Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2345 This guy is so sinister!!

Ye Han's feet were bitten by the ice monster, and his body was entangled with flame ropes. His entire body was imprisoned in place by the terrifying power of imprisonment, as if he could not move.

However, Ye Han's face was calm. He looked at the Lord Linghuo and Lord Lingshui who took action and shouted: "What are you doing? How dare you attack me?"

These two bastards really couldn't hold themselves back. After they showed weakness a little, these two guys took action against them!

Then you can’t blame yourself! !

Anyway, when they were chasing him back then, he had no intention of letting them go! !

Venerable Lingshui exploded with mana from his hands, and at some point he released a blue-light ice-cold flag treasure, with an ice-cold monster with six heads on it...

After listening to Ye Han's words, Lord Lingshui said coldly: "Ye Han! Do you think you are still the Great Protector? In the land of Zichuan, you are nothing!!!"

Lord Linghuo also laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha! Ye Han is not a wild ancient land. I will use a little trick and you will show your flaws. Don't say you are unlucky to meet us here!!!"

As he spoke, he quickly made a hand seal with his hands, and with a click of his fingers, an astonishing burst of fire erupted, and a flame spear treasure flew out.

Suddenly, the entire radius of dozens of miles was filled with terrifying hot flames surging and exploding! !

Lord Linghuo said: "Fellow Taoist Lingshui! His bloodline belongs to you, and the strange fire in his body will belong to me."

As he spoke, Lord Linghuo suddenly roared: "Go to hell!!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw surging mana fluctuations all over his body, like a volcano about to erupt.

Boom boom boom! !

Then, he stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly, and the flame spear that was originally held tightly in his hand instantly turned into a beam of extremely hot fire light.

This ray of fire and gun light seemed to contain endless power, and it shot out with a heart-stopping pressure.

Its speed is as fast as lightning streaking across the sky; its power is as fierce as a meteorite striking the earth.

Boom boom boom! !

Wherever it passed, the void trembled violently, and layers of thrilling flames and light explosions rippled.

These flame explosions intertwined and collided with each other, forming a huge flame vortex, burning all the surrounding air, leaving only a suffocating hot breath.

And the target of this terrifying attack was Ye Han, who was standing not far away!

At this moment, Lord Linghuo was thinking to himself: "We can't delay any more time to avoid complications. It's better to deal with this troublesome guy first, and let's talk about other things later."

So, he used all his magic power and vowed to kill Ye Han with one blow!

at the same time!

Buzz buzz! !

As a low roar sounded, Venerable Lingshui quickly pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the powerful spiritual power in his body surged out like a tide.

In an instant, a dazzling brilliance of ice-cold mana suddenly burst out, and the icy cold air it exuded seemed to freeze the entire space into an icy world.

Click, click, click! !

The boundless icy cold air continued to spread over Ye Han's body, as if his frozen body could not move! !

Faced with such terrifying power, even the surrounding air seemed to be frozen. And this powerful force swept straight towards Ye Han!

You know, the last time Ye Han became a top-grade bloodline in the Immortal Clan and Immortal Land, the impact was not small. He has a peerless and rare top-grade bloodline, and he is the target of countless immortal kings.

Under normal circumstances, when this guy is at his peak, it will be difficult to deal with him.

This Venerable Lingshui knows that Ye Han's strength is unfathomable, but since he has made up his mind to eradicate this person, he must not back down in the slightest!

At this moment, only by going all out and attacking decisively can we have a chance of winning.

After all, if you are not careful, you may fall into a place of eternal destruction...

However! ! Just when Venerable Lingshui and Venerable Linghuo both thought that Ye Han had absolutely no power to fight back!

"You are really looking for death!!"

Ye Han shouted with disdain, suddenly!

Buzz! ! ! ! !

There was a loud noise, as if the whole world was shaking.

Ye Han's body suddenly burst out with a powerful and suffocating force. This force was like a surging torrent, sweeping around him with him as the center, forming a boundless and terrifying storm of golden light.

The body of Vajra! ! ! ! !

As Ye Han whispered softly in his mouth, he began to use the Vajra Body Divine Power in the Vajra Fire Divine Art with all his strength.

Buzz! !

In an instant, countless golden runes emerged from his body, quickly converging into a dazzling layer of golden runes, and the shadow of the Vajra Body impacted out!

The surface of this diamond body flashes with mysterious lines and symbols, exuding an indestructible aura.

At the same time, the terrifying power contained in the King Kong body was also completely released, forming waves of extremely violent impact that spread outward like ripples. The strong wind howled, overflowing with energy, and the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, there was another earth-shattering roar.

A ball of bright and gorgeous fairy fire suddenly burst out from Ye Han's body, and the blazing golden flame suddenly erupted with a power that destroyed the world.

In the blink of an eye, the icy frost that originally wrapped around him and the six icy statues of monsters could not withstand the pressure of this terrifying force, and suddenly collapsed and turned into ice powder all over the sky! !

boom! !

Bang bang bang!

A series of dull explosions echoed through the sky.

The flame rope that originally bound Ye Han also disintegrated in an instant, turning into sparks that dissipated into the void.

However, all this is not over yet.

At this moment, Ye Han suddenly raised his hand and slapped it out. A brilliant golden light burst out from the palm of the golden light figure of the Vajra Body, like a golden sun falling from the sky.

At this moment, the flame spear that the Spirit Fire Venerable attacked him just flew close to him, but was firmly grasped by Ye Han's golden hand...

Bang! ! !

The boundless flames shook and exploded, and the indestructible and terrifying flame spear was directly twisted and shook and exploded, and was caught by Ye Han's Vajra Body's big hand! !

Suddenly! !

Bang bang bang! !

The flaming spear released by the Spirit Fire Venerable was caught by the huge arm of the King Kong, and a series of golden flames burst out immediately! !

The Spirit Fire Venerable and the Spirit Water Venerable were pale in the face. What was going on? Wasn't Ye Han seriously injured and had little mana left?

Not good!

He was fooled!

The two of them immediately turned into a beam of light and flew away!

With their current experience and cultivation, how could they not see that they had been fooled?

This guy is too insidious! !

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