Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2327 Shangjundan

Indeed, Ye Han's catastrophe this time was not only the Great Shou Yuan catastrophe, but also the terrifying inner demon catastrophe.

In other words, what Ye Han is experiencing now is a double disaster! !

If Ye Han hadn't avoided a large part of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation in the Purple Cauldron Space, so that the power of the Heavenly Tribulation could not find its target, he would have attacked the Tyrant God Emperor!

Otherwise, Ye Han would not be able to survive these two heavenly tribulations even if he tried all his methods!

The reason why this Heavenly Tribulation is so difficult is that on the one hand it is in addition to the Double Heavenly Tribulation, and on the other hand it is because the power of the Heavenly Tribulation that he has not overcome before is also added to it...

With the increase of various factors, this catastrophe is definitely the strongest catastrophe Ye Han has ever encountered.

He was able to withstand it because he only withstood the last blow of the catastrophe, which was also the most powerful blow and contained more than half of the power of this catastrophe.

It also allowed him to obtain enough longevity!

However, he lost so many treasures that he had used up all the elixirs in his body that could replenish the purple cauldron's aura, and also extracted part of the aura from the purple cauldron space to replenish it, so that he could completely withstand it.

In this desperate situation, he was seriously injured by the calamity. Needless to say, he lost so many treasures. However, his cultivation level was suppressed to the middle stage of transformation into a god, which was a big level drop. He could save his life. It's already very good.

In this case, you must heal your injuries quickly, stabilize your injuries, and maintain the aura of the Void Refining Stage. Otherwise, you will have to practice to the Void Refining Stage again, and you don't know how long it will take.

This is also one of the more terrifying aspects of the Heavenly Tribulation. Even if you can survive it, if you are seriously injured, your cultivation will plummet and your basic longevity will be damaged...

Once such a situation occurs, it is inevitable that the level of cultivation will fall to a certain extent.

Therefore, although surviving the heavenly tribulation can increase your lifespan a lot, if your cultivation level falls too hard and the cultivation level you need to rebuild is too slow, the gain will actually outweigh the loss. This is also the situation that scares immortal cultivators the most...

Heavenly tribulation is the biggest natural enemy of immortal cultivators, the existence of the catastrophe of heaven and earth that they are most afraid of! !

To become an immortal and attain the Tao, one must go through countless heavenly tribulations. It can be said that this is the origin of the saying that immortal cultivators fight against heaven and earth.

Ye Han could still use the aura of Ziding to stabilize his state and continue to maintain it. There would be no problem in rushing to the Void Refining Stage...

But this is based on the fact that there are enough elixirs and natural treasures to restore the aura of the purple cauldron, so that the purple cauldron can be driven.

This is also the only condition that can drive the Purple Cauldron. After all, the Purple Cauldron cannot be driven directly by passive water.

If you can drive the purple cauldron without using elixirs and heavenly materials and earthly treasures, then the purple cauldron would be too unbelievable! !

Ye Han's battle with the tyrant God-Emperor was so exhausting that he was at the end of his rope...

There are not many elixirs that can be refined from the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the Purple Cauldron Space...

It actually reminded Ye Han that when he killed the tyrant God Emperor, he got the remaining spoils from him! !

However, in order for the tyrant God-Emperor to deal with him, to resist the terrifying magical light pillar of the so-called One-day God King, and to resist the attack of the Blood-Red Thunder Tribulation, he also suffered huge losses...

Almost all the defensive treasures were destroyed, leaving only a few offensive treasures, such as the Dragon-Slaying Divine Sword, the Universe God and Demon Circle, etc...

For example, the treasure armor on his body and the golden pagoda were completely lost in the battle!

And Ye Han's only idea was to find the five space rings on the fingers of the tyrant God Emperor. He had to find useful elixirs in those rings! !

Ye Han pointed his finger, the purple rune aura trembled, and space rings flew out from the purple rune aura.

Five space rings and the golden gloves of the Tyrant God-Emperor flew out...

Good guy, this golden glove is a pair of pseudo-immortal treasures called the Hands of Gods. Maybe the evil spirits in Ling Lake are the magical powers summoned by the Hands of Gods!

Ye Han also quickly searched for five space rings. The reason why he was able to search for these five space rings so quickly was because Ye Han discovered that these five space rings did not have the divine mark of the Tyrant God Emperor.

Why is there no divine mark of the Tyrant God-Emperor?

This makes Ye Han very strange, but it is not what he cares about. Among these five spaces, is there any elixir that can restore his mana, restore the aura of the Purple Cauldron, or the treasures of heaven, materials and earth that are the most important? .

The space of this five-foot space ring is huge, but none of it is filled with treasures, and one is empty. There are many heavenly and earthly treasures and materials, and there are also many treasures, including several heaven-reaching spiritual treasures! !

There is also the Soul-Destroying Dagger that almost killed the Tyrant God-Emperor. This one is actually an evil treasure that reaches the sky. I wonder if it can grow like the Ghost Skeleton Mirror...

The best treasures of the Tyrant God-Emperor should be the golden armor of gods and demons, the divine dragon-slaying sword, the pagoda, and the divine gloves, but the golden armor and the pagoda have been destroyed.

It would be nice to get two of them.

But what Ye Han wants most is the elixir or heavenly material and earthly treasure that can restore his cultivation!

He searched for a long time and found very few? ! It seems that they have all been used by the Tyrant God-Emperor.

In fact, the Tyrant God-Emperor was lying in a water spirit coffin. It must be that cultivation resources and healing resources were very limited, so he had to lie in a water spirit coffin to heal his injuries.

Quite true!

Ye Han carefully searched through the belongings of the Tyrant God Emperor.


Ye Han said with surprise: "Got it!"

As he said that, his consciousness moved, one of the space rings trembled, and a metal box flew out, with a very mysterious sealing talisman on it, and three words were written under the very hidden talisman: Shangjun Dan.

Open the sealing talisman of the metal box, open it, and a refreshing and very familiar elixir breath surged out, and there were three elixirs that Ye Han was very familiar with.

It was the elixir that Ye Han found in the Shangjun Dan furnace in one of the elixir halls that made him break through his cultivation! !

This metal box looks like it can hold six Shangjun Dan, but now there are three spaces, which should have been used by the Tyrant God Emperor.

And now if there are three, Ye Han feels that it should be no problem to restore his cultivation!


Ye Han took a Shangjun Dan!

Buzz buzz buzz! !

A powerful and boundless elixir breath surged out of his body, and Ye Han immediately felt that his body was about to burst.

Damn it, his current cultivation is too weak, and his body is seriously damaged.


He immediately drove the purple cauldron to absorb a large part of the aura of the Shangjun Dan! !

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