Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2267 Encountering the purple metal rune again

It would work even if both souls were released, but he couldn't move his body...

But the Purple Cauldron could! !

Ye Han's consciousness drove the Purple Cauldron...


A purple rune aura trembled, and the Purple Cauldron flew out from Ye Han's forehead.


The Purple Cauldron turned into a purple aura rune and flew towards the huge throne...


Buzz! !

The Purple Cauldron burst out a circle of purple rune aura, and the words were like a thin thread that wrapped around the throne!

Crack, crack, crack! !

Those purple rune threads wrapped around the throne, and it trembled violently!


The throne exploded in an instant, and among the fragments that exploded, a purple metal rune flew out from the fragments!

This purple metal rune spun in the air, as if being pulled by the purple tripod, and flew directly towards the purple tripod, and drilled into the purple tripod...


Buzz buzz buzz! ! !

The entire purple tripod burst out with circles of purple rune light, and the aura suddenly expanded. A purple metal rune appeared on the purple tripod...

Ye Han immediately felt that the aura of the purple tripod expanded rapidly.


The purple tripod spun around and turned into a rune aura and drilled back into Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness!

It turned out to be a purple metal rune. This was the second time Ye Han encountered a purple metal rune. The last time he encountered it was when he was in the earth realm, when he met Ye Chunsheng.

Ye Chunsheng asked him for help for the sake of Magnolia Fairy, so he gave him a purple metal rune.

That purple metal rune not only gave him a stronger ability to refine talismans, but also made the talismans he refined 30% more powerful than normal talismans, which has benefited him greatly so far.

And this purple metal rune is much more powerful than the one Ye Chunsheng had at the beginning...

It forced his purple cauldron to increase its power by 30% to 40% at this moment!


Ye Han felt that the consumption of the purple cauldron to restore the soul and spirit aura was reduced by more than half...

And there was a feeling that his soul, mana, and physical strength were all growing very slowly.

Not bad!

This purple cauldron can actually make his soul, mana, and physical strength, which have already reached the bottleneck of cultivation, grow.

Doesn't this mean that after accepting this purple metal rune, the purple cauldron has a powerful effect of breaking the bottleneck in cultivating mana, cultivation, physical body, and soul?

This is an all-round improvement.

And the purple cauldron now has a special mysterious law aura brewing!

But at this moment! !

Boom! !

Ye Han felt a violent and extremely muffled tremor coming from his soul space...

With this violent and extremely muffled tremor!


A brilliant soul light burst out in the space, and Ye Han's two souls and the soul of the general magic cultivation clan all burst out and returned to Ye Han and the general magic cultivation clan respectively! !


Ye Han opened his eyes suddenly and looked at the general magic cultivation clan in surprise.

I saw that the blood light and spiritual energy of the general magic cultivation clan burst out of his eyes, and he actually broke through the restriction of his soul space?


Although Ye Han's two souls had a certain advantage in the soul battle with the general magic cultivation clan in the soul space.


When the third eye of the soul of the general magic cultivation clan was opened, a huge soul eye burst out, which was actually an extremely powerful soul spell, and it actually broke out of his soul space.

When this guy's soul opened his eyes, it was actually stronger than his two souls combined...

Ye Han looked at the martial general and magic cultivator, his face was extremely ugly. Doesn't this guy have any weaknesses?


Ye Han didn't have time to think so much.

Because the martial general and magic cultivator had recovered, the Fang Tian Hua Ji in his hand instantly shook out a force of law, his figure trembled violently, rushed towards Ye Han, and swept and bombarded Ye Han heavily!

Boom boom boom!!

Three terrifying shadows of Guang Tian Hua Ji, thousands of feet in size, shook and burst out, forming three dead ghosts of the martial general and magic cultivator, besieging Ye Han...

Damn it!

Ye Han's face became solemn, and he suddenly pinched the magic formula, the fifth level of the nine-level light Hong technique.


Ye Han's figure transformed into thousands of shadows, turning into dozens of shadows, and the light escape step was performed, turning into a series of white light escape...

Hmm? ! ! Is there such a benefit?

After casting the spell, Ye Han found that the effect of his spell casting suddenly increased a lot, and the mana consumed was also reduced.

Is there a law force in the dark that reduces the influence of the terrible gravity of the third heaven, or is it that the purple tripod absorbs the changes of the purple metal rune?

Ye Han thinks it is both. After the purple metal rune was folded and absorbed, this set of laws was produced, which effectively reduced the influence of the third heaven, that is, the changes of the purple tripod!

But even so.

His mana consumption is still very terrifying! And this magic cultivation clan is more difficult to deal with than he thought!

Boom boom boom! !

The three evil figures released by the Fa Xiu Shen Clan with the Fang Tian Hua Ji shook and bombarded countless shadows of the Fang Tian Hua Ji, forming a terrible force that imprisoned the breath of mana, suppressing the entire palace and shaking it! !

Bang, bang, bang! !

Ye Han used the Lightning Divine Step to avoid the crazy siege of the evil figure of the Fa Xiu Shen Clan, while using the Thunder Five Elements Golden Cudgel to block the crazy attacks of the three evil figures of the Fa Xiu Shen Clan!

Although he was able to dodge most of the attacks, some of the attacks still bombarded him, and he could only block the dangerous ones!

This guy devoured the spiritual energy of heaven and earth while attacking crazily. Although he could still block it, it was still very difficult to defeat this guy.

Then, should I still use the same trick?

Suck this Fa Xiu Shen Clan into the purple tripod space, isolate him from absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and then kill him?


This method is absolutely not feasible. When this magic cultivator is attacking crazily, it is very difficult for his purple tripod space to quickly catch this guy in! !

Moreover, this guy is much stronger than the guy guarding the bridge, not on the same level! !

Then use the Absolute Cold Sword to deal with this guy at all costs?

With this thought, Ye Han immediately gave up the idea. This guy is not the Earth Spirit Lord. After killing him, there must be a huge gain.

The cost of using the Absolute Cold Sword is too high, and Ye Han dare not use it easily! !


After thinking so much, he decided to act according to his original plan.

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