Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2286 The Powerful Wanbao Formation

At the same time.

Boom boom boom!!

The three magic cultivators who were not sucked into the purple cauldron space burst out terrible suffocating death energy, frantically devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, increasing their own cultivation, and the terrible storm they sent out made the whole hall tremble slightly!!

Ye Han's eyes condensed, revealing a cold look. The powerful thing about these four magic cultivators is that they can form a joint formation, and their spells are also cast together. Of course, their power is much easier to deal with than the four magic cultivators who have no joint power.

As soon as Ye Han came out, he used the Thunder Five Elements Golden Cudgel with all his strength, just to knock away three of the magic cultivators, catch one of them into his purple cauldron space, break the joint formation between them, and weaken their strength at once.

On the other hand, it was also because Ye Han had observed the moment when the magic cultivators were petrified, when their defense and combat power were the weakest, because only when they were unpetrified and absorbed enough spiritual energy from heaven and earth could their strength soar.

Although this process only took a few breaths, it was enough for a being like Ye Han to catch the flaw...

What Ye Han hoped most was to blow them away before they were petrified, which might have a miraculous effect!

But no such miracle happened, because as soon as he came out, these guys had already unlocked the petrification seal, and the speed was so fast that Ye Han really didn't expect it.

Only three of them were blown away!

Of course, the reason why he was able to block the blast of the spear magic of these three magic cultivation gods at once.

That's because his cultivation has advanced to the fifth level of the Refining Void Stage, and both the Vajra Fire God Art and his life magic weapon, the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop, have become much stronger.

Especially after the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop absorbed the outer iron and strengthened a large part of its power, the power that burst out was actually one against three in an instant, and blasted away the three magic cultivation gods!

Of course, there is also an objective reason that these three magic cultivation gods have not had time to absorb enough spiritual energy from heaven and earth to become the strongest stage!

This is also the reason why Ye Han can grasp it!

And at this time! !

Boom boom boom!!

Although the three magic cultivators were a little embarrassed, they were not hurt. Instead, they burst out with more powerful auras, madly absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, swinging their spears to kill Ye Han! !

The shocking storm arrogance rushed over, making the whole hall tremble...


Ye Han showed a sneer: "I don't have time to play with you guys."

The moment he spoke, Ye Han slapped the storage bag, and a teleportation talisman appeared in his hand...

However, as Ye Han chanted to drive the teleportation talisman!

Huh! !

The teleportation talisman trembled with a spiritual light, and it was annihilated and turned into ashes.

The first and second layers were separated by only a golden restriction, but it couldn't be teleported successfully?

Is this restriction so powerful?


But this pharmacy has a teleportation ban that prevents teleportation, so that any teleportation method cannot be successfully teleported...

After all, when he met the magic cultivator of Fang Tian Huaji before, he had successfully used the teleportation talisman to get out.

It doesn't work here, it must be because of other reasons, not because of the ban.

But this is understandable. The place where the magic cultivator of Fang Tian Huaji is is not too important, and this is the alchemy room. If you can teleport in and out at will, won't it allow some people with ulterior motives to steal the elixir and treasures?

Understanding, Ye Han also has a second plan!

Looking at the three magic cultivators rushing over, Ye Han moved!

Huh! !

A white escape light burst out, and Ye Han's figure instantly turned into a white light ripple, disappeared on the spot, and appeared a thousand feet away the next moment. The speed is so fast that it is really terrifying! !

Of course, such a terrifying speed was caused by the consumption of a lot of mana to operate the sixth level of Jiujun Qinghong, which reduced the gravity he endured by almost half...

Ye Han's speed burst out directly, faster than the speed of teleportation, and he escaped from the siege of the three magic cultivators in an instant.

Roar! !

The three magic cultivators were also completely enraged, and attacked frantically, with countless spears chasing Ye Han, but these guys still had great concerns about the elixirs here, and deliberately avoided these elixir cabinets when attacking...

Ye Han's consumption of the sixth level of Jiuchong Qinghong was not ordinary amazing, but after performing it twice, he had already consumed all his mana and one-third of the purple tripod aura...


Ye Han could afford such terrible mana consumption. After all, he had accumulated a lot of elixirs and natural treasures over the years.

Directly driving the purple cauldron to refine the pills that had been swallowed and wrapped in mana, swallowing hundreds of pills at once, while completely restoring the breath consumed by the purple cauldron, it also restored Ye Han's breath...

The reason why Ye Han dodged the attacks of the remaining three magic cultivators and delayed time was because he wanted to wait for the good news he wanted, that the Wanbao formation in the purple cauldron space could kill the magic cultivators who were sucked in!!


Boom boom boom!!

One after another, thousands of feet of mana light pillars were driven out in the Wanbao Formation, forming a series of light pillar ripples that impacted a huge colorful light shield that was thousands of feet in size, forming a terrible force of confinement that crushed down.

Suddenly, the magic cultivator god race could not absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and roared in extreme anger. The spear in his hand burst out with a terrifying spear intent that was thousands of feet in size, and blasted out brilliantly!

Bang! !

This terrifying spear intent directly bombarded the forbidden light shield, and the entire light shield trembled and twisted, reaching a terrifying concave state, and it seemed to be cracked...


Buzz buzz buzz! !

In the formations that stored the spiritual energy of heaven and earth outside the Wanbao Formation, countless rune spiritual lights burst out one by one, constantly injecting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into the Wanbao Formation!

In an instant!

The forbidden light shield that was almost blown open suddenly became extremely solid as the stored spiritual energy of heaven and earth continued to flow in at this time, and directly counterattacked with a strange and terrifying storm.

Boom! !

A terrible storm exploded and rushed out, and the magic cultivator clan was actually attacked and retreated a lot! !

At the same time!

An extremely shocking scene appeared.

Buzz buzz buzz! !

Circles of terrifying light explosions and flames vibrated and erupted in the space. Above the purple tripod, the Fantian Pagoda turned into tens of thousands of feet in size and rushed towards the magic cultivator clan to suppress it! !

However, the Fantian Pagoda also had a special change! ! !

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