Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2342: Unstoppable magical power!

Buzz! ! !

With the driving spell of this mysterious woman, the divine soul aura surging out of the array turned into the appearance of a huge divine soul evil spirit.

A sudden tremor! !

boom! ! !

This demon-like soul and evil spirit instantly shocked an extremely evil aura of the soul, turned into a strange black-red spiritual light, and flew out in an instant, flying in one direction.

The mysterious woman's eyes trembled, her body moved, and she flew towards that direction with a flash of light! !

The gravity in the spiritual world was really low that day, which allowed her to use her escape skills to the extreme...

Her main purpose in helping General Lu to avenge her was not actually her main purpose. The most important thing was that she had already seen that Ye Han, an outsider from the Immortal Clan, had countless secrets...

Otherwise, we would not have really defeated the blood-red dragon, General Lu, and the arrogant tyrant God Emperor! ! !

The best time to deal with this guy is now when he is at his weakest.

In fact, she also had a chance to deal with Ye Han in the third heaven, but at that time, while Ye Han was recovering from the tribulation, she stole another part of the inherited power hidden by the Tyrant God Emperor.

If she hadn't obtained this part of the inherited power, how could she have recovered her physical body and gained huge benefits at the same time! !

This is the only opportunity she has been waiting for for so many years!

When Ye Han opened the Heavenly Gate, she took control of the third heaven!

Now she has succeeded in planning the Third Heaven and the inheritance and cultivation of the Tyrant God Emperor!

Originally, she didn't want to deal with this Ye Han, but the secrets of Ye Han were really attractive. If she could get these things, her pursuit of immortality would be smoother! !

Moreover, the best time to deal with Ye Han is now. Once this guy gets stronger or slows down, it will be difficult to deal with him! !

Hundreds of miles away!

In a very secret submarine trench, there is a very hidden void inside. The entire space is filled with mysterious runic auras. There is also a teleportation formation that emits amazing runic auras and runes.

Buzz! !

Circles of mysterious teleportation runes surge out of this teleportation formation! !

Whoops! !

Ye Han's body appeared in the teleportation space as the teleportation runes trembled! ! !

When he appeared in this teleportation array, he had an angry look on his face. It was really troublesome. That damn woman was so difficult to deal with! !

Ye Han never thought that although he had received many benefits in the Third Heaven, everything was planned by that mysterious and weird woman. He was afraid that the woman had received more benefits than him. Thinking of this made Ye Han feel heartache. ! !

Ye Han spent so much effort and took so many risks to actually make a wedding dress for someone else, so he was naturally a little annoyed.

What's more important is that now this damn woman has to deal with herself and wants to snatch the chance treasure from him. Otherwise, how could this guy be chasing after him?


The strength that Ye Han showed, the magical treasures that constantly burst out of his body, and the killing of such terrifying beings as General Lu and the Tyrant God Emperor!

As long as the eyes are not blind, immortal cultivators will know that he has a very heaven-defying treasure and extremely powerful cultivation resources. How can they not be tempted by the opportunity of the treasure in him?

And this teleportation array is exactly the teleportation array that Ye Han left behind when he was looking for the entrance to the third heaven in the Tianling Sea!

Unexpectedly, after so many years, this teleportation array is still intact!

That damn woman still wants to use the magical power of that terrifying halo treasure to deal with him. If he forcefully uses the escape technique again, he will have to waste his lifespan and cultivation!

Immediately, he sensed the location of the teleportation array, so naturally he would not waste his lifespan and forcefully escape to teleport.

Instead, he used the teleportation talisman of the teleportation array to teleport hundreds of miles away!

Far away from the attack range of that damn woman's magical power!


Ye Han just breathed a sigh of relief!

Buzz! !

A circle of suffocating spiritual aura suddenly broke through the empty hole and charged towards Ye Han! !


Ye Han's expression changed, and he felt a very familiar evil spirit breath from the impact of the divine soul breath. This evil spirit divine breath carried the power of a forbidden law that locked his soul! !

not good! !

That damn bastard guy also activated the magical power of soul locking! !

Ye Han sensed this situation and immediately activated his dual soul powers. Suddenly two souls roared out, forming a strange and terrifying light explosion of soul power! ! !

go! !

As Ye Han's twin souls burst out with this astonishing power of soul, they blasted towards the evil spirit soul!

Bang bang bang! !

The violent collision between the two erupted, and circles of suffocating spiritual power rippled in the air. The entire empty cave and the teleportation array instantly exploded, shook and shattered. The sea water poured in, and the impact caused the entire trench to ripple and explode in an astonishing way. The waves are surging and impacting! !

That damn woman is coming soon!

Ye Han didn't dare to delay. The soul power and supernatural powers of his two souls were enough to block the attack of this evil spirit soul, but if he wanted to kill the opponent, he couldn't do it...

The difference between the two is not very big!

The point is, the arrival of this evil spirit means that the mysterious woman will definitely catch up!

Ye Han's current cultivation and mana can't deal with that damn woman!

He found that the woman had been practicing in the third heaven and was very accustomed to the terrible gravity of the third heaven. Once she arrived in the Tianling Realm with normal gravity, the speed and mana of this woman, without the terrible gravity restraint, the mana and combat power she burst out far exceeded his own. This guy is definitely above the fusion stage. There may be other reasons why his cultivation has not been able to fully exert his magical powers!

Immediately, Ye Han did not dare to delay, and moved his body and rushed towards the trench.

He felt that the powerful breath was coming again! !

Ye Han carefully sensed the surrounding situation, hoping to find another teleportation array and teleport again...

However, his good luck may end here. Although he should have arranged other teleportation arrays around him before, these teleportation arrays may have been destroyed. He did not feel that there was a teleportation array nearby that could be teleported! !

Upon discovering this, Ye Han's face turned ugly!

Damn it!

Was he really going to fight that damn woman to death?

He finally managed to leave the Third Heaven alive! !

This was the only way! !

Ye Han suddenly made up his mind, slapped his storage bag, and a strange bead with a trembling rune aura flew out! !

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