Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2340: Sudden pursuit

Hearing Zhang Qingshan's sudden nervous words.

What's going on? !

Ye Han's heart was shocked, and his face became solemn in an instant.

He couldn't help but think to himself: "Why is Zhang Qingshan urging me to escape so eagerly at this moment? Is there any other hidden danger?"

You know, the ancient beast in front of him has already fallen dead at his feet, and according to common sense, there should be no more threats.

However, it is this imperceptible crisis that is the most frightening.

With Ye Han's current cultivation level, if even he can't feel the potential danger, the situation will probably be extremely serious.

This means that either he is facing extremely powerful magical spells, or there are more terrifying and unfathomable enemies who are eyeing him.

Although it is not yet certain where the danger comes from, out of absolute trust in Zhang Qingshan, Ye Han made a decision without hesitation!

In an instant, Ye Han was surrounded by lightning, and his momentum was magnificent.

Accompanied by a loud bang!

Boom! !

He used all his strength to activate the two great skills of Thunder Escape and Nine-Layer Light Hong.

For a moment, countless dazzling purple-gold arcs exploded, as if thunder and lightning were exploding.

And Ye Han's figure was like a lightning cannon that rushed past, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the moment when Ye Han's figure disappeared in the space! !

Buzz! ! !

Circles of boundless, creepy and terrifying golden runes, shining with dazzling light like stars in the universe, intertwined and merged with each other, gradually gathered into a giant terrifying golden ring as high as hundreds of thousands of feet.

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

This behemoth seemed to have come down from the void, exuding endless pressure.

On this huge golden ring, countless creatures of various shapes and forms were chanting in unison, reciting ancient and mysterious spells in their mouths.

Their voices were deafening like the sound of a huge bell, echoing throughout the world.

Along with the chanting, dazzling rune auras emerged like a tide, and continuously merged into the golden ring.

Finally, these rune auras condensed into circles of boundless auras, like an indestructible shield, tightly covering the space of hundreds of thousands of feet. In this imprisoned space, time and space seemed to be solidified, and everything became still.

The originally turbulent and surging sea surface, at this moment, seemed to be cast by a magic spell, and was frozen in mid-air, unable to move at all.

However, outside the golden ring, the sea water was still surging, raising huge waves.

At this moment, there was a loud noise that shook the earth.

Boom! ! ! ! !

A thunderous explosion sounded, and a purple-gold arc suddenly exploded.

Huchi! ! ! !

Then, Ye Han's figure appeared as fast as lightning. He used the power of the Thunder Escape Technique to pass through layers of obstacles and came here...

The incredible scene in front of him made Ye Han dumbfounded.

Ye Han frowned and stared at the huge golden halo formed by the Wanxiang creatures pinching their fingers and chanting spells, and an unprecedented horror surged in his heart.

What kind of powerful magic is this?

It can actually have such a terrifying power!

The key point is who is using such a powerful magic to attack him?

And he immediately felt this terrifying and dangerous feeling coming, and there was a powerful and suffocating existence that continued to attack him.

Damn it!

What is going on? !

Ye Han did not hesitate to use the sixth level of the Nine-Layer Light Hong technique! !

Follow! !

Thunder Escape Technique! !

Boom! ! ! !

With a loud bang that shook the earth, an incomparable and extremely shocking golden light suddenly burst out.

This golden light was like a dazzling sun, and its light illuminated the whole world.

In this boundless golden light, a huge golden halo suddenly emerged.

And the countless creatures that originally inhabited it merged into one in an instant, turning into a huge golden mouth that was thousands of feet high, terrifying and dazzling!

This golden mouth was as huge as if it could swallow the sky and the earth. It opened so wide that it seemed to swallow the whole world.

Boom boom boom!!!

The terrifying aura and suffocating golden light confinement force emitted covered an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of feet in radius.

At this time, Ye Han was performing the Thunder Escape Technique with all his strength!

However, those purple-gold arcs that were supposed to burst out quickly were affected by the extremely strong confinement force.

The lightning power of the Demon-Breaking Divine Thunder was tightly bound and could not move, as if it was stuck in a deep quagmire and difficult to drive quickly.

Seeing the purple-gold arc that was about to explode slower and slower, it seemed as if time had been slowed down hundreds of times.

The Thunder Escape Technique, which was supposed to be as fast as thunder, had lost its former power of escaping quickly and became difficult to move!

"The magical power of the treasure that attacked me is too powerful!!!"

Ye Han's eyes showed horror, and he exclaimed in his heart.


Ye Han's spiritual roots immediately turned into light attributes, and his two souls suddenly burst out with a terrifying soul power to protect his body!!!


Light Escape Technique!!!

Ye Han instantly activated the Light Escape Technique, and a brilliant white light rune exploded from his body, and a circle of dazzling treasure light runes burst out with shockwaves! !

Boom! !

After a beam of brilliant white light runes exploded, Ye Han's figure disappeared into the air again! !

That extremely huge, terrifying, suffocating golden light mouth directly bit into the sky and earth with a bang! !

Boom! ! !

An endless and terrifying golden light exploded, and the space seemed to be torn into countless ripples of space cracks. The extremely terrifying light explosion runes kept rushing out in the air, biting the boundless storm and rushing out! !

Crack, crack, crack! ! !

The boundless space ripples were torn in half, as if the entire sea area was overturned at this moment, and the boundless sea waves rushed and rushed out! ! !

Such a terrifying power, I'm afraid only the divine cultivators in the fusion stage can perform the magic and supernatural power! ! !

And at this time! !

In the void a hundred miles away! !

Boom! ! !

Ye Han's figure surged out with a brilliant white light, and his figure flashed in the void in an instant.

Ye Han's face was not just ugly, but even a little pale.

Damn it!

What kind of existence is attacking him in such a sneak attack?

In front of such a powerful magic and supernatural power, he has already used all his magic and magic. If he hadn't decisively converted the light attribute spiritual root that can resist the power of the law! !

I'm afraid I would have been trapped in that spell! !

Who is it?

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