Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2230 God and Demon Heart

Crack, crack, crack! ! !

After the Immortal Sword completely cut off General Lu's body, countless cracks and petrification spread all over his body. The wounds cut by the Immortal Sword began to spread terrible cracks...

Clang! ! !

General Lu's Fang Tian Hua Ji fell heavily on the ground and stuck in the ruins...

Ye Han's body trembled and fell beside the Fang Tian Hua Ji. Looking at the petrified General Lu, he said coldly: "It turns out that there is no Yuan Ying!"

Yes, Ye Han killed so many magic cultivators and has completely figured out the weaknesses of these guys. These guys have no Yuan Ying and soul, and only the remaining soul power is still alive.

General Lu should be the guy with the most remaining soul power among these magic cultivators, and his own cultivation should also be the top existence among these magic cultivators, so it is so difficult to deal with.

Ye Han waved his hand, and the long halberd and the Immortal Sword flew back.

Both the Abyss-Cutting Halberd and the Immortal-Cutting Sword require great mana to activate. When these two moves are combined, the Abyss-Cutting Halberd uses the Abyss-Cutting Art to perform the Abyss-Cutting Hell, which is to trap General Lu for a moment. The real killing move is the Immortal-Cutting Sword's attack that ignores defense...

The power of the killing moves combined in this way is very terrifying!

General Lu had already consumed enough mana, and was trapped by the Abyss-Cutting Hell for a while, losing the initiative. Ye Han also found a flaw and killed General Lu directly.

The mana consumed is not ordinary and amazing. In just two moves, Ye Han's two purple tripods were replenished three times before he drove two pseudo-immortal treasures, exerting the greatest power and killing General Lu! !

More importantly, Ye Han frowned as he looked at the ruins around him, and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "What's going on? The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here has dropped by several levels, and the forbidden defense has also been reduced a lot!!"

Yes, although the attacks of Ye Han and General Lu's magical treasures are very terrifying, the damage caused to this underwater palace with forbidden treasures is too great, although several side halls have completely collapsed, it is obvious that the forbidden magic array has weakened...

This situation made Ye Han feel a little surprised and uneasy. Although General Lu absorbed a lot of spiritual energy from the underwater palace when fighting with him, it shouldn't have caused so much spiritual energy to disappear from the underwater palace?

Because he felt that the spiritual energy of the entire underwater palace had dropped a lot more than before...

Just at this time.

Crack, crack, crack! !

The petrified statue of General Lu suddenly cracked violently, and a trace of inky black aura of gods and demons continued to penetrate from the cracks.

"What's going on?!"

Ye Han's face changed. This aura of gods and demons was not there when he first met General Lu in the palace. General Lu had not appeared when he killed his men. He estimated that this guy was refining this aura of gods and demons...

It was precisely because of this aura of gods and demons that Ye Han's confidence in dealing with General Lu was reduced a lot, because with this aura of gods and demons, General Lu's magical power and cultivation increased a lot.

Ye Han was chased and killed for several rounds before he exhausted this guy's mana and aura of gods and demons to deal with General Lu!

In an instant!

Boom! !

A muffled explosion surged, and the statue of General Lu broke into pieces and fell down...

Boom, boom, boom! !

A sound of heartbeats came from inside. It was actually a black and red head with mysterious runes all over it, like a hideous demon, and a heart with blood-red blood veins all over it was beating! !



The heart of the god and demon trembled violently, and the black and red flames burst out, flying away into the distance...


Don't even think about escaping!

The Demon-Breaking Thunder in Ye Han's hand burst out with shock, turning into a huge hand of Demon-Breaking Thunder with a size of a hundred feet, trembling with lightning, rushing out, and suddenly grabbed the heart of the god and demon that was about to escape.

Buzz! !

The heart of the god and demon suddenly burst out a circle of black and red terrible god and demon aura, which made the palm of the Demon-Breaking Thunder tremble and hum. In an instant, shocking god and demon auras were shaken out, turning into light explosions of god and demon phantoms, which made the palm of the Demon-Breaking Thunder hum and tremble, as if it was about to escape...

Don't even think about escaping! !

Seeing this, Ye Han roared, pointed his finger, and the Ghost Skull Mirror spun out, and the golden and silver runes flashed and rushed out, spraying out golden and silver skulls, and crushed in the direction of the heart of the god and demon!


The golden and silver skulls directly bit the heart of the god and demon, constantly weakening the power of the heart of the god and demon.

Finally, the heart of the god and demon was dragged into the Ghost Skull Mirror.

Inside the Ghost Skull Mirror, the heart of the god and demon was still rushing out, and the figure of the god and demon rushed out...

But they were all bitten into pieces by the golden and silver skulls shocked by the Ghost Skull Mirror, and pressed down tightly and could not move.

However, the whole heart of the god and demon was still beating, emitting an extremely creepy breath!

When Ye Han saw this scene, he immediately understood that the reason why General Lu suddenly became more powerful was because he got this weird heart with a very scary breath of the god and demon.

It is even possible that this heart is the heart taken from the god and demon!

It seems to be a really incredible thing.

And Ye Han also immediately thought of the effect of this thing on himself. Isn't it the most suitable treasure for his clone and Bai Xianzi to use? If the aura of gods and demons contained in it can be absorbed by the clone and Bai Xianzi.

Then the cultivation and combat effectiveness of Bai Xianzi and the clone will at least be greatly improved!

Immediately, the ghost skull mirror in Ye Han's hand trembled, and it was directly sent into the purple tripod space, allowing the clone and Bai Xianzi to deal with the heart of gods and demons. Anyway, if the clone Bai Xianzi can be made stronger, Ye Han's two helpers will become more and more useful.

After all, there are not many helpers like this that can be completely controlled by oneself.

However, when the general Lu was about to be killed, what he said made Ye Han not care.

What did he say about Ah Chan? He couldn't save her...

Then this Ah Chan is very likely the figure of the woman he met in the underwater temple!

This general Lu and the dead woman are indeed entangled!

However, I finally killed General Lu. Should I enter the Golden Spirit Palace?

Thinking this way, Ye Han looked in the direction of the Golden Spirit Palace. The purple tripod in his sea of ​​consciousness was shaking! !

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