Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2347: Zichuan Land

Hasn't the ancient beast been killed by Ye Han?

The soul was collected into the ghost skull mirror, and the body was captured into the purple tripod space! Why is Ye Han still exclaiming?

Because the problem lies in the body of the ancient beast in the purple tripod space! !


The body of the ancient beast, which was almost complete, occupied the entire space above the purple tripod space.

In order to get the body of the ancient beast into the purple tripod space, Ye Han consumed a lot of mana, but as long as the flesh and blood of the ancient beast is refined into a demon blood elixir, especially the eighth-level demon blood elixir is successfully refined.

Then for a period of time, Ye Han will not have to worry about the elixir!


Now the body of the ancient beast, which was originally complete, is now only about one-third left, and a large piece in the middle has disappeared! !

This is the body of the ancient beast! A fusion stage existence! ! If this guy wasn't weak to begin with and hadn't fully recovered his true cultivation, Ye Han really wouldn't have been able to defeat him!

Now that more than half of them have disappeared, how could Ye Han not feel pain?


It's not that more than half of them have disappeared, but more than half of them have been eaten by the eggs of the 朏朏worm!! !

Sure enough, he saw that the area where the 朏朏 was located, the 朏朏, which was originally hundreds of feet in size, had grown several times larger and was thousands of feet in size. Many mysterious and profound rune lights were swirling on it, wrapping up the eggs of the 朏朜completely! !

Seeing this situation, Ye Han was very helpless, and the current situation was very clear.

When he put the ancient beast into the purple tripod space, he did not control the eggs of the 朏朏worm.

The eggs of the 朏朏worm actually devored so much flesh and blood of the ancient beast, which made Ye Han feel very painful!

You know, when he wanted to hatch this 朏朏worm, he used unknown medicinal materials to cultivate this 朏朏worm, but he never succeeded in cultivating it, and he couldn't even make this 朏朏worm mature and hatch!

When he entered the third heaven, he couldn't find any useful creatures to feed the 朏朏worm, and his own consumption in the third heaven was very terrible, so he couldn't allocate any resources to the 朏朏worm.

So for a long time, he stopped cultivating the 朏朏worm, and this thing just relied on absorbing the spiritual energy of the world in the purple tripod space and grew very slowly!

Really didn't expect it!

He didn't care about this 朏朏worm, but after this 朏朏worm swallowed most of the flesh and blood of the ancient beast, countless blood runes suddenly appeared on the worm eggs, and a creepy and extremely cruel aura was continuously emitted.

At this moment, the worm has absorbed enough spiritual energy from heaven and earth and has begun to hatch.

Ye Han carefully felt it and found that the soul mark he left on the worm was still there. If nothing unexpected happened, he would still be able to control the worm in the future...

Forget it, it has been eaten, what else can I do? Just treat it as a powerful helper in the future. Ye Han had no choice but to admit defeat. Who made him not pay attention?

In fact, it was because of the sudden appearance of the damn mysterious woman Xuechan and her crazy attack on him that he had no time to deal with the situation in the purple tripod space.

How could he have time to deal with such a dangerous situation?

He could only make the best of a bad situation and let the worm grow up!

However, Ye Han's consciousness moved and asked his clone and Fairy Bai to collect the remaining corpses of the ancient beasts and refine the demon blood elixir!

It is worth mentioning that since getting the Shangjun Pill Furnace from the Third Heaven, after constantly refining and getting familiar with the Shangjun Pill Furnace, the success rate of the clone in refining pills has become higher and higher, and the efficiency has also increased a lot. It is time to refine the eighth-level demon blood spirit pill.

Then, Ye Han was about to deal with the bodies and spoils of the Spirit Water Venerable and the Spirit Fire Venerable! !


Huh? !

Ye Han frowned suddenly, and a trace of imperceptible contempt flashed in his eyes. He was secretly surprised in his heart: "This demon beast actually dared to rush over?"

In an instant! !

Boom! ! ! !

There was only a loud bang! !

On the ground of the mountain where Ye Han was, a dull explosion suddenly broke out, as if the whole earth was torn apart.

Then, a jaw-droppingly huge crocodile head, tens of thousands of feet long, broke out from the ground. Its face was hideous and twisted, and its body was covered with sharp horns. It was like a demon from the abyss of hell, pouncing towards Ye Han with its fangs and claws bared!

Boom boom boom! ! !

Accompanied by deafening roars, countless boulders collapsed one after another, smoke and dust rolled all over the sky, and a breathtaking and suffocating demonic aura swept like a hurricane, as if to tear Ye Han's body apart and devour it in an instant!

Faced with such a terrifying attack, Ye Han did not show the slightest fear. He stood firmly in place, his aura was as steady as a mountain, his eyes stared at the galloping beast, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a faint smile...

Buzz! ! !

Earth God's Flawless Skill! !

Ye Han was like a mountain, with a terrifying earth spirit bursting out of his body, and a terrifying earth attribute law power suddenly vibrated out of his body, and he stomped his foot towards the ground! !

Boom! ! !

A earth-shaking roar vibrated out, and Ye Han's foot seemed to crush the entire ground, vibrating out boundless earth attribute magic power!

Boom boom boom! !

The entire ground seemed to vibrate like waves, and circles of soil exploded, followed by amazing earth-type spiritual runes on the ground.

Crack, crack, crack! !

The ground suddenly became extremely hard, and the ferocious and terrifying head of the monster that was rushing in was stuck in the ground, and it couldn't rush out.

The whole head was stuck in the ground, which looked a little funny!

But it was not funny for the monster.


Boom boom! ! !

Ye Han punched out casually, and the earth-shaking golden fist burst out violently and suffocated, and a violent and boundless storm rushed out in an instant! !

Bang! !

A earth-shaking explosion, the monster's head was twisted and exploded, and bones and flesh splashed out...

And at this time!

Aww! ! !

A terrifying roar of a demon beast came from the sky, and a huge and terrifying black shadow that covered the sky and the sun flew down from the sky and pounced on Ye Han...

Looking at the huge demon beast flying down.

Ye Han's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Venerable Lingshui or Venerable Linghuo said that this place is not a wild ancient land at all, but the land of Zichuan.

This is not an ordinary dangerous place!!!

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