Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2350 What is the origin of this Saint As?

On a huge tower that reaches the clouds, Ye Han sat cross-legged in front of a window sill, overlooking the huge Zichuan Free City.

He held a book in his hand. This book was quite special. The pages were made of a special stone-like material. It looked like it would break if touched, but this was a material that had been blessed by magic runes and arrays, let alone collapse.

Even if ordinary cultivators attacked with magic treasures, it would not have any effect.

This book was the one Ye Han found in the mysterious and slender hall in the Three Heavens. The text on it was the text of the Gods.

Ye Han could only understand a little bit before, but later he got a lot of books about the Gods' text from a space ring of the Tyrant God Emperor. The key point was that there was a book that translated the Gods' text into the text commonly used in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

It seemed that the Tyrant God Emperor also wanted to move in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, but he had been sleeping in the Water Spirit Coffin and could not make the trip.

Instead, Ye Han learned the basic text of the Gods, and this book recorded a special God's Kung Fu called the God-conferring Technique.

Ye Han has been studying and practicing this art of conferring gods for a long time, but he still can't get into it, because this is not an ordinary secret method, but a secret method that the Tyrant God Emperor has not yet fully practiced.

It is worth mentioning that this art of conferring gods is the secret method used by the Tyrant God Emperor to control General Lu and the guys of the Great Guandao Method Cultivating God Clan. It can control their breath and seal their souls into stone...

But the real effect and method of use are not that simple.

As for what it looks like? I haven't practiced Nirvana yet, so I can only watch it.

Ye Han has been in Zichuan Free City for more than ten days. These towers on the mountains are rented out by Free City. As long as you can afford the price, you can live and practice as long as you want.

These towers contain amazing spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Although they avoid the third heaven, they are much stronger than Ye Han's purple tripod space.

It is worth mentioning that there is a mandatory rule for buying and selling in Zichuan Free City, that is, you can only use Zichuan coins.

This is also what Zichuan Immortal has always emphasized.

This is also the basis for maintaining Zichuan Free City. After all, in this way, Zichuan Free City can have absolute say in this aspect, and can convert many treasures of unknown origin into Zichuan coins.

After Ye Han entered Zichuan Free City, he also exchanged enough Zichuan coins and directly rented the entire tower. After finding out about the ancient tomb of the gods, Ye Han decided to leave Zichuan and let As Shengzi, Zhang Qingshan, Daoxian Alien, and Bai Daozi stay here to practice for a while!

As for where they will go in the future, Ye Han doesn't care.

After all, they have been practicing for so many years. Where to go and what opportunities to find in the future are all their own business.

However, Ye Han also got a few elixirs that can break through the Refining Void Stage from Linghuo Venerable Lingshui Venerable, and gave them to Bai Daozi and Daoxian Alien. As for whether they can break through the barrier successfully, it depends on their own luck.

Ye Han was fascinated by the art of conferring the gods, and seemed to have grasped a little clue of this technique. If he was given enough time to practice in seclusion, he would definitely be able to practice this technique.

However, time waits for no one. What if Han Yuwan and the others were really in danger in the ancient tomb of the gods?

At this time!

Da Da Da!

A sound of footsteps came up from the stairs.

I saw As Saint Zi quickly walked up, looked at Ye Han and said: "Fellow Daoist Ye! I'm back!"

Ye Han put down the art of conferring the gods in his hand, looked at As Saint Zi and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Fellow Daoist As! Any news?"

After renting this tower, Ye Han did not go out to find out the news himself, but asked As Saint Zi and the other four to find out the news. After all, the news can be found faster with more people, and there is no need for him to do it himself...

On the other hand, it is also because As Saint Zi has his own ideas, and there are other news to find out, about their practice, breakthroughs, etc.

As Saint walked in front of Ye Han, nodded and said: "It can be basically confirmed that the ancient tomb of the gods has indeed appeared in the ancient wilderness, and just as the rumors say, the one who opened this ancient tomb of the gods is a group of ancient cultivators of unknown origin!"

The voice paused, As Saint looked at Ye Han deeply and said: "I have inquired carefully, and those ancient cultivators are indeed very likely to be the group of cultivators who ascended from the earth realm. They may have met those earth realm cultivators you know!"

"Because I also found out that Pangu Island, the only ancient tribe in the Tianling Realm, has encountered some troubles in the past few hundred years. It has been besieged by several races and has no ability to come out to find opportunities!!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's eyes moved, and he frowned and said: "What? Did the ancient people of Pangu Island encounter trouble?"

However, his intersection with Pangu Island in the Tianling Realm is Mr. Lan Qing, Mr. Liu, and Zhang Qingshan...

By the way! There is also the Buddhist Taoist, but the Buddhist Taoist did not ask him to go to Pangu Island...

So, Han Yuwan and the others may have succeeded in ascending and went to the ancient tomb of the gods!!

It seems that he will go to the ancient tomb of the gods this time.

Looking at Ye Han's eyes, Holy Son Asi frowned and said: "Fellow Daoist Ye, do you want to go to the Tomb of the Ancient Gods? I have already found out that the owner of Zichuan Free City, Immortal Zichuan, is bringing many people with him. We’re gone, there’s only one disciple in the integration stage!”

After a pause, he continued: "And it is said that many divine cultivators have gone to the integration stage. It is very dangerous to go to the tomb of the ancient gods. After all, it is the place where immortals were buried in ancient times!"

But when Ye Han heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned and asked: "Bury the immortal? Isn't the immortal immortal? How can there be a tomb to bury the immortal?"

Yes, what they pursue as immortal cultivators is to achieve immortality, but now there are graves where immortals are buried. That’s obviously wrong! !

After hearing this, Holy Son Asi said seriously: "The Immortal Tomb does not mean the burial place where the Immortal died. It is most likely the place where the Immortal sleeps. If we encounter the legendary Immortal Tribulation of Ten Thousand Worlds and the struggle of heaven, That immortal may also fall! At that time, he will have to find a place to seal him up and wait for the next reincarnation!"

After hearing this, Ye Han's eyes moved. He had read many books about this matter but had never seen it before. How could Saint Asi actually know about it?

What is the origin of this Holy Son Asi?

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