened?

Everyone stared at the twisted colorful light curtain, expecting that the past means could open the forbidden entrance of the new tower.

However, at this moment, a more violent roar sounded, and the entire light curtain suddenly burst into a dazzling light, as if to illuminate the entire world.

The entire huge colorful spiritual light curtain vibrated violently, and an extremely huge green dragon appeared on it...

The green dragon's eyes emitted a suffocating and creepy breath, and the bombarding colorful spiritual light column blew out a breath gently!

With a loud bang, the earth-shaking muffled explosion hit the sky and the earth, and the boundless storm continued to violently rush out...

The colorful spiritual light that everyone copied with the formation token could not withstand the brightness at all, and was blown into a twist and exploded.

Boom! !

The earth-shaking muffled explosion of the colorful spiritual light exploded.

Not good! ! !

These immortal cultivators were all blown away by the collapse and explosion of this terrible colorful spiritual light, and the entire circular defense formation was also blasted and exploded at this time.

"What's going on?"

"What happened to the green dragon just now?"

"This has never happened before."

These immortal cultivators were blown away, and they kept releasing treasures to protect their bodies from being hurt by the shock of this terrible backlash attack...

But the huge green dragon that appeared in the huge colorful spiritual light curtain still shocked everyone, because that green dragon was a phenomenon they had never seen before, and they had never heard of such a strange phenomenon in the new tower of Pota Mountain!

This is really amazing.

No wonder many immortal cultivators are very concerned about this new tower.

Huh? What's going on? !

While everyone was shocked, four ancient tower guards not far away actually fought with other ancient tower guards...

I saw more than a dozen ancient tower guards besieging these four ancient tower guards, and there were two warriors besieging together!

Seeing this strange situation.

These immortal cultivators were confused. Why did the ancient tower guards fight each other?

But everyone immediately found the clue.

The besieged ancient tower guards were clearly disguised as immortal cultivators. They burst out with shocking storms and sent out terrible Vajra fists. The ancient tower guards could not resist the terrible fists and were blown away one by one, rushing out dozens of feet like cannonballs. The power was very terrifying...

On the contrary, the two warriors, one holding a long sword and the other holding a battle axe, bombarded the terrible and suffocating long sword and sword storm, and the battle axe bombarded down crazily...

This group of immortal cultivators was very shocked by the situation in front of them.

The four people who appeared disguised as ancient tower guards were Ye Han and his four people.

The four of them disguised as ancient tower guards rushed all the way and did not encounter much obstacles. After all, the number of these ancient tower guards was not only reduced, but also so many were lurked away, so they were very scattered.

It allowed everyone to lurk near the new tower very smoothly. As expected before, as long as they got close to these ancient tower guards, their disguise would still be discovered.

So this situation was created, a group of ancient tower guards besieged the four of them.

However, Ye Han and the other four cooperated in casting magic spells, Yuwen Hong released a spear attack, and Bafang Cailai released copper coins and treasures!

Ping Liangzi also continuously released the golden skull Tongtian evil treasure, attacking the ancient tower guards, generals, and ancient beasts, causing blood runes to explode on their bodies, weakening their speed and defense...

Ye Han, as always, broke the law with force, and madly bombarded out terrifying fist flames, bombarding the ancient tower guards, generals, and ancient beasts.

Fortunately, most of the ancient tower generals and ancient beasts were led away by the three immortal cultivators in the refining period.

So most of the besiegers were ancient tower guards, not generals and ancient beasts, which made it much easier.

At this time.

Boom... Boom... Boom...

A faint and terrifying explosion came from a distance.

Ye Han's face suddenly changed, as if he sensed something, and turned his head to look at the horizon in the distance.

I saw that the light pillars of the Five Elements Sky-shaking Formation that had been set up had actually collapsed for several pillars.

You should know that this Five Elements Sky-shaking Formation is a formation that Ye Han comprehended from the comprehension and practice of the Five Elements Sky-shaking Art. It can absorb the five elements of spiritual energy from the heaven and earth, reaching an extreme balance, and shaking the heaven and earth. The explosion can help to burst out a very large five-element restraining force.

According to Ye Han's expectation, it should be able to resist the ancient tower guards for at least a quarter of an hour!

As a result, it has begun to collapse in less than a quarter of an hour.

Ye Han said in a deep voice: "Not good, this is the collapse of the Five Elements Sky-shaking Formation, and the other guards are coming back!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone else's faces changed. There were not many guards of the ancient tower besieging them now. If all the guards trapped in the Five Elements Heaven-shaking Formation rushed over, it would be troublesome.

So, Ye Han shouted angrily: "Let's speed up! Fellow Daoist Pingliangzi! Get ready to open the door!"

After hearing this, Pingliangzi frowned and said: "But there are so many people over there."

The implication is that if they open the forbidden door of the new tower now, will it be robbed by other cultivators?

Immediately, Ye Han shouted in a deep voice: "I won't let them in! Open!"

Ye Han's tone was full of decisiveness. As he spoke, his fists blasted out like a storm, and his figure rushed forward. His figure rushed out like a violent and boundless thunder, and his fists burst out with magic power. A Vajra figure several dozen feet big surged out of his body.

Crazy bombardment of terrible fists, crushing everything, one by one, the ancient tower guards, generals, and ancient beasts were blown away.

Under Ye Han's crazy attack, everyone has reached the edge of the new tower's five-color forbidden light shield.

Ye Han shouted to Ping Liangzi: "Fellow Daoist Ping Liangzi! Open!"

Immediately, Ping Liangzi quickly pinched the formula and chanted a spell to eliminate it, and the black and gray lightning God Thunder Tower appeared in his hand.

Suddenly, the lightning in the five-color spiritual light forbidden light shield of the new tower suddenly surged and burst out, and it actually actively rushed into the God Thunder Tower in Ping Liangzi's hand...

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