Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2317: Battle with the God Emperor (V)

When the Emperor of God saw this, his face turned black as dirt!!!

How many treasures does this damned Immortal bastard have? Could this bastard be the Son of the Immortal Clan?


How could the Son of the Immortal Clan be willing to let him enter the Third Heaven?

And at this time!

Boom boom boom!!!

The five magic cultivators in black gold armor released the five kinds of Tongtian magic treasures, swords, spears, sticks, and swords, and the impact of the five elements of magic and magical powers...


The five treasures of the Five Elements Tongtian Magic Treasure Array also released the five elements of magic and magical powers to resist and crush them...

Boom boom boom!!!

Horrible roars and explosions, the five elements storms continue to blast against each other, the light explosions of gold, wood, water, fire and earth continue to blast against each other, the terrible roaring storms that exploded continue to vibrate and explode in space, and the entire Golden Spirit Hall is a distorted five elements mana storm...

When the Emperor of God saw this scene, his eyes twitched and he was almost mad. How could this damn fairy bastard have so many treasures and so much mana? !

I released so many treasures, and this guy was able to use the corresponding treasures to fight against them! !

And this guy's mana seems to be endless!

Damn it! !

What kind of treasure can allow him to continuously restore his mana? !

Apart from the legendary treasures, there is no such treasure at all! ! !

Could it be?

Which of the legendary treasures does this guy have?

That's impossible! ! !

At the moment when the Emperor of God was distracted for a moment! !

Buzz! ! !

An extremely powerful soul power devoured his soul! !

What's going on?

How could this guy have such a powerful soul power? !

The God Emperor reacted immediately, his eyes burst with soul energy, and a circle of soul power suddenly burst out of his body to protect his body! ! !

Only then did he see that circles of soul power suddenly surged out from behind Ye Han, and there were actually two souls spinning on his body, bursting out with suffocating soul power to devour his soul! !

Feeling this terrible soul devouring power, the God Emperor opened his eyes in horror. This damn fairy kid actually has two souls?

This is impossible in the Refining Void Stage! ! !

Who is this kid? !

The God Emperor felt a very dangerous feeling, just like the terrible dangerous feeling when they were calculated by Lu Shen that year! !

However! !

As for the soul power!

Can it compare with himself?

Immediately, the Emperor's eyes suddenly closed, and a crack suddenly appeared between his brows, and a pupil with a bright blue spiritual light opened...



The Emperor's body burst out with an extremely powerful spiritual power, and a huge pupil with a blue light flame dozens of feet in size appeared, and it blasted towards the dual spiritual power released by Ye Han.

Boom boom boom!!!

The dual spiritual power released by Ye Han could not resist it, and was defeated and dissipated at once!!!


With the dissipation of the spiritual power, the Emperor not only did not feel that the crisis was resolved, but immediately felt a sense of crisis that was extremely dangerous!

Not good!!!

The Emperor was so skilled that he immediately realized that this situation was very wrong.

The black tortoise armor on the golden light on his body trembled violently, and a black and red divine and demonic aura swirled out, forming a black and red spiritual light surging armor that instantly appeared in front of him.


Buzz! !

The Immortal Sword, like a ghost, pierced through the void, flashed out, and turned into an extremely sharp blade light.

In the incredible eyes of the God Emperor, the Immortal Sword silently penetrated his basalt defense armor shield! !

Impossible! ! !

The God Emperor did not expect such a possibility. The power of this long sword would be so strange that it ignored the treasure defense and penetrated directly! !

And the attack position was aimed at the black and purple dagger inserted in his chest!

Clang! !

The Immortal Sword accurately hit the dagger, making a crisp muffled sound.

Puff! ! ! !

The God Emperor trembled, opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of black and red blood, and the black and purple dagger was directly penetrated by more than half! !

The God Emperor opened his eyes wide and cursed: "Damn it!! My injury!! Soul-breaking Dagger!!!"

Suddenly, his breath became disordered, and a stream of black and purple blood rolled up his body...

At the same time.

The Dragon Slaying Divine Sword in the God Emperor's hand trembled violently, and hit the Immortal Slaying Sword with one blow...


The Immortal Slaying Sword was knocked out at once, and a crack appeared on it, and it flew out...

Thump thump thump thump!!

The body of the Divine Emperor retreated hundreds of feet, his blood and qi surged in disorder, his eyes were filled with fear, damn it, this kid's previous attacks were all preparations, whether it was the Five Elements Tongtian Lingbao Formation or the attacks of the Fantian Pagoda and the White Dragon Guantian Zun...

When the divine power of the soul devouring attacked him, it did not cause any damage to him...

However, when his soul counterattacked, there was a very small gap between his soul and the power of his consciousness, which might be less than half a breath.

This guy used such a powerful sword that ignored his defense to attack the soul-breaking dagger stuck in his chest! !

This soul-breaking dagger is the legendary killer weapon. It was the dangerous weapon that attacked him when General Lu and the damned Xuechan plotted against him. If it weren't for the special magical power he cultivated and the magical treasures that saved his life, he would have been able to block that sneak attack...

Otherwise, he would have been killed by those damned traitors! !

However, it was precisely because of this damned soul-breaking dagger that his cultivation and life span plummeted, and he had to lie in the water spirit coffin, and he had to hide his secret space three-level heaven in this outer heaven spirit world...

Otherwise, if his opponents came up one by one, how could he deal with them?

And now, does this guy really think he can kill himself?

The Emperor's eyes widened, and he roared with terrible murderous intent: "Damn bastard!! Do you think this Emperor is so easy to deal with?"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and spit out circles of blood-red black air, surrounding the Emperor's figure...

Suddenly, a series of black and red lightning-like storms swirled around the Emperor's body, and the armor on the Emperor's body suddenly turned into a series of rune auras and was stored in the storage ring...

The Emperor's body was covered with terrible suffocating runes, and the twisted and flashing runes made the Emperor's breath surge, which was very terrible! !

This guy is going to fight to the death! ! !

Ye Han looked at the Emperor's breath, and knew that he had forced this guy to burst out his most powerful magical power, and he was going to fight him to the death! !

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