Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2325: Overcoming the Double Heavenly Tribulation!!

Boom boom! ! !

The thunderclouds rolled, like a sea of ​​blood, covering the sky and the sun.

Suddenly, a blood-red light explosion of hundreds of thousands of feet in size suddenly erupted, like a giant thundercloud storm exploding on the top of the cloud, releasing endless red light lightning.

These lightning flashes were like blood-red thunder dragons, raging wildly in the air, exploding and impacting violently, as if to tear the entire sky into pieces, intertwining and entangled with each other, constantly merging, and finally converging into a terrifying blood dragon.

The blood dragon exuded a terrifying aura, opened its huge dragon mouth that was enough to swallow the world, and let out a deafening roar.

Boom! ! ! !

Wherever the blood dragon passed, the void was shattered, the wind and clouds changed color, and it bombarded Ye Han! ! !

Stop it for me! ! ! !

Ye Han activated the Vajra Fire God Technique, and boundless golden runes burst out from his body, forming a thousand-foot-large Vajra phantom that vibrated out, and vibrated out circles of storm ripples like a substance!

Thunder Control God Technique!!


Boundless purple-gold arcs of demon-breaking divine thunder followed the impact...

Cold Art!

Boom boom boom!!

Boundless frost storms rushed up, forming boundless icebergs surging...

Earth God Flawless Technique!

Boom boom boom!!

One by one, ten-thousand-foot-large mud defense runes surged out, forming a huge defensive shield...

Five Elements Tongtian Lingbao Formation!!

Five pieces of Five Elements Tongtian Lingbao Formation flew out, and the five elements of spiritual light storms continued to roll and surge in the space!

Demon God Talisman!!

The last demon god talisman that killed the magic cultivators was also released. Ye Han's body and magic power continued to burst out with golden and silver rune auras, which continued to surround and impact him...

Ye Han used magic to release all the top treasures and magic powers...

This consumed a lot of his mana, which was extremely terrifying. The two purple tripods had continuously replenished thousands of pills, all of which were transformed into mana auras, and blessed these magic treasures! !

In an instant! !

Boom! ! ! !

The terrifying and boundless blood-red thunder dragon rushed down, and continuously bombarded Ye Han's released treasure defense magic power...

Boom boom boom boom! !

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the endless thundercloud storm suddenly erupted like a force that destroyed the world.

The terrifying Thunder Dragon was like a surging tsunami, sweeping over the sky and the earth, as if it was going to devour the entire Third Heaven.

In this thrilling scene, Ye Han's body was like a candle in a storm, shaking and surging constantly! !

The various top-level defensive treasures he released seemed so fragile at this moment.

Layer after layer of shields were shattered under the ravages of blood-red lightning and lightning, turning into countless fragments flying everywhere. They had no power to fight back in the face of the thunder bombardment, and they collapsed and dissipated one after another.

In the end, this unstoppable thunder force slammed hard on the Vajra figure condensed by the Vajra Fire Divine Art.

In an instant, golden light splashed and sparks flew. The entire Vajra figure could not withstand this huge pressure and began to explode one after another!

You have to block it! ! !

Ye Han felt the terrifying power of this thunder tribulation, and frantically drove all his magic skills, constantly releasing layers of defensive spells!

The Vajra figure of the Vajra Fire God Art was defeated again and again, the iceberg defense of the Cold Art collapsed again and again, and the earth defense of the Earth God Flawless Art continued to explode...

Even so, it still couldn't completely resist this terrible Thunder Dragon Heavenly Tribulation! !

Boom! !

With a thunderous explosion that shook the earth, the entire huge thunder tribulation cloud bombarded Ye Han's body...

The continuous collapse and explosion of the bombardment burst out, and the treasures such as the Broken Immortal God Armor and the Thunder God Armor on Ye Han's body collapsed and shattered in an instant!

Boom! ! !

With a terrible explosion that shook the earth, Ye Han's figure was crushed and bombarded by the terrible blood-red lightning, and rushed into the Spirit Lake...

Boom! ! !

A light explosion of a thousand feet in size hit, and the entire lake seemed to be rolled up by the impact...

At this moment, the huge thundercloud that originally covered the entire sky began to gradually dissipate, as if it was dispersed by an invisible force.

The dense black cloud gradually became thinner, and the flashing lightning in it became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared.

As the thundercloud dissipated, the originally suppressed and chaotic spiritual energy of heaven and earth also eased.

The terrible and surging thunderclouds had completely dissipated at this moment, leaving only some residual clouds floating in the sky.

Splash! ! !

The water of Linghu Lake rolled and surged, and gradually calmed down...

Where is Ye Han?

Splash! ! !

As ripples appeared on the surface of the lake, Ye Han's figure slowly emerged.

He looked exhausted, his clothes were tattered, bloodstained, and completely destroyed...

He lay motionless on the water, his body was already charred...

Even after fighting that damned tyrant emperor for so long, he had never been so embarrassed!

This terrible heavenly tribulation!!!

No wonder so many immortal cultivators are so taboo about this heavenly tribulation!


Ye Han moved, and the water splashed on his body, and he slowly swam towards the direction of the Temple of God...

It took more than an hour.


Ye Han climbed up the shore with difficulty, ignoring the pain in his body, and lay on the shore gasping for breath, as if he was injured and uncomfortable like a mortal!!

After such a terrible catastrophe, the spiritual energy of the third heaven has been exhausted after continuous and crazy consumption. He felt that there was not much spiritual energy in the water of the Spirit Lake.

The spiritual energy of the entire third heaven has been consumed to an unknown extent. More importantly, the terrible gravity of the entire third heaven has also dropped a lot at this time, leaving less than a thousand times.

However, Ye Han finally felt that he had resisted this catastrophe. He sat cross-legged, practiced qigong and adjusted his breathing, absorbing the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the purple cauldron space, and continuously absorbed it into spiritual energy through the purple cauldron to nourish his damaged meridians and body.

After a period of breathing, Ye Han's injuries improved.

After such a terrifying heavenly tribulation, this was the second time in Ye Han's life that he had used up all the elixirs that could replenish the aura of the Purple Cauldron, and more than half of the spiritual energy of the Purple Cauldron space was also consumed...

This was the only way to withstand this terrible heavenly tribulation!

And this benefit...

Damn it!!

Where is the Tyrant God Emperor? !

Ye Han looked inside the Purple Cauldron and found that the trapped Tyrant God Emperor was gone? !

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