Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2238 Is that a trap?

Hoo, hoo, hoo!

Ye Han ran past a huge palace ruin, his eyes full of surprise. This palace ruin had huge pillars with some mysterious rune patterns and many relief patterns, but most of them were already corrupted and could not see the specific appearance clearly...

But just looking at the huge range of this palace ruin, it was hundreds of miles wide, and there were some bridges that looked like they were collapsed, which showed how magnificent this building was when it was complete.

Only some very powerful races could build such a magnificent building.

Ye Han ran to the bottom of a huge pillar, stopped, looked around, and said to himself: "This should be the location of the map. Am I late? The road to the third heaven is gone?"

It's no wonder that Ye Han thought so. This magnificent and huge building ruin looked very extraordinary. It is indeed very likely to be the road to the third heaven.

Now it seems that the altar of the first heaven has collapsed, so is there another cultivator who has taken the lead and cracked this place and entered the third heaven?

Thinking of this, Ye Han was a little disappointed. If so, then his way to enter the third heaven might be blocked. No wonder so many cultivators are stuck on the second floor and can't go up!

What should I do then?

Ye Han frowned.

No! !

Looking at the ruins, it has been unknown how many tens of thousands of years for traces to appear. It is estimated that it has been at least a million years.

Many of the caves of the cultivators that I found entered the third heaven within 100,000 or 200,000 years.

And that map does not look like it has traces of a million years.

There is a problem.

Ye Han has studied the map many times and thought about it many times, and always feels that things are not that simple.

And now he is still some distance away from the real location of the map.

Is it a trap?

Ye Han thought suspiciously, and suddenly felt as if he had grasped something. In this world of immortal cultivation, one must be prepared for some dangerous situations at any time. Although in the third heaven, he only met Zhang Qingshan, a good senior brother of the immortal cultivator who was alive.

But it does not mean that there are no other immortal cultivators in the third heaven, especially some of the immortal cultivator caves he found later, which have been taken by the first, and the treasures have been found long ago...

What if there is a map left by the immortal cultivator deliberately, and he is tricked to this place to kill people and steal treasures?

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible. He had to take precautions to avoid a capsize in the ditch!

Thinking of this, Ye Han suddenly pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and with a finger, a beam of purple rune light swirled out, and Ye Han's clone flew out.

As Ye Han's consciousness moved, he ordered the clone to run in front, and he hid himself, following the clone thousands of feet behind...

Ye Han felt that this matter revealed something strange, and there might be something fishy. It is better to be safe than sorry. Once a cultivator makes a mistake, he will lose everything he has practiced for many years...

It is worth mentioning that Ye Han's own practice of the Nine-Layer Light Hong magical power, the clone can directly inherit the skills he transmitted to the past. Although the effect is a little worse, it is also very good, without the need to practice again.

So Ye Han also thought about whether he could refine a few more clones, but the difficulty of refining a clone is terrifying. If he wants to refine a few more, it is not just a general consumption.

The point is that he has not found an embryo that can be used to refine a clone. Theoretically, he can use one of his two souls as an embryo to cultivate a clone.

But in this third heaven, there are so many dangers, and soul attack is one of his main means. If it is used as embryo cultivation, one of them will not be able to be used for many years. If there is a real danger of soul fighting, one of them may not be the opponent of the enemy, which will be a big trouble.

Ye Han will naturally not do such a thing.


Ye Han's clone was moving rapidly in the ruins of the building, and finally saw a huge building like a tower in front of him, which was relatively well preserved. It looked like the location of the third heaven marked on the map found by the nameless cave.

The clone trembled a few times, rushed to the high platform, looked around, and saw that there were many traces of fighting on the tower...


Trap! !

Ye Han's clone reacted immediately, and his body moved suddenly and disappeared on the spot!

Boom! !

The moment Ye Han's clone disappeared, the ground of the tower suddenly sank and rolled down, and a huge mud hand grabbed the place where Ye Han's clone was! !

Boom! ! !

This terrifying mud hand crushed the space all at once, and a circle of extremely terrifying explosions broke out. The entire huge building collapsed at this time. Mysterious runes rushed out, forming a light curtain restriction thousands of feet wide, covering this area! !

In an instant!

Bang! !

The light curtain restriction shook and burst out with a violent explosion. Ye Han's clone hit it and his body was repelled!


"Hahaha!! Here comes another one!!"

A burst of wild laughter came from under the building. A young man wearing a mud-like armor, with a very burly figure, explosive muscles all over his body, golden hair, and a handsome face, rushed out from under the collapsed building! !

Obviously, just as Ye Han expected, this is a trap! !

Ye Han's clone turned over and looked at the young man rushing out. He immediately recognized that this was a cultivator from the immortal clan. He had a very terrifying aura and amazing blood. He was definitely a guy who had reached the great perfection of the refining void! !

And just from the circle of muscles on the outside, it seems that this guy's body refining cultivation is absolutely amazing.

Ye Han's clone looked at the immortal cultivator and said, "Daoyou! You and I are both trapped here, why don't we cooperate?"

The immortal cultivator said sarcastically, "Cooperation? What qualifications do you have to cooperate with me, Tu Lingzun? I could have gone to the third heaven a long time ago. The reason I'm lying here is to wait for you guys to die so that I can accumulate enough cultivation resources! Hahaha!"

As Tu Lingzun said this, he suddenly said in a strange voice, "No! With your cultivation level, how can you enter the second heaven?"

As he said this, Tu Lingzun looked at Ye Han's clone fiercely. He had been in the second heaven for so long. Although Ye Han's clone's cultivation level was good, it was still far from being able to walk in the first and second heavens...

As he spoke, Tu Lingzun's magic power burst out, grabbing a huge mud hand and killing Ye Han's clone!

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