Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2298 Two magical treasures are used!

Ye Han has been paying attention to the three-pronged spear on General Lu's tail for a long time, and has been on guard against the attack of this guy's three-pronged spear on his tail.

After all, in the third heaven, among so many gods, only General Lu's tail has such a three-pronged spear, which contains a very terrifying and dangerous aura. Ye Han knows that this thing must be one of General Lu's killers!

Otherwise, how could such a three-pronged spear be integrated into his tail?

Sure enough!

Boom! ! !

The three spears broke through the ground and blasted out, and suddenly a blood-red array rune spun out, turning into two terrifying claws of ten thousand feet, slamming towards Ye Han...

As this terrifying and suffocating tail blasted down, it swirled like a hurricane, crushing down on Ye Han's body, forming a powerful confinement force, as if it had confined the space of hundreds of feet in radius!


Kakaka! !

Ye Han's body actually began to condense an astonishing earth-type magic aura, and his body suddenly became much heavier. The earth-type magic condensed on his body began to petrify!

Not good!!

Ye Han's face changed drastically. If this terrible earth-type magic spread, he would be petrified like the magic cultivators, right?

This damn Lu Shenjiang has such magical powers?

Moreover, Ye Han now feels that he can't drive the magic power and can't use the escape technique...

Seeing the two terrible suffocating monsters' palms crushing and bombarding...

Ye Han suddenly pinched the magic formula, and the skill immediately turned into the Earth God's Flawless Skill! !

In an instant!


A suffocating magic aura surged out of Ye Han's body. In an instant, the twisted earth-type magic formed a force that broke the ban and surrounded Ye Han's figure...

This Earth God's Flawless Skill is the top skill of the earth system, of course it is not, it just increases the gravity defense.

This Earth God Flawless Art is of the same level as the Vajra Fire God Art. The Vajra Fire God Art is so powerful, so the Earth God Flawless Art will naturally not be simple!

In recent years, Ye Han has cultivated the Earth God Flawless Art to the fourth level. In addition to the active and powerful earth-based magical power, the most important thing is that the Earth God can summon earth-attributed divine helpers, and flawless means to remove the restrictions on the body, the meaning of flawless body...

The attack of the terrible demon palm released by the Lu God will bring all kinds of very terrible imprisonment forces, and the flawless body is the magical power that can resist these imprisonments.

Sure enough!

As Ye Han performed the Earth God Flawless Art, the earth-based magic power that burst out all of a sudden formed a circle of mud and dust-like storms, surrounding Ye Han's figure...


Condensed a protective shield like a stone, and the whole figure was wrapped in it...


Boom! ! !

The two huge palms slammed down, making a deafening roar and bursting an endless storm of terror.

In an instant!

Ye Han was covered by the crushing monster's rage storm...

Then! !

Boom! ! !

The terrifying black gas light explosion transformed by the Fang Tian Hua Ji passed through the void like a fire meteor and directly hit Ye Han in the stone light shield!

Bang! !

There was a deafening roar, and the entire stone light shield was smashed into pieces by the Fang Tian Hua Ji in an instant. Countless rocks shook and exploded, and the entire ground was blasted into a rolling wave of bricks and stones, shaking the earth.

However! !

Damn it! Where is the outsider?

General Lu felt that there was no breath or figure of the outsider in the crushed rocks! !

This made General Lu couldn't help but get angry. He used so many powerful magics in a row, which consumed a lot of mana, and most importantly, his soul breath.

Even with such an attack, he still didn't kill the damn outsider. How could General Lu not be angry?

More importantly, the magic power of the heart of the gods and demons that General Lu used consumed too much energy, and he couldn't hold on for long. If he was really delayed by this damn outsider, he would be the one who was unlucky.

This must not happen.

General Lu's eyes showed a furious look, and he pinched the magic formula with his hands, activated the magic power of soul locking, and immediately sensed the location of Ye Han.

Damn, why did he run over there? !

Go! ! !

General Lu looked in the direction of Ye Han's location, pressed his fingers hard, and the magic light burst out.

Buzz! !

The Fang Tian Hua Ji that was inserted into the ground suddenly shocked out a terrible black flame, and a burst of light exploded. The Guang Tian Hua Ji rushed up directly, turned around in the air, and blasted towards the direction where Ye Han was! !

At the same time.

Whoosh! An astonishing wave of air burst out and surged. Lu Shenjiang's body trembled and rushed towards Ye Han at an astonishing speed...

Thousands of feet away, in a pile of rocks and rubble!

Boom! !

A piece of rock shattered and exploded, and Ye Han's figure appeared on the pile of rocks!

Fortunately, he used the Earth God's Flawless Skill, which not only helped him resist the monster's attack, but also allowed him to escape by burrowing into the ground and shifting his form to another place!

That is to say, wherever there is a treasure with earth attribute or the ground, Ye Han can move to that location instantly!

Of course, the premise is that this earth attribute protection or the ground location cannot be too far!

Otherwise, even if it can be moved instantly, it will not reach the location, and the movement and transmission will fail, leading to greater danger.

And Ye Han was under the double attack of Lu Shenjiang's tail and Fang Tian Huaji, so he could only use this trick as a last resort. In fact, it was very dangerous. If he was a little slower, he might be killed.

Even if he was not killed, he would be defeated and seriously injured.

Damn bastard!

Ye Han was also completely enraged. He quickly pinched his fingers and chanted a spell. He slapped his storage bag with his fingers, and a mysterious gray light rune burst out. The Zhanyuan Long Halberd appeared in front of him, followed by the Zhanxian Sword.

Ye Han is now really exposed. He actually used two fairy treasures at once! !

Over the years, Ye Han's refinement of the Zhanyuan Longji and Zhanxian Sword has been improved by several levels, and the power that can be exerted is definitely not so simple and clear! !

This damn Lu Shenjiang besieged him like this, and he couldn't swallow this breath, but he also felt that the time was almost right! !

Otherwise, why would this guy be so anxious?

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