Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2334 Ye Han! We are even now!

The sword light contained in this dazzling starlight was as surging as a raging sea, and it contained endless and terrifying sword power...

Even when Ye Han faced the Tyrant God Emperor who was more powerful than himself, he had never felt such a terrifying power.

It's bad! ! !

In an instant, his soul, magic power and body lost their ability to move.

. Hateful! ! !

Ye Han secretly complained in his heart, but in fact he had already been prepared, and he had already arranged multiple protective measures such as teleportation talismans and high-level substitute talismans on his body!

However, this sudden sword light was fierce and fast, and the terrifying power it contained.

It actually made the teleportation talismans and high-level substitute talismans he prepared in advance invalid and could not be activated normally! !

In the blink of an eye, he seemed to be completely imprisoned by an invisible huge force! !

The situation is not good! ! !

At this critical moment!

Suddenly! There was a loud "hum" sound! ! Then there was another "whoosh" sound! !

A sharp blood-red blade light pierced the sky like lightning, and suddenly hit from another void with a thunderous momentum, and directly collided with the dazzling sword light like the brilliance of the stars! !

Bang! ! ! ! ! !

A shocking loud noise came, and this sharp blood-red blade light that seemed to be able to cut through the sky and the earth collided with the dazzling sword light like the brilliance of the stars, bursting out a deafening and terrifying light explosion that resounded through the sky.

The collision wave of this powerful sword light and blade light swept over like a surging tsunami, causing the entire Wanling Lake to tremble violently, and the lake surface was set off by huge waves, and the third heaven was also shaking constantly.

Ye Han, who was at the center of the explosion, was the first to be hit, suffering an unprecedented huge impact.

His body was like a fire meteor, tumbling and flying in the violent sword and knife light.

Swish, swish, swish! ! ! !

The extremely terrifying sword light and knife intent attacked him like a tide, making him unable to resist at all.

However, at this moment, Ye Han, who had been suppressed by the restraints, finally found a chance to break free.

He shouted in a low voice: "Vajra body!!"

Before the voice fell, Ye Han activated the powerful mana in the Vajra Fire God Art, and it gushed out like a volcanic eruption.

Boom! ! ! ! !

The Vajra Body in the Vajra Fire God Art was instantly activated.

In an instant, a layer of dazzling Vajra body protection light shield suddenly appeared, tightly wrapping Ye Han's body.

This light shield was radiant and extremely sharp, like an indestructible fortress, emitting a frightening breath.

Bang Bang Bang! ! !

Although the sword light and sword intent were as dense as a storm, they left terrible marks on the body of the diamond.

Ye Han's figure was hit by the terrible impact of the sword light and sword intent, rolling and surging in the Wanling Lake, and was constantly washed away in the stormy waves, leaving a long hook mark on the ground! !

At this time!

A shocking scene appeared.

Boom! ! ! !

The space restriction light shield of the opened Tianmen burst instantly, and the huge water of the Wanling Lake suddenly rushed towards the Tianmen space.

In the sky above the Tianling Sea.

Boom! !

A terrible light explosion ripple burst, and the light explosion burst in the sky, and the sky burst into a huge hole in an instant.

As the huge hole exploded, a huge water column gushed out...

This water column gushed out at an angle, as if a big hole was opened by the impact, and turned into a huge waterfall, rushing down...

It created a special spectacle, the sky exploded and a huge waterfall wave rushed down...

But no one had time to watch this spectacle! !

The eyes of Tianxuan Star King showed a trace of murderous intent, and he glared at the Ghost God Demon Lord dozens of miles away, and said angrily: "Ghost God Demon Lord!! Are you really going to ruin my business?!"

It's so hateful! !

He was just about to give Ye Han a fatal blow and kill the kid to avoid exposing his secret.

For this reason, he also used the Star Sword Technique he had recently cultivated. Not to mention that Ye Han's cultivation base has increased greatly, even if the general fusion stage cultivator was caught off guard, he would not have time to resist his magical sword technique! ! !

However, the damned Ghost God Demon Lord actually blocked his move, obviously against him, to save the damned Ye Han? !

In fact, Ghost God Demon Lord's cultivation and reputation are higher than his. He thought that the swordsmanship he had learned from the ancient monument of the wilderness would have a considerable advantage in front of the powerful existence of the fusion period.

As a result, the Ghost God Demon Lord's swordsmanship against the sky not only blocked his move to kill Ye Han, but also shattered the secret space of the three heavens! ! !

Hearing the words of Tianxuanxing Wang, Ghost God Demon Lord smiled faintly and said: "Tianxuanxing Wang dwarf! Do you think I don't know your little tricks?"

His voice paused, he looked at the huge space ripple in the sky and said: "If you want to deal with that kid, I won't stop you! I'm going to the land outside the sky!"

As he said that, a golden demonic energy was shaken out of the Ghost God Demon Lord, and his figure suddenly rushed towards the huge space ripple!

When he rushed forward, he also sent a message in the direction of the big hole in the three-layer sky: "Ye Han! We are even!"

As he said that, a strange spiritual aura surged out of his body and surged towards a certain direction of the waterfall that was tilting down! !

As the three-layer sky collapsed and exploded, Ye Han's figure surged in the rolling waves.

He had already used the water attribute magical power of the Five Elements Spell to make his figure merge with the surging water of Wanling Lake. Even the Heavenly Xuanxing King could not find his location in the rolling water of Wanling Lake in an instant!

However, the soul mark of the Ghost God Demon Lord had been locking his position, so of course he could not hide it from him...

However, the Ghost God Demon Lord had just helped him block the move of the Heavenly Xuanxing King, and obviously he would not intend to kill him...


Ye Han heard the words of the Ghost God Demon Lord, and his heart moved. Did the Ghost God Demon Lord let him go like this?

Then, he felt that the soul mark that the Ghost God Demon Lord had released on him was also unlocked at this time!

What does it mean to be even?

Ghost God Demon Lord is still so friendly? !


Then Ye Han felt that the killing intention of Tianxuan Star King locked his position again! !

Damn it!

Ghost God Demon Lord let him go, but Tianxuan Star King had no intention of letting him go! ! !

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