Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2223 Mysterious Broken Sword

Why did Ye Han look surprised?

It was because a huge tree suddenly appeared in the dense forest in the distance!

From such a long distance, you can see that the crown of the tree is as big as a mountain, covering an area of ​​dozens of miles.

You should know that he has been wandering in the second heaven of the three heavens for several months. The trees and treasures he saw were very short. It was just because the gravity here was too amazing that it was not easy to grow up. They drooped to a certain extent and could not continue to grow...

So the saplings here are all in a mushroom shape, and they are all pulled down by this terrible gravity.

It seems that such a huge tree has appeared. Ye Han knows without thinking that this tree must be very special.

Then thinking about it, Ye Han moved towards the huge tree.

See the mountain and run to the dead horse!

It seems that the huge tree is not very far away, but it took Ye Han several days to run over it.

On the one hand, it is indeed very far away, but it is not easy to walk. The most important reason is that there are many strange insects on the way. Ye Han killed more than a dozen strange insects along the way...

Fortunately, compared with the two-horned insects, they are much worse. If there were a few two-horned insects like this, he would not have passed so quickly.

Ye Han hid his body and his breath was gone. He came quietly and lurked under a bush!

Looking at this huge tree, it is really amazing. The trunk of the tree is tens of thousands of feet long, and each branch is also tens of thousands of feet long, with seven branches separated out...

When Ye Han saw this tree, he was full of surprise, because this tree is the same species of tree as the inheritance tree that Ye Han encountered in the Tianji Hall that year! !

But Ye Han is no longer so surprised.

After all, since the mysterious woman could be met in this tree, it is obvious that the woman in the water spirit coffin must have a thousand threads with this Sangentian.

Otherwise, there would be no statue of that woman on the altar.

Moreover, Ye Han was able to enter the third heaven because he got a mysterious hexagonal cube from the defense tower.

So many situations mixed together, it is definitely not a coincidence.

In order to avoid being discovered by the strange insects, Ye Han hid his body and came under the giant tree.

Looking up at the top of the giant tree, there were huge fruits, which seemed to be imprisoned.

He was deceived by the damn fox old man and rescued the fox old man's body from the fruit...

He was almost killed by the mysterious woman in the giant tree because of this.

If he didn't have the purple tripod to protect himself, would there be Ye Han today?

Thinking of this, Ye Han didn't dare to act rashly. He observed carefully. The giant tree exuded a suffocating mysterious spiritual energy of heaven and earth, with an extremely powerful breath of life.

But Ye Han only saw the fruits on it, which seemed to have imprisoned many strange insects. If they were released, it would definitely be a disaster.

After Ye Han observed for a long time, he didn't find anything!!

He was about to go around to look in other directions.



Ye Han felt that the two purple tripods in the sea of ​​consciousness vibrated at the same time at this time, and it was obvious that they might have found some treasures that interested them.

Ye Han was delighted, carefully sensing the direction of the purple tripod's sensing, and walked along the bushes carefully and silently.

As Ye Han's figure moved in the direction of the designated reaction, Ye Han finally found that the location sensed by the purple tripod was on a tree trunk behind this huge tree...

There was a rusty long sword stuck on it, and it looked like it had been destroyed by the decay of the long sword.

However, Ye Han carefully confirmed repeatedly that the purple tripod sensed the strange long sword stuck on the tree trunk.

And Ye Han also saw that under this huge tree, there was something similar to a tombstone...

Why did it feel similar? Because this tombstone had been broken in half, and the other half was gone.

The broken part was as smooth as a mirror, as if it was cut off by some powerful magic weapon.

Ye Han looked at the tombstone and the long sword, and subconsciously felt that the tombstone might have been cut into this shape by the long sword...

What is going on?

If you look closely, although the tombstone was cut off, there are still a few residual characters on it. These characters are ancient characters. Ye Han does not fully recognize them, but he can vaguely distinguish the last two characters "Yuexian".

Who is Yuexian? Could it be that mysterious woman? But it doesn't look like...

Ye Han carefully searched the surroundings and did not see the other half of the tombstone that was cut off.

That's strange. Could there be a deep hatred between the two sides? The tombstone was cut off?

However, Ye Han's attention was still on the very rusty long sword, which was inserted into the trunk of the giant tree for more than half.

Ye Han judged that there must be trouble with this long sword, and he couldn't do it easily...


Buzz buzz buzz!

He felt the two purple tripods tremble violently, as if they were very eager for the long sword.

But Ye Han felt that this long sword had a very frightening aura of sword intent in it, and it was not an ordinary danger.

Because he has also practiced a lot of swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is extraordinary, and he has understood the power of many swordsmanship laws...

However, Ye Han felt that there was no solution to the delay.

Ye Han thought for a moment, then patted the storage bag, and a black and red talisman surged out, forming a circle of mysterious runes, wrapping Ye Han's figure, making Ye Han's body in a circle of runes. Under protection.

This is a high-level substitute talisman. The materials used in this talisman alone are worth a piece of spiritual treasure.

This is a life-saving treasure that Ye Han got from a cultivator in the Void Refining Stage, and he only has one.

Although he has been trying to break through his own talismans for so many years, he is still far behind in refining such high-level talismans.

After Ye Han released the high-level substitute talisman, he opened his mouth and spat out, and the thunderous five-element golden cudgel flew out. His hands shocked the astonishing stick force, forming a phantom like a giant dragon...

Then, Ye Han rose into the air and struck the long sword stuck on the huge tree trunk with a stick! !

Whoops! ! !

The five-element golden cudgel of thunder shocked out a terrifying force of stick law...

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