Thinking of this, General Lu pushed the Great Guan Dao Fa Xiu Shen Clan away in a rage and yelled: "What are you all standing there for! Go find someone and catch that damn guy. I don't believe he can get to the tyrant."

That's right!!

This underwater palace is so big, and the other party doesn't know the key locations, so they definitely can't find the tyrant's location.

In addition, he has fought with the outsider, and the Great Guan Dao Fa Xiu Shen Clan can't be his opponent in a head-on battle, let alone the other party sneaking up to snatch the tyrant's token.

It's useless to say anything now, we must find the person first.

The Great Guandao Faxiu Shenzu was pushed away by General Lu, and he immediately started to chant something. The aura of death on his body swirled amazingly, and a circle of mysterious aura runes emanated from his body, forming a skull, chanting a formula on it, emitting a terrifying aura like flame...

The Great Guandao Faxiu Shenzu felt something, and his eyes suddenly shot out a circle of creepy blood light. The Great Guandao pointed in a direction and roared: "Go! Over there!!"

Immediately, the Great Guandao Faxiu Shenzu took the lead and rushed in that direction. He left a trace of death aura on the damn outsider. As long as this death aura was still on the outsider, he could find the guy's position with this trace of death aura! ! !

But he didn't understand why the aura suddenly disappeared just now, and then appeared again, which made him a little uneasy, but General Lu was here, so it was not good to expose anything...

Roar, roar, roar! ! !

Following the attack of the Daguandao Faxiu God Clan, the other Faxiu God Clan and the Guard God Clan all roared and rushed out...

General Lu frowned and looked at the side hall, saying to himself: "It seems that the cunning outsider is not so easy to deal with! There is actually the breath of space formation... It's no use relying on them!"

As he said that, General Lu's eyes flashed with a trace of solemnity, and he said: "Hmph! Don't think I'm as easy to deal with as them. If you dare to snatch the tyrant token, then we are mortal enemies."

As he said that, General Lu dragged the Fang Tian Huaji and ran in one direction, leaving a terrible hurricane along the way.

The damn outsider was very cunning, and the Daguandao Faxiu God Clan would only be fooled around. It was not easy for him to find that guy for a while, but he did have a better way.

If he guessed correctly, this guy would go to the Golden Spirit Hall sooner or later, and that guy would definitely not be able to stand the temptation there! !

Because, he had taken away all the things that he had guarded for the tyrant's throne, and the things in the Golden Spirit Palace were more precious than the things that he had guarded for the tyrant's throne!

Not to mention that the damn outsider also wanted those things, but it was not easy to get them...

Then I will strike back! !

Thinking of this, Lu Shen raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a hint of coldness, and moved in that direction...


Ye Han was lurking in the corner of a side hall, hiding his figure, without emitting a trace of breath, and his eyes were staring at the huge towering palace in the distance.

This towering palace has three floors, which is larger than the several huge palaces he has visited before. He can vaguely see a huge gourd in front...

And outside this towering palace, the guardian gods and the magic gods outside this palace have disappeared. Judging from the remaining breath in the air, the Daguandao magic gods and others have been here.

The guarding Faxiu God Clan had been taken away...

However, what disappointed Ye Han was that although this palace was huge, it did not cause any reaction from Zi Ding. However, Ye Han stared at the memorial archway on the palace...

It was a pity that the memorial archway had been cut into two pieces by some unknown spell, and only half of the words on it could be seen, which seemed to be the two words "Dan Yao"...

That is to say, this palace is very likely to be the medicine shop of this underwater palace!

So although Zi Ding did not react, it does not mean that there are no good things in it. Maybe there are a lot of elixirs in it.

Ye Han thought of the Shangjun Danlu found in the palace he went to not long ago, and his heart became a little excited...

From the current experience, as long as it is a palace with golden restrictions, you will gain something, and the gains are very large, which cannot be compared with ordinary places.

At this time!

Ye Han's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but say to himself: "We've been caught up again."

Yes, Ye Han has already felt that his clone and Fairy Bai have returned to the purple cauldron space again. This time, they were caught up by the Great Guandao Faxiu God Clan, and both the clone and Fairy Bai were injured. It is not so easy to recover at once.

As his spiritual sense sensed, he found that Fairy Bai's Bailong Guantianzun had consumed the defensive restrictions...

Obviously, those Faxiu God Clan were anxious and used more powerful magical powers and spells to deal with the two.

I can't wait any longer, I have to go in and get the opportunity treasure first!

Anyway, if the clone and Fairy Bai entered his purple cauldron space, even if there was still a residual breath of death on the clone, the Great Guandao Faxiu God Clan would not be able to sense the location of the purple cauldron space! !

Ye Han was not worried about this at all.

It's just that the underwater palace is full of guarding gods and Faxiu gods. Once they all join forces, it will be easy to find his location.

Ye Han made up his mind and stopped waiting. He moved his body and drove the Nine-Layer Light Hong. He flew towards the palace at an extremely fast speed...


Ye Han slapped his storage bag and flipped his palm. The golden token appeared in his hand. As a golden rune spiritual light touched it, the golden rune restriction trembled. As a ray of spiritual light surged, a hole appeared in the restriction light shield.

Ye Han moved his body and rushed into the restriction light shield.

As for the magic cultivation gods in these palace restrictions, they are generally much stronger than the magic cultivation gods outside. Ye Han decided to use the old trick. If he encountered a magic cultivation god, he would first suck it into the purple tripod space and lock it up. He would first get the treasures and opportunities, and then kill the opponent if he had the chance. If he couldn't kill it, it would be better to leave. Don't take risks and waste mana!

Of course, he didn't know what the situation was, but he already had a perfect countermeasure.


If you walk too much, you will always encounter ghosts.

Sure enough, before he even got close to this huge space, he could smell an extremely strong medicinal scent coming from inside.

Ye Han rushed into the palace gate and was shocked!!

There are actually four magic cultivators in this damn palace? !

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