Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2278 Does this token have such a great power?

Ye Han, who was struggling, suddenly had a bright look in his eyes! ! !

He glanced at the stacked medicine cabinets in the hall and really saw a way out! !

He had already observed from the outside of this huge hall that this hall had three floors.

Since he couldn't get out, he would go to the second floor!

But what if there were more powerful magic cultivators on the second floor? !

Wouldn't that be a big trouble? Wouldn't he be going to die like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?


Ye Han immediately denied this idea. It was already very exaggerated that these four magic cultivators were so powerful that four of them were guarding the first floor at once.

The existence that could defeat these four magic cultivators might only be a powerful fusion stage...

And it had to be a very powerful fusion stage!

Could there be a fusion stage existence above?

Of course it was impossible. The three heavens could not accommodate the existence of the system. This was an iron rule! !

Even if there is danger on the second floor, it shouldn't be surrounded by four magic cultivators...

"Go to the second floor to hide!!"

Ye Han thought so in his heart, and the death breath of the four magic cultivators had burst out and the gun light was extremely terrifying and came towards him.

Ye Han's face trembled. The combined breath of the four magic cultivators gave him too much pressure, but he immediately had a countermeasure!



Escape Light Divine Step!!

Ye Han performed the Escape Light Divine Step, and the fifth level of the Nine-Layer Light Hong technique was performed. A circle of white light burst out from his body, and his body turned into a series of white light afterimages, and he kept dodging the attacks of the four magic cultivators.

There was a white escape light in his body, and he kept bypassing these huge pill racks...

As he expected, the mission and responsibility of these four magic cultivators was to protect the pills in this hall!

When Ye Han bypassed these medicine shelves, the four magic cultivators of the God Clan deliberately avoided attacking these spiritual medicine shelves when they attacked him, fearing that they would destroy these medicines.

This gave Ye Han a lot of space to dodge. As long as he dodged along these cabinets, the attacks of the four magic cultivators of the God Clan would be very cautious and dare not attack too terribly! !

Ye Han's speed was amazingly fast. Since he got the purple metal rune, the purple tripod had undergone a huge change. He now used the fifth level of the Nine-Layer Light Hong, consuming not only a lot less mana, but also the spell effect was 30% stronger than before!

With the blessing of these three layers, Ye Han's speed soared by 20% to 30% compared to before...

In an instant, Ye Han dodged the siege of the fourth-level magic cultivator of the God Clan at an amazing speed and rushed to the bottom of the steps on the second floor!

Buzz! !

A golden rune surged out at the door of the second floor, and it was another golden light restriction...


Ye Han slapped his storage bag, flipped his palm, and the golden token appeared in his hand. As he pinched his fingers and chanted the spell, the golden token surged with circles of golden light ripples, and sent out a golden rune surge attack, impacting the golden restriction...


The golden restriction light shield cracked a gap!

What Ye Han didn't expect was that at the moment when the golden light shield cracked the restriction light shield!

Buzz buzz buzz!!

The purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness also trembled at this time, full of excitement!!

There is a treasure on the second floor that makes Zi Ding excited!!

Ye Han didn't expect that outside this hall, Zi Ding couldn't sense what treasures were inside, and even after entering this hall, he didn't sense it. Only when he opened the restriction light shield did he feel that there was something that Zi Ding was interested in!

This situation has happened before, usually because the breath emitted by this treasure is not very strong, and it is also placed in some special restrictions, which makes it difficult for Zi Ding to sense.

On the other hand, because the Purple Cauldron is getting stronger and stronger, the treasures that can make him excited are getting higher and higher, especially after getting the purple metal rune in the hall guarded by the Fang Tian Huaji Fa Xiu Shen Clan, the Purple Cauldron has grown a lot again, so the requirements for the protection that can enhance the Purple Cauldron are getting higher and higher.

It can be clearly felt that the two Purple Cauldrons in Ye Han's sea of ​​consciousness, the reaction of his own Purple Cauldron in the near future is not so strong, but the reaction of Ye Tianyu's Purple Cauldron is even stronger...

But Ye Han didn't have time to think about it!

Because the area around the entrance of the stairs was empty, at that time the four Fa Xiu Shen Clan had caught up, and the long spears burst out with terrible flames of the Death Dragon...

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

With the joint efforts of the four Fa Xiu Shen Clan, a terrible black gas storm swirling with a dragon spear light of a thousand feet in size was attacked, and it bombarded Ye Han!


A circle of purple-gold arcs exploded on Ye Han's body, and he disappeared instantly, and had already rushed into the staircase forbidden light shield.

At the same time! ! !

Bang! ! ! !

The dragon spears of the four magic cultivators attacked the forbidden light shield of the stairs, causing a thunderous black gas storm to explode.

Under such a terrifying attack, the entire forbidden light shield actually showed extremely concave ripples...

Crack, crack, crack! ! !

The forbidden light shield of the stairs continued to crack, and it seemed that it was about to be blasted open by the joint efforts of the four magic cultivators! ! !

Seeing this, Ye Han's face was filled with horror. This defensive forbidden light shield was connected to the forbidden light shield of the underwater palace. Under the attack of these four guys, such ripples appeared...

It can be seen that the attack of these four magic cultivators is not ordinary terrifying...

But! At this moment.

Buzz! !

The golden token in Ye Han's hand suddenly burst out with golden light. The shadow of the bearded man on the token roared out with the golden light vibration. Ye Han instantly felt a violent and terrifying breath burst out from it.

Get out! ! ! !

The golden shadow burst out with a roar, and a circle of golden light burst out. The violent and terrifying breath rushed out and poured into the forbidden light shield! ! !

Buzz! ! !

The forbidden light shield suddenly burst into golden light, and the cracked light shield was instantly restored at this time!

The key is that the four magic cultivators who were chasing after him had a cold and bloody look in their eyes, and their bodies began to tremble.

Kaka Kaka!!

The death aura and ghosts of the four magic cultivators disappeared at this time, and began to condense and petrify again, as if they had encountered a very scary existence.

What is going on?

Does this token have such a huge magical power?

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