Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 224 Smart People

The Demon Lord Black Shadow's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately asked: "Why do you think so? Do you know what is inside? It's dangerous for this Demon Lord to go in!"

Yes, once the Demon Lord's heart devours the surrounding demonic energy, it will absorb the spiritual energy and demonic energy of the heaven and earth around the Demon Heart Cliff.

The demonized cultivators of the demon beasts in the hole of the Demon Heart Cliff could not escape, and were directly sucked in and devoured by the Demon Lord's heart.

Ye Han, the wood-type kid, is also inside. Even a foundation-building cultivator can't resist this devouring power...

How dare Gu Changdao speak nonsense in front of him?

Gu Changdao said confidently: "Master Demon! If Ye Han is in there, even a hundred of him can't escape the engulfment of this power, but what if he's not there?"

After hearing this, a trace of deep thought flashed across the black shadow golden pupils of the Demon Lord, and he waved his hand and said: "Go on."

Gu Changdao's words rekindled hope in his heart, so he let Gu Changdao continue.

After hearing this, Gu Changdao breathed a sigh of relief and continued, "Master Demon! Although I don't know much about Ye Han, but before, when we escaped, this kid escaped very quickly without hesitation."

"Moreover, this kid is so slippery, he has already unlocked Master Demon's secret method. With this kid's cunning and scheming, he must know that it is very dangerous to go inside the cliff, and he also knows that Master Demon will bring his men to encircle him, so he must have escaped from the cliff as quickly as possible. Maybe he has already escaped from somewhere else."

At this point, Gu Changdao bowed deeply to the black shadow of the Demon Lord and said, "Master Demon! This is my opinion, please teach me, Master Demon!"

Yes, when the five of them came at the beginning, he didn't have much good feelings for Ye Han, who was the youngest and had the lowest cultivation level, and even thought that Ye Han might drag them down in this operation.

After all, Ye Han was only at the peak of the ninth level of the Qi Refining Stage, and he was not well-known in the Qingxuan Sect.

But after arriving at the Dark Forbidden Land, regardless of Ye Han's magical powers, alertness, treasures and magic tools, not only did they not hinder them at all, but also showed a strength that was slightly above his.

Moreover, this kid was not just cunning, so the Demon Lord had not caught him until now, and he had broken the Demon Lord's secret method of monitoring them, which he himself had not figured out how to break...

Especially in the battle at the gap in the high wall, this guy ran away faster than anyone else, and ran away intact. He wanted to run, but was almost killed.

It can be seen that there is a gap between them!

Based on his performance towards Ye Han, before the situation of swallowing the magic energy just now happened in the cliff cave in front, this slippery boy Ye Han would have run away long ago.

Of course, he was just estimating, and he had to convince the Demon Lord to believe this, because if Ye Han really died, his Gu Changdao would have almost no value.

His master taught him that a cultivator should not be afraid of being used by others, by a sect, or by a family. The most fearful thing is that he is completely useless, and then he will be despised by the sect and the family...

The Demon Lord Black Shadow listened to Gu Changdao's words, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

What this man said really made sense. That damn wood-type kid made him make mistakes one after another.

If this kid was not ordinary cunning and difficult to deal with, after removing his curse, this kid would definitely not be stupid enough to go into the cave, and must have escaped by taking a detour...

After all, everyone knows that the closer to the place where demonic energy gathers, the more dangerous it is.

Yes, this hateful kid named Ye Han can make him make mistakes one after another, and it is definitely not so easy to die.

This kid must have escaped from somewhere else by taking a detour.

So, the Demon Lord Black Shadow nodded and said: "Your idea coincides with mine! Yes, this kid must not be dead, so we must find him!"

This Gu Changdao is quite useful, and it seems necessary to keep him, maybe he can really help me a lot.

After hearing what the Demon Lord said, Gu Changdao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Then Lord Demon Lord! Then let's continue to look for that kid?"

It seems that his words really convinced the Demon Lord, and at the same time proved one thing, this Ye Han is really not as simple as he looks on the surface, he must have some powerful treasures on him, otherwise it would be impossible to hide in such a place with amazing demonic energy for so long, making this terrible Demon Lord feel difficult.

If I can get the chance treasures on Ye Han...

Then my hope of becoming an immortal will increase a lot. Maybe I can find a chance to escape from the control of the Demon Lord and escape...

The Demon Lord Black Shadow's golden pupils looked deeply at Gu Changdao and said in a deep voice: "I think that kid doesn't know you are my man yet. Next, I will let my little darlings continue to search for the whereabouts of that kid, and you will separate from us and find the whereabouts of Ye Han and Qin Minghui alone! You will meet up with them first and wait for the opportunity to act, understand?"

Yes, after Gu Changdao was caught by the Demon Lord Black Shadow, he honestly told the Demon Lord Black Shadow about their situation and the names of Ye Han, Qin Minghui and others.

Gu Changdao is not a fool. He knows that the reason why the Demon Lord Black Shadow asked him these things must be that he has searched the soul memories of Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde and found out a lot of truth.

If he lied, he would be found out immediately and killed by the Demon Lord Black Shadow, so he dared not lie and told the truth.

After hearing the words of the Demon Lord Black Shadow, Gu Changdao immediately replied respectfully: "Yes! Lord Demon! I'll go now!"

After that, he asked curiously: "Yes, Lord Demon! Qin Minghui has a teleportation token on her body, didn't she teleport out?"

This is the first time that the Demon Lord Black Shadow told him that he still wanted to catch Qin Minghui, which means that Qin Minghui hasn't gone out yet?

Logically, it shouldn't be the case. Qin Minghui has a teleportation token on her body. If she encountered such a danger, she should have activated the teleportation token and gone out.

However, when he saw the golden pupils of the Demon Lord Black Shadow, he knew that he asked too much. Obviously, the Demon Lord Black Shadow had already set up means to make the teleportation token unusable, which means that Qin Minghui is still in the dark forbidden land. It is not easy for him to take the opportunity to escape.

No wonder the Demon Lord Black Shadow has not used other means to control his mind or let himself recognize the master and swear an oath.

It turns out that he is not worried about where he can run to.

Damn! How could it become like this?

However, the Dark Shadow of the Demon Lord said: "You are a smart person! Of course you know what to do, but your current skills are still a little lacking. I will give you a treasure!!"

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