Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2232 Method to break the ban? !

Ouch! !

I saw these divine and demonic auras drawing out dark streaks, like dragons and snakes, twisting and swaying, rolling up a terrible storm, and impacting Ye Han's body! !

See this!

Ye Han suddenly pinched the magic formula, and the purple-golden arc exploded out, forming circles of purple-golden arcs of the Demon-Destroying God Thunder that kept circling around his body! !

In an instant! !

Boom boom boom! !

The black and red dragon-snake-like arrogance was bombarded by purple-gold arcs and exploded into circles of terrifying lightning explosions...

Amidst the explosion of boundless thunder and black energy, Ye Han discovered that the forbidden area of ​​​​the Golden Spirit Palace was actually filled with the terrifying aura of gods and demons, the same aura as the heart of gods and demons! !

No wonder Na Lu Shenjiang wanted to go to this place, he wanted to change his bloodline and become a god and devil at the same time! !

When entering the restriction of the Golden Spirit Palace, Ye Han felt that the two purple tripods in the sea of ​​consciousness vibrated even more violently, and a very strong feeling of desire broke out!

The things that interest Zi Ding here must be of great help to Zi Ding, otherwise there would not be such a strong shock!

There had not been such a big shock outside before. That was because of the isolation of the restriction formation. The feeling was not that strong, but after the restriction was released, the feeling was strong enough!

Ye Han suddenly made up his mind that he must not miss this opportunity!

"Get out of here!!!"

Ye Han immediately yelled angrily, and the purple-gold electric arc on his body instantly exploded and vibrated like a spider grid. Countless purple-gold electric arcs exploded continuously, forming a purple-gold thunder dragon and bombarded it! !

Ouch! ! !

The purple-gold thunder dragon let out an earth-shattering roar. In an instant, the purple-gold thunder dragon charged directly towards the shadows of the black and red dragons and snakes. Wherever it passed, the terrifying lightning of the Demon-Breaking God Thunder struck. Impact bombing and crush them out...

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

The shadows of those black and red dragon and snake monsters were suddenly dispersed, and they continued to collapse, explode, and dissipate.

And Ye Han's figure rushed towards the main hall as the purple-gold arc exploded.

Just as he was about to rush into the hall, Ye Han slapped his storage bag, a ripple of gray light roared out, and a huge metal block thousands of feet in diameter flew out.

Bang! !

A terrifying roar that shook the heavens and the earth hit the ground directly at the door of the hall. The ground cracked and exploded with a roar. The whole hall shook violently and got stuck on the threshold!

The reason why Ye Han released this huge metal block was to prevent the situation like Baibao Danfang from happening again. He suddenly closed the door and banned it, making it impossible for him to get out. This huge metal block can block it there and prevent it from happening again. In such a situation, I have no place to run.

There was still a way to survive on the second floor of the Hundred Treasures Alchemy Room, but the Golden Spirit Palace seemed to have only one floor. He was really trapped, but there was no place to escape, so he wanted to prevent such a situation from happening again.

After all, the sense of danger this Golden Spirit Palace gave him was truly terrifying!

Ye Han rushed into the Golden Spirit Palace, and a storm of countless black and red divine and demonic energies rushed out, roaring toward him overwhelmingly.

However, they were all bombarded by the Demon-Breaking God Thunder Dragon that erupted from Ye Han...

Ye Han's thunder dragon is actually the ancient dragon's nine unique magical powers, coupled with the demon-breaking divine thunder drive, the thunder dragon attack formed consumes a lot of mana, but it is perfect for dealing with these gods, demons and evil spirits surrounded by the aura of gods and demons.

After entering the Golden Spirit Hall, I saw huge pillars inside, supporting the entire Golden Spirit Hall.

The entire space was even larger than it looked from the outside, several times larger than it looked from the outside. The entire space seemed to be hundreds of thousands of feet wide.

Obviously, there is a formation in the Sumeru Mustard Seed Space in this Golden Spirit Palace, which is not a formation that ordinary beings can possess.

This is something Ye Han has never seen in other halls.

Just as Ye Han thought, he just rushed into the Golden Spirit Palace!

Click, click, click! !

There was an astonishing sound of the mechanism, and the door of Jinling Palace closed automatically...


An astonishing metal collision exploded. The gate of the Golden Spirit Palace bombarded the huge metal block, making a harsh sound of gold and iron colliding. The closed giant door was also stuck there, unable to be completely closed, leaving The next crack is dozens of feet large...

Sure enough, it’s closing again!

Ye Han's expression changed.

However, the entire Golden Spirit Palace was filled with the terrifying aura of gods and demons, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

And according to the vibration feeling of Ziding in the sea of ​​consciousness, the treasure that interests Ziding is not on the ground, but in the sky above the main hall!

above? !

Ye Han couldn't help but look up and saw that the sky above the main hall was filled with astonishing aura of gods and demons. The black and black energy was flowing above, and countless gods, demons and evil spirits were twisting and roaring in the sky. , making people feel that there is an extremely powerful aura inside...


Ouch! !

In the arrogance filled with the aura of gods and demons, a heaven-shaking roar came from the sky above the hall.

The boundless flames of gods and demons roared and surged...

The arrogance of the gods and demons made a huge skeleton god with a human body and a snake tail, roaring towards Ye Han...

The runes of the terrible gods and demons on these skeleton gods were swirling and surging, directly impacting the sky above Ye Han's head, and the swords, guns, sticks and clubs bombarded him.

Ye Han's eyes trembled, and golden light burst out brilliantly...

Get out!

Ye Han roared, and the Vajra Fire Divine Art was activated. Purple-gold arcs and fairy fire burst out at the same time, and his fists bombarded like a violent storm.

Bang bang bang! ! !

I saw the purple-gold arc wrapped in the golden flame fist, rushing out like an endless fire meteor, and the whistling skeleton gods were directly bombarded and destroyed...

And at this time!

Boom! ! !

A terrifying aura of gods and demons roared and rolled, and a huge, blood-red dragon claw that was as big as a dragon claw grabbed a terrible storm of rolling clouds and rushed towards Ye Han's head...

The whole Golden Spirit Hall was rolling with terrible storm flames wherever it passed...

"Let me see what you are!!!"

Ye Han roared, and his fists burst out, forming a body bent like a terrible bow, bombarding a fist of a fist of a thousand feet! !

Bang! ! !

A terrible fist and dragon claw shook and rolled, and the fist was actually torn apart by the dragon claw and continued to bombard Ye Han! !

Ye Han's face suddenly became ugly! !

The method to break the ban? !

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