Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2115: No longer pure ancient human bloodline

It was because there was already a sapling on the lid of Ye Tianyu's purple tripod that emitted a thread of purple lightning.

The sapling didn't grow big, and it didn't even have flower buds yet, let alone produce fruit.

The reason for this was that the Thunder Tower that could promote the growth of the sapling and emit the Demon-Breaking Thunder was gone.

The sapling on the lid of Ye Tianyu's tripod naturally stopped growing. Ye Han hadn't thought of a way to make it grow in the future. Maybe he could only find a new treasure of Demon-Breaking Thunder.

But this kind of thing is hard to come by. Even as powerful as the Immortal Clan, after losing the Demon-Breaking Thunder, they haven't found a new one for such a long time. It can be seen how difficult it is to find this Demon-Breaking Thunder?

If there is nothing in this world, it's useless.

However, Ye Han found that the Thunder Tower with the Demon-Breaking Thunder that was dug out from the heart of the Ghost Dao Immortal had turned into gray-black lightning after it came out of the purple tripod, and there was no Demon-Breaking Thunder.

That means that the enchanted divine thunder had already been absorbed by the purple cauldron. In order for the purple cauldron to continue to grow, it actually does not need the demon-breaking divine thunder, and other divine thunders can also be used.

But where can I find it now?

This is also a matter for the future, after all, he is now trapped in this place.

Looking at the purple cauldron in front of him and the sealed space, Ye Han knew that the material of this space was not something he could open.

He was trapped in this ghost place.

But it was a good thing for him, so that he could temporarily get rid of the Ghost God Demon Lord and the Tianxuan Star King...

More importantly, now is a good opportunity to digest and absorb the inheritance of the ancients.

After ascending to the Heavenly Spirit Realm, in addition to the opportunity to absorb the inheritance of the ancients in the Thousand Illusions Land.

After that, he was always watched by the Ghost God Demon Lord, and the next Tianxuan Star King had no chance to release the purple cauldron to absorb the inheritance of the ancients.

Now this purple cauldron is absorbing the strange aura here, and it can produce advanced refining fruit.

And judging from this progress, it is impossible for the fruit to mature without two or three hundred years.

Then for him, this is a great opportunity.

While the purple tripod is absorbing the breath here, he can absorb the inheritance of the ancient people.

Thinking of this, Ye Han eliminated the disordered thoughts in his mind. Instead of absorbing the inheritance immediately, he released the White Fairy, the alchemy furnace, and various natural treasures to assist in alchemy.

After all, he will be in there for a long time, but he does not need to absorb it wholeheartedly.

With his cultivation and divine power control, the White Fairy's refining, the elixir refining, and various talismans and the like are all fine.

In this way, he can also absorb and refine the books he read in the Wanshulou of the Yuwen family, and he also found a lot of secret methods and good things in the spoils of other immortal cultivators, and he also needs to spend time to refine and absorb them.

He can't do anything about how Yuwen Hong and Bafang Cailai are now, after all, he can't save himself.

Ye Han has been sucked into this place, what else can he do to save the two people? Not to mention saving, he can't even contact them.

He found that after entering this place, he had no contact with the outside world at all. Obviously, this was a very powerful restriction. Even the Ghost God Demon Lord might not know where he was.

After everything was prepared.

Ye Han pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and the purple tripod released a trace of purple rune spiritual light, and the lid of the tripod opened.

Huh! Ye Han's figure turned into a beam of spiritual light and drilled into the purple tripod, and the lid of the tripod naturally closed.

After entering the purple tripod, Ye Han sat cross-legged in the center of the purple tripod, looking at the water spirit coffin beside him...

It was a bit of a coincidence. Whether it was his own purple tripod or Ye Tianyu's purple tripod, there was a water spirit coffin inside.

It was just that the water spirit coffin in his purple tripod was that mysterious and strange woman, and the water spirit coffin in Ye Tianyu's purple tripod was Ye Tianyu himself.

Ye Han had thought of many ways to save Ye Tianyu, but the effect had always been very helpless for Ye Han. His condition was very complicated, and his body was almost completely lifeless.

Using various spiritual medicines and natural treasures to match this spiritual liquid can only ensure that the body will not continue to wither.

If it weren't for these spiritual liquids, Ye Tianyu's body would have been reduced to ashes long ago.

What's more troublesome is Ye Tianyu's soul, the Nascent Soul of the Gods. He burned his magic power to cultivate his soul with the intention of dying, which led to this situation.

All this is to save Ye Han!

This made Ye Han feel very complicated. He didn't know what happened that year, but he had to save Ye Tianyu and find out what happened.

On the other hand, he had endured such a great sacrifice from him, and he was completely ignored by him. How could that be possible?

In any case, he should be his father...

Should? !

Thinking of this, Ye Han sighed. The way of heaven is ruthless, and the way of immortals is boundless. Whether the cultivators are affectionate or ruthless, he can't completely agree. At least for him, he can't let these things be completely ignored.

For a cultivator, perhaps being moved by emotions and inspired by righteousness is also a way of cultivation. Perhaps, this is the catastrophe that one encounters in one's state of mind.

Thinking of this, Ye Han sorted out his state of mind, operated the secret method of following the laws of nature, and began to enter a very peaceful state.

I am the law, the immortal spirit, the law is natural, the universe is established, the soul of heaven and earth is all in it...

As Ye Han practiced the skills, circles of mysterious rune aura surged on his body.

What exactly is the inheritance of the ancients? In fact, Ye Han did not fully understand it, because the inheritance is not necessarily the skills, immortal skills, and the laws of the immortals...

Because it is very likely to be something from the development process and civilization of other ancients, at least from the current situation of Ye Han, this part of the inheritance of the ancients absorbed is all about the inheritance of the origin of the development of the ancients...

What are these things used for? Ye Han still can't figure it out, but now this thing fills up his purple cauldron, unable to absorb the breath of spiritual medicine, and there is no way to use it. Now he can only refine it completely...

As Ye Han continued to absorb the inheritance of the ancients, he vaguely felt some special feelings.

It seems that I understand the meaning of these inheritances, the inheritance of blood and soul.

But now it seems that a new problem has emerged. He is no longer a pure blood of the ancients!

Will there be any impact?

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