Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2229 Devouring the Soul!

Ye Han felt the trembling of the purple tripod, and suddenly a look of surprise appeared on his face. He didn't expect that the purple tripod could still sense the body of this giant tree spirit.

And in terms of sensing, it suddenly became very strong!

That's right!

This giant tree spirit can grow so huge under such a terrifying power environment in the second heaven, and it can also have intelligence, and now it seems that its intelligence is not low.

In addition to the mysterious long sword, there should be other factors!


Ye Han didn't plan to care about these parasitic monsters. There was no point in fighting with these guys, and it was a waste of his mana and physical strength.


Ye Han used the Vajra Fire Divine Art, and the green flames of the Hurricane Fire burst out. The Thunder Armor on his body continued to burst out with thunder storms, surrounding his body, blocking the fall of the green venom...


Ye Han ran forward at an astonishing speed. Although the surrounding cave walls were still opening some large holes, parasitic monsters drilled out from them one by one, constantly trying to besiege Ye Han.

But Ye Han was too fast, and most of the parasitic insects were passed by him before they came out...

Gurgle! !

Those parasitic insects continued to absorb the green venom frantically while chasing Ye Han frantically...

While Ye Han was escaping, he released countless fire talismans on the surrounding cave walls, and the cave walls continued to explode with flames...

The ice storm was hidden in it, blocking most of the parasitic insects, making them very embarrassed! !

Ye Han was not escaping, but according to the induction of the purple tripod, he frantically went in the direction of the induction! !

Gurgle! ! !

The giant tree spirit seemed to feel something was wrong, and its huge body twisted frantically...


The channel that Ye Han was running wildly in the giant tree spirit began to flow continuously at this time, and the running channel began to shake...


Hua La La! !

Countless vines began to twist and spread out in the passage, attacking Ye Han frantically...

Ye Han's face changed, and the bone-refining sword suddenly burst out with extremely sharp golden sword light, and the Da Geng sword technique burst out.

Clang clang clang! ! ! !

As Ye Han rushed past, he swung out countless golden sword lights and continuously cut off the vines that were besieging him!

And Ye Han also found that although the giant tree spirit could absorb him in, it had no way to get him out, so it had such a method.

Of course, Ye Han knew that the reason why the giant tree spirit was so sure was because it felt that no matter how strong Ye Han's physical body and magic power were, it could not withstand the crushing of his extremely terrifying space vortex.

In fact, this was also the case. If Ye Han had used the purple tripod at that time, if he had hidden in the purple tripod, his physical body would definitely have been torn apart by the power of space and caused serious injuries.

But he never thought that it also contained a treasure like the purple tripod that had a heaven-defying defense, so it was entered into Ye Han's body.

It's hard to get Ye Han out now!

After all, the giant tree spirit can't create a space vortex in its body, otherwise, it will be finished.


Ye Han also felt that the previous wave of space vortex swirling attack caused Ye Tianyu's purple cauldron to consume a lot of energy, and it actually dropped two levels. The loss was too scary! !

If it happens one or two more times, the purple cauldron will return to its original state.

Until today, he still felt that this was the only weakness of the purple cauldron he found. After being attacked by a terrifying force, the purple cauldron would consume its power after growth.

Ye Han's speed was amazing, and he kept cutting off the vines that blocked his way. The venom and the parasitic insects behind him could not do anything to Ye Han.

It is estimated that the giant tree spirit has regretted it to the point of not knowing what it is now! ! !

Ye Han's speed has been increased to the extreme. Purple-gold arcs of lightning surround his body. The golden sword light of the Da Geng sword technique blasts out crazily and suffocatingly. Wherever it passes, countless vines are cut off...

Ye Han also feels that Zi Ding's vibration induction is getting stronger and stronger. Obviously, he is getting closer and closer to the treasure in the body of the giant tree spirit! !

After killing tens of thousands of feet directly! !


A violent storm surged, and Ye Han finally broke through the barrier of this long passage and came to a huge circular space! !

In the space, he saw countless tree roots and roots, wrapped in something unknown, forming a huge root ball hundreds of feet large!

These roots emanated green light flame runes, and the whole thing exuded a strong suffocating breath!

It made Zi Ding feel extremely excited! !

What Zi Ding felt was in the ball wrapped by the huge roots! !


Ye Han trembled without hesitation, and countless sword beams burst out from the bone-refining swords in his hands, and rushed towards the huge root.

However! At this time!

Buzz! !

A green light ripple suddenly surged from the huge tree spirit...


Whoosh! !

A humanoid tree demon wearing green tree armor and with a white face rushed out from the roots, with roots in both hands, waving the roots violently!

Swish! !

Countless green sword beams burst out and blasted towards the sword beams of the Da Geng sword technique that attacked Ye Han! ! !

Clang, clang, clang! ! !

The green sword light and the golden sword light that were like a violent storm clashed wildly together. The entire huge space was filled with the collision and explosion of the terrifying sword intent storm, causing the entire space to surge and explode with countless sword lights... …

Seeing the humanoid tree demon that rushed out, Ye Han's expression changed and he exclaimed: "The demon baby of the giant tree demon!!"

This is what Ye Han didn't expect. Not only did this giant tree spirit have spiritual intelligence, but it also condensed a demon baby. If he was given tens of thousands of years, this guy would even be able to evolve and cultivate a physical body, right?


Met him at this time! !


Ye Han pinched the magic formula, and a strange gray light rune aura surged out of his soul. The gray light rune aura suddenly burst out, forming an unprecedented terrifying suction force...

Devour the soul! ! !

Whoops! !

The demon baby of the giant tree spirit suddenly vibrated out a circle of spiritual light, forming a circle of mysterious runes, wrapping its body, trying to resist the devouring of Ye Han's spiritual power.


Ye Han has two souls, and together they initiate to devour the souls directly!

Hoo ho ho!

The demon infant of the giant tree spirit could no longer resist it. The divine soul in the Nascent Soul turned into a beam of spiritual light and was sucked into the divine soul space by Ye Han's divine soul! !

Now it’s time for some easy hunting! !

Why is it said that next is the time for easy hunting?

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