Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2112: The Second Floor of the New Tower

Inside the new tower.

On a long staircase.

There was a sound of footsteps. Ye Han, Yuwen Hong, and Bafang Cailai walked on a very strange staircase. This staircase was horizontal and very long, and it seemed that the end was not visible at a glance. Everyone could only use their magic power on their feet and suck the staircase forward...

The reason for this is that this new tower is horizontal on the ground, not upright.

So this led to this strange phenomenon. The staircase is a staircase that is falling down and moving forward, which is very troublesome to walk.

And after entering this new tower, the restrictions inside are very powerful. In addition to being unable to fly, the spiritual consciousness cannot be released.

So this section of the stairs can only be walked up like this. When the magic power is circulated to the feet, the body is tilted or reversed, because this staircase is a spiral upward staircase. If you keep going forward, it will cause this spiral forward direction.

And there will be a strange repulsive force on the ground, which makes their magic power very unstable when they step on it, and they move forward very slowly.

In the space before entering the new tower, everyone had already picked all the natural treasures and spiritual medicines. It was really impressive, with tens of thousands of spiritual medicines that were more than ten thousand years old.

What surprised Ye Han was that these spiritual medicines had been there for so long, how could they not produce medicinal spirits, spiritual monsters, etc.?

Bafangcai judged that it might be because there were special restrictions in this new tower that prevented these natural treasures and spiritual medicines from giving birth to medicinal spirits, spiritual monsters, etc.!

These spiritual medicines naturally went into Ye Han's storage bag.

Ye Han had promised Yuwen Hong and Bafangcai that after these natural treasures and spiritual medicines were refined, they would be divided into three parts, one for each person.

What surprised Ye Han the most was that among these natural treasures and spiritual medicines, he would definitely be able to gather several parts of materials for refining pills that could advance to the Void Refining Stage.

If he went out now, he would directly refine them into pills, and there would be a great chance to advance himself to the Void Refining Stage.

If there were enough advanced pills directly for Zi Ding to absorb and produce the fruit of the advanced Void Refining Stage, it would be the best.

Unfortunately, this is still far from enough, not to mention that this dose of pills has to be divided between Yu Wenhong and Bafang Cailai?

So no matter what, he can only interview a few subjects to use, but Ye Han thinks that if he wants to advance to the Void Refining Stage with his own qualifications and cultivation, he should have a very high confidence, and he does not need Zi Ding's direct advancement fruit, right?

Of course, this is just Ye Han's guess, and the real thing still needs to wait for the opportunity...

But what makes Ye Han more worried is that since entering this new tower, he always feels a dragon soul aura that is more advanced than the ancient dragon aura, and it seems to be following him all the time.

And now he can't release his consciousness, and he can't find the other party's location using the divine eye.

That makes Ye Han very worried.

Yu Wenhong and Bafang Cailai look indifferent, and they keep walking forward, so they should have a very high confidence.

At this time...

It took more than ten hours for the group to arrive at the second floor.

The entrance to the second floor was a very strange shape, dozens of feet wide, in the shape of a coiled dragon, with its head open, ready to fly out at any time.

It was just that the group was in an inclined position, so it looked a little strange, and there was a colorful light curtain covering the entrance.

The three of them walked to the door of the second floor and looked at the entrance.

Bafang Cailai said to Ye Han: "Fellow Daoist Ye, it seems that this entrance can only be opened by you!"

As he said that, he looked at Ye Han's wrist, his eyes showing a trace of relief.

Until now, he still didn't believe that their luck would be so good. If they only relied on Ping Liangzi's small hammer, they would not be able to open the new tower ban at all.

Yes, the double hammers formed by the combination of Ping Liangzi's Shenlei Tower hammer and the Shenlei Tower hammer that Ye Han got from the Ghost Dao Immortal have turned into a rune pattern on Ye Han's wrist...

It seems that this door can only be opened with the double hanging rune pattern on Ye Han's wrist.

Ye Han certainly knew what Bafang Cailai meant by his eyes, and nodded and said, "Then I'll give it a try!"

Ye Han has studied the double hammer rune pattern on his wrist. He doesn't feel anything special at ordinary times, but when his mana gathers to this rune pattern, this pattern will absorb his mana.

It should be possible to drive this rune pattern by absorbing enough mana and release the double hammers!

Yu Wenhong said on the side: "But according to some information we have seen before, there will be various dangers at the beginning of the second level of this broken tower mountain. We should be careful and prepare first."

Yu Wenhong said, looking at Ye Han with concern.

Ye Han thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay! Everyone, get ready!"

As he spoke, he released the Immortal-Breaking Divine Armor, twelve formation beads to set up the formation, defensive talismans, etc.

Yuwen Hong and Bafang Cailai rushed to relax their defensive protection preparations, just in case there was danger inside, they would have a full preparation.

After the three of them were ready, they all put on defensive armor, and the treasure aura swirled around their bodies.

Ye Han then circulated his magic power, constantly flowing into the rune pattern on his wrist. As the magic power continued to flow into the pattern, a strong magic power wave came from his wrist...

The double hammers in his wrist began to condense and appeared in Ye Han's hands.

Ye Han was very shocked. The magic power required for this thing was too amazing. Not only did it absorb all his own magic power at once, but it also made him replenish it himself.

This consumption was not ordinary amazing.

If Ye Han's purple tripod was not full of magic power, it would not be enough for this thing to absorb.

Of course, seeing Ye Han being able to display such amazing magic power, Yuwen Hong and Bafang Cailai were stunned. What kind of cultivation did this guy have to naturally possess such profound magic power?

Could it be that he was a disguised immortal in the Refining Void Stage?

Ye Han didn't care about their pointing, the double-headed hammer spun and smashed towards the dragon-shaped spiritual light gate...

A ripple of the colorful spiritual light curtain vibrated in it, and the entire light curtain collapsed.

However, an amazing situation happened.

As the ripples of the colorful spiritual light curtain trembled and disappeared, the second dragon statue at the door suddenly came alive and swooped down towards Ye Han.

What's going on? !

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