Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2207 The woman in the Shuiling coffin

Ye Han looked at the dark passage ahead, his face became serious.

Although he had achieved complete victory, the process was quite dangerous, especially the battle with the red-haired soul-devouring beast in the soul space.

If it weren't for the fact that he broke through the bottleneck of the soul at the critical moment of life and death, it would still be very difficult to defeat this terrible red-haired soul-devouring beast. This guy is much more dangerous than others.

In order to kill the red-haired soul-devouring beast, the consumption was also quite terrible. The aura of his two purple tripods was completely exhausted, and he needed to absorb a large amount of pills!

The pills hidden in the dantian before were also used up, and a large part of the pill aura in the purple tripod space was consumed.

Now that so many pills were taken in, such a large pill was instantly absorbed by the purple tripod, and only about 90% of it was restored. The rest could only be replenished by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the purple tripod space.

Although Ye Han has the Purple Cauldron Space and a constant supply of materials, the consumption of the Three Heavens is too amazing. Although he seems to be very powerful when casting spells, if there is no Purple Cauldron to continuously restore his mana and increase three or five spells, his mana will not be able to support it and he will not be able to continue to cast more powerful spells.

Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of your own.

This is his current situation. And this time, killing this red-haired soul-devouring beast was quite unsuccessful. He was almost calculated, which made Ye Han feel that this situation was a bit weird. It didn't seem like he really killed this red-haired soul-devouring beast.

Moreover, Ye Han looked at the direction in the distance in the passage and felt more and more that there was a vague danger in the situation ahead, and the breath was floating.

But the current situation is different from before. Before, he could wait for the soul fruit to grow and strengthen his soul. After all, he was interrupted for so long with the ordinary soul-devouring beast, and he also realized that his soul might not be able to deal with the opponent behind.

Moreover, the soul fruit grows very fast and is about to mature, so the waiting time is not long.

Now if he wants to improve any aspect of his cultivation again, it will take a lot of time.

He can't just consider his own progress, he also has to consider Zhang Qingshan's progress.

It is also possible that Zhang Qingshan's progress is faster than his. If he delays here, both of them may be in danger.

The Yin Qi in front of him gave him a very bad feeling, but there was no way now, so he had to keep moving forward.


Ye Han took a deep breath and walked forward vigilantly! !

Strangely enough, as Ye Han walked towards the front of the passage.

As the red-haired soul-devouring beast was killed by him, no more soul-devouring beasts came out to attack him.

However, this passage is really long. After walking for tens of thousands of feet, Ye Han finally saw that a huge stone door appeared in front of him, and a gap had been opened. There was still a statue of a human body and a snake tail on it.

However, in the gap of the opened stone door, a trace of strange Yin Qi continued to surge out.

Looking at this Yin Qi, Ye Han's heart moved, and there should be something very difficult to deal with inside.

So Ye Han sensed the clone and Fairy Bai in the purple tripod space.

Both of them were in very bad situations. The clone was fine. It was not directly attacked by the red-haired soul-devouring beast, but it had lost a lot of mana and could not recover in a short time.

Fairy Bai was in a very miserable situation. Although she had the defense of the White Dragon Guantian Zun, she could not resist it. She was seriously injured and her cultivation level dropped to the God Transformation Stage.

However, the two were now practicing dual cultivation to recover from their injuries, and Ye Han was helpless.

Obviously, it was impossible to use the clone or Fairy Bai to detect the situation inside.

Let's go and see it by ourselves.

Ye Han thought about it carefully and there was no need to be too cautious. After all, the door had been opened. If there was really a powerful existence, it should be able to sense the powerful breath.

The gap of the stone door was several feet wide. Ye Han took the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop in his hand, put on the Immortal-breaking Armor, and then walked in.

I saw that the hall was surrounded by huge beads like dragons and snakes, and on the top was a huge formation, which exuded a special beauty.

In the middle of the hall, there was a huge memorial platform, and behind the platform was a huge statue, as white as jade, wearing a long robe...

It was actually a statue of a beautiful woman! ! !

And around the statue was a huge bridge.

Ye Han was surprised to see this scene. He didn't expect that the memorial here was such a beautiful woman.

Wait a minute.

Why is the face of the child so familiar?

Ye Han suddenly felt that the face of this woman was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

This is impossible.

If it was a woman he had seen before, and she was so beautiful, he would definitely remember her. After all, as the cultivation of immortals improves, their spiritual consciousness becomes stronger and stronger, and their memory naturally becomes stronger and stronger.

Basically, after reaching the Jindan stage, immortals almost have the magical power of photographic memory.

If I had seen the statue of a woman in front of me, I would definitely remember it clearly.

Why is my memory so vague?

It is very likely that I have not seen it completely...

Who is that? !

Ye Han was thinking.


Buzz! !

The purple tripod in Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly trembled, and the frequency of the trembling was very intense.

Did the purple tripod find something of interest?

Ye Han was happy, but immediately felt something was wrong. The trembling of the purple tripod was very different from the consciousness of discovering a treasure. This time the vibration came from the inside of the purple tripod.

And isn't there only the water spirit coffin inside the purple tripod?

That's right! ! !

I know, it's the woman in the water spirit coffin! ! !

Ye Han suddenly realized why he felt that the woman in the statue looked familiar to him, because this woman was the mysterious woman in the water spirit coffin! ! !

This is a memorial to this mysterious woman?

The reason why he couldn't remember her complete appearance was because he had never really seen this woman's appearance. It was always a little blurry across the water spirit coffin, and the impression became a little blurry.

How is this possible?

This triple heaven altar was actually memorializing this mysterious woman?

At this time, Ye Han felt that the water spirit coffin in the purple tripod was vibrating more and more violently! !

At this moment.

Buzz! ! The statue of the woman suddenly gave off a terrifying rune aura, and the whole thing began to surge with runes, and the entire cave ceiling also began to surge with an astonishing mysterious rune!

Ye Han realized this situation and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

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