Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 216 White jade flower trough?

Ye Han couldn't tell what kind of treasure this mutton-fat white jade-like groove was or what it was used for.

He had never seen it in the treasure illustrations he had read.

But judging from the precious light and the aura of heaven and earth emitted, this is definitely an extraordinary thing.

This thing is still sealed on both sides, and it looks like a large flower trough for planting flowers!

Moreover, in a place where the evil spirit in the cave is so strong, this white jade flower trough still remains as white as jade.

This shows how extraordinary this thing is.

No wonder the Golden Thread Grass, the main component of the Foundation Establishment Pill, can grow in this place with such a strong demonic aura. Who on earth uses such a good treasure to grow flowers and plants?

However, what is grown here is Golden Thread Grass, the flowers are extremely beautiful, and it is the main medicine for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill. It is extremely valuable... and that makes sense.

At this time, the sword beetle monster got up from the ground, pointed at Ye Han's back, opened its mouth and sprayed out.

A large mouthful of black and red liquid was sprayed towards Ye Han...

Ye Han's heart moved. He held the white jade flower trough in his hand and blocked the white jade flowers and plants in front of him.

Regardless of Ye Han, it was very easy to use the ghost steps to avoid so many attacks from the sword mantis monster. In fact, the ghost steps consume as much mana as the casting of high-level spells in the Qi refining period...

Otherwise, if Ye Han kept using ghost steps to escape, it would be much faster than the light body spell...

On the other hand, it's also because the Blade Mantis monster didn't want to kill him. Its mission should be to capture him alive.

Poof! ! ! The black and red liquid sprayed out by the Daolang monster hit the white jade flower trough...

The white jade flower trough shook violently, and the black and red liquid was blocked out and fell on the ground in all directions. On the mountain wall, black smoke continued to emit...

Obviously, the thing sprayed out by the sword beetle monster contains highly poisonous substances.

However, the white jade flower trough was not affected at all. Instead, it blocked the black and red liquid like a big shield, without causing Ye Han any harm.

Ye Han was overjoyed. It was just as he expected. This white jade flower trough was very extraordinary. It could actually block the attacks of demonic energy and venom.

However, it was impossible for him to get entangled with the sword beetle monster here. He looked at the direction, moved his body, and rushed towards the other entrance of the cave.

The big vine hand of the released vine spirit technique grabbed the white jade flower trough and blocked it behind his back, like a big shield...

Because the claws of the sword beetle monster were attacking again.

Bang! With an explosion, the huge claws of the sword mantis monster struck the white jade flower trough, trying to blast away the obstacle blocking the target...

The white jade flower trough suddenly emitted a dense white light.

The sword beetle monster screamed, and the claws that struck the white jade flower trough were suddenly repulsed. Together with its huge body, the force of the repulsion caused it to fly backwards and hit the mountain wall...

When Ye Han saw this, he was overjoyed. He knew that this white jade flower trough could not be smashed by the white jade flower trough, but he did not expect that this thing had the power to counterattack, and even the third-level monsters were shaken out.

But the white jade flower trough had not been drained of blood to identify its owner or refined, and it could not be driven with magic power. Naturally, it was impossible to determine what level of treasure it was.

That's when.

Hoo ho ho!

From the narrow passage where Ye Han escaped, several figures of demonized monks rushed out. Seeing Ye Han's eyes bursting with blood, they released magical weapons to attack Ye Han...

It seems that these guys have opened up the holes that he blocked with the explosive talisman...

Seeing the magical weapons that these demonized monks were shooting at, Ye Han waved the white jade flower trough to block his body, just enough to hide in the groove of the white jade flower trough.

Clang, clang, clang, clang! A series of collisions between gold and iron exploded...

The magic weapons released by these demonized monks bombarded the white jade flower trough. The white jade flower trough trembled with white light, knocking away the magic weapons that attacked, and some of the magic weapons even had cracks.

Those demonized monks shook violently, the demonic energy and flames on their bodies exploded, they staggered up and took several steps back...

Obviously, the counter-shock power of this white jade flower and plant is not astonishing.

However, the roar of the monsters came, and from the gap in the broken mountain wall, several huge monsters rushed out...

More demonized monks rushed out of the passage, crowding the originally empty cave. Each of these guys stared fiercely at the white jade flower trough where Ye Han was...

Ye Han's expression changed, knowing that he could not withstand the siege of so many demonic beasts and demonic monks with the help of a white jade flower trough that could not be controlled with magic power.

If you are caught by these guys, there is a high probability that you will be controlled by this guy like Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde and activate the Five Elements Formation Restriction...

Once it loses its use value, it will end up becoming a demonized monk.

Ye Han saw the direction correctly and rushed towards a hole on one side with the white jade flower trough on his back.

Behind them were the violent attacks from the monsters and the demonized monks.

But hitting the white jade flower trough, the dense white light counterattacked these attacks...

Although Ye Han was not injured on the surface, he consumed a lot of mana. After all, he had to concentrate on controlling the vine soul technique to stabilize the white jade flower trough. His mind was traumatized, and he was injured internally, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Damn it! With so many monsters and demonized monks besieging him like crazy, even with the protection of this white jade flower trough, he couldn't hold them off forever. He might end up being captured after exhausting his mana and suffering from mental trauma!

Of course, running away is the best option!

The exit that Ye Han rushed into was not as narrow as the entrance, but it was only more than ten feet high and about seven or eight feet wide.

A large-sized third-level monster like the mantis monster or other larger monsters couldn't follow him in.

Only small monsters and demonized monks chased after him, attacking Ye Han frantically, but they couldn't cause substantial damage to the white jade flower trough behind Ye Han.

Ye Han pointed his finger, and two fire explosion runes and one earth explosion rune flew out...

The two fire explosion runes surged with red light runes, and the earth explosion rune turned into a piece of earth element rune and sank into the ground...

Boom! ! A shattering fire explosion shook the cave, and countless rocks fell down. Suddenly, several demonized monks were smashed under the rocks...

Following a series of earthquakes, the ground explosion talisman shook the ground and mountain walls of the nearby ten feet. The cave walls that collapsed due to the explosion of the fire talisman collapsed even more violently. Countless huge rocks continued to fall down, and the entire cave entrance was blocked again.

The demonized monks who followed behind were blocked outside again, and attacked the cave entrance frantically...

Those huge monsters began to bypass the passage to hunt Ye Han again.

Ye Han felt the cave collapsing behind him, and his face looked ugly. Although he escaped this wave, there was a very serious problem that was not solved! He had to face the pursuit and siege of these guys all the time.

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