Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2336 Find an opportunity to kill this guy!!!


The aura of the ancient beast that Ye Han released back then actually appeared at this time, and judging from that aura, it has become much stronger over the years, and it burst out with a very powerful soul aura, locking his figure and coming towards him...

Boom boom boom!!!

Accompanied by a deafening roar, the body of this ancient beast was like a huge and boundless island.

It rolled and stirred violently in the surging sea water.

Every collision was as shocking as the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, as if it was going to completely overturn the entire ocean.

The endless waves were like a violent whirlwind, raising huge waves as high as thousands of feet, forming a tsunami that destroyed the world.

The extremely fierce aura gushed out like a tidal wave, which was terrifying.

There is no doubt that this hateful ancient beast must have noticed the unusual movement here, and locked his aura accurately through some mysterious means, so it came to deal with him aggressively!

After all, it was Ye Han who sealed it in that strange hexagonal metal block many years ago.

Now that it has regained its freedom, it will naturally not give up and will definitely find an opportunity to avenge him!

Yes, after this ancient beast was accidentally released by Ye Han, it was unable to deal with Ye Han at that time and chased Ye Han to the entrance of the three heavens...

In recent years, it has been wandering in the Tianling Sea, madly devouring the monsters, sea beasts, and treasures in the Tianling Sea. Over the years, it has recovered a lot of cultivation.

However, there are powerful suffocating fusion period beings such as Tianxuan Star King and Youshen Demon Lord above the Tianling Sea, and this ancient beast dare not come here.

However, just now, the ancient bone beast sensed that there was a very familiar breath here, which was the place he dreamed of returning to.

Immediately, he roared over here, and as a result, he felt the breath of the guy who dealt with him that year, and of course he would not let Ye Han go.

Ao!!! !

The ancient beast burst out with a boundless and terrifying breath that shook the earth, and rushed towards Ye Han with a circle of earth-shaking storm waves! !

Ye Han rushed out of the water surface of the Tianling Sea, bursting out with speed, and attacked with an extremely shocking storm wave.

After Ye Han found that he had escaped from the third heaven, the terrible gravity restriction was gone, and his figure was as light as a feather. He just drove the magic power casually, and the speed was as if it had completely escaped the barrier of space and soared...

And he had not yet used other acceleration magic skills, such as the Lightning Divine Step, the Thunder Controlling Divine Method to accelerate, and other magic skills, and he had not used the Nine-Layer Light Secret Method! !

He felt that it was easy for him to escape from the pursuit of this ancient beast! !

More importantly, Ye Han did not feel that this guy was as untouchable as before! !

Find an opportunity to kill this guy! ! !

He was completely different from when he entered the Third Heaven. In the Third Heaven, his cultivation level kept soaring, from the initial stage of the Void Refining to the sixth stage of the Middle Stage of the Void Refining...

The body refining technique and cultivation skills have all made great progress. All kinds of treasures, except for those that were destroyed and still survived, have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although the ancient beast has also improved a lot, his body is too big. If he can kill this guy, he may be able to successfully refine the eighth-level demon blood elixir! !

Thinking of this, Ye Han's eyes flashed with a trace of murderous intent, and he had dealt with a small ancient beast before, so he knew where this guy's weakness was...



Just as Ye Han was chased by the ancient beast, the space hole that exploded in the Third Heaven gradually healed...

Huff! !

A golden figure emerged from the cracked space hole.

A beautiful woman wearing a golden palace dress flew out.

Her eyes were full of complex colors. She looked at the gradually healing space hole, holding a token, and said to herself: "A Lu! I will avenge you!"

As she said that, she quickly pinched her fingers and chanted a spell, and the golden token in her hand burst out circles of amazing and mysterious rune auras, emitting sharp and trembling light...


As this peerless woman pointed at the sea surface of the completely healed space hole! !

Huh! !

I saw the token with golden light flashing and rune auras trembling constantly falling like a meteor, rushing straight into the sea.

In an instant!

Accompanied by the deafening sound of "splashing" waves and water splashing, the originally calm sea surface suddenly set off a storm, and the waves kept rolling, as if stirred by an invisible force.

In the surging sea, a towering, huge pillar suddenly appeared.

This pillar was shining with dazzling rune aura, like a bridge connecting heaven and earth, reaching the sky...

Buzz buzz buzz! !

Waves of low and mysterious sounds echoed in the air, and circles of mysterious rune auras spread in the space like ripples.

These rune auras greedily devoured the surrounding heaven and earth aura, making the entire space distorted.

At this moment, a huge scroll-shaped treasure twisted out from the ripples of space and whizzed out at an astonishing speed.

Whoosh! ! ! !

Like a lightning that cut through the sky, it instantly turned into an amazing spiritual light and flew straight into the hands of the mysterious and beautiful woman!

The beautiful woman tightly grasped the giant scroll treasure in her hand, and a complex and incomprehensible look appeared in her beautiful eyes.

After going through untold hardships, the three-layer scroll of the Tyrant God Emperor finally fell into her control...

However, she couldn't help but feel a trace of regret and sadness in her heart, because General Lu and many of his peers had unfortunately fallen, and all this was caused by that extremely hateful fairy boy Ye Han! !

Wait! !

Saying so, this extremely beautiful female cultivator looked at Ye Han and the ancient beast escaping, with a hint of hesitation in her eyes...

However, she gritted her teeth and turned into an amazing escape light, and then flew away rapidly in that direction!


Boom! ! !

The terrifying tsunami of thousands of feet high surged and rolled up, and the ancient beast burst out with boundless black and gray flames frantically, chasing in the direction of Ye Han. His speed was getting faster and faster, and it was only a matter of time before he caught up with Ye Han!


We can't let this guy escape again!

This guy must have that thing on him, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to trap himself and enter the third heaven! ! !

Kill! ! !

Boom! ! !

The ancient beast vibrated with circles of extremely terrifying black and gray blood storms...

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