Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2352 All gone

Under a blue sky.

Ye Han flew in the air, heading northwest.

The place he was going to now was the Wild Ancient Land.

The Wild Ancient Land was tens of millions of miles northwest of the Zichuan Land. It had to pass through several dangerous places, and also through the Wild Sea, where the wild ancient beasts roamed...

This was also the important reason why many cultivators knew that there was an ancient tomb in the Wild Ancient Land, but they did not dare to go to the Wild Ancient Land.

After all, even if it was an ordinary cultivator in the Void Refining Stage, it would be dangerous to cross the Wild Sea alone.

It was not difficult to understand that Ye Han had met a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage in the Zichuan Land who did not know about the ancient tomb in the Wild Ancient Land.

Before he left the Zichuan Free City, Zhang Qingshan said goodbye to him and left.

It was because the Zichuan Land was not far from Pangu Island, the only place where the ancient people gathered.

Zhang Qingshan also heard about the fact that the ancients were besieged by cultivators from several races.

So he hurried back to say goodbye to Ye Han and went back to Pangu Island to help.

Ye Han was surprised why Zhang Qingshan had to go back to Pangu Island to help.

Zhang Qingshan explained that when he joined Pangu Island, he swore a blood oath on Pangu Island to be loyal to the ancients and to live and die with Pangu Island.

This was also the condition for ordinary cultivators of the ancients on Pangu Island. Not only Zhang Qingshan, but also Mr. Lan Qing and Mr. Liu were forced to make such an oath.

It was no wonder that the Taoist Buddha did not insist that Ye Han go back to Pangu Island...

What surprised Ye Han was that Zhang Qingshan also said that going back to Pangu Island this time would be more auspicious than unlucky for Zhang Qingshan, and it might be a good thing.

So Ye Han naturally did not stop Zhang Qingshan's plan.

The Immortal Thief and Bai Daozi did find out a lot of information, but they were similar and not very different, and there were some secret information.

The Immortal Thief and Bai Daozi did not leave Zichuan Free City, but stayed there to break through the Refining Void Stage.

After all, Zichuan Free City also has towers for renting to break through the Refining Void Stage.

Ye Han directly gave them a sum of Zichuan coins that could be used to rent the tower for five hundred years.

As for whether they could successfully break through the Refining Void Stage, no one could guarantee it, so it depended on their own luck.

When Ye Han left, As Saint left with him, but in a different direction.

As Saint As said, As Saint As's own cultivation also had a lot of problems. When he broke through the Refining Void Stage, he deliberately avoided the heavenly tribulation. He had to recover more cultivation to save his body, which was more certain.

So As Saint As also planned to look for an opportunity to improve his own cultivation strength, really make himself stronger, and then save his body.

Because in this way, even if something happens to Ye Han in the end, or he goes back on his word and doesn't come to help him, it won't delay his work.

The most reliable thing for a cultivator is his own strength, not luck, treasures, or even others.

The most unreliable people in the world of cultivation are the cultivators other than himself. Even if the relationship is good and the promises are made solemnly, if the other party can't protect himself, what hope is there?

Therefore, it is understandable that Asi Shengzi strengthens himself.

In fact, Ye Han hopes to communicate more with Asi Shengzi about cultivation experience, but Asi Shengzi doesn't seem to want to reveal too much and doesn't communicate too much with Ye Han. In the few months in Zichuan Free City, Asi Shengzi has either been practicing in seclusion or going out for a walk since that conversation with him.

Seeing that Asi Shengzi doesn't want to talk and communicate with him too much, Ye Han also lets Asi Shengzi do it.

He exchanged and bought a lot of natural treasures and treasures that he needed in the city. When he left Zichuan Free City, he had already plundered a lot...

However, in ordinary trading markets, the treasures or resources that can be harvested are very limited, unless it is an auction organized by super races such as the Immortal Race and the Demon Race.

However, in the super auctions of such large races, although Ye Han is rich, it is still far from enough to buy the treasures or cultivation resources he likes...

He may also be targeted by someone with ulterior motives, making this matter more troublesome.

Of course, the main reason is that Ye Han has been in the Tianling Realm for so long, and he has not encountered those super races holding big auctions.

After all, he has been adventuring in dangerous places for almost all these years, and rarely stayed in the cities of these large races.

Ye Han flew in the sky at an astonishing speed. After flying for a long time, a strange look suddenly appeared on his face. He smiled bitterly and said to himself: "Someone is looking for death!"

Yes, Ye Han's current spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful, especially after breaking through the peak bottleneck of spiritual consciousness several times in the third heaven.

If you count it, it should be the spiritual consciousness of an ordinary early stage fusion god cultivator. However, the spiritual consciousness of an early stage fusion god cultivator is also divided into high and low levels according to the cultivation method, spiritual consciousness talent, and spiritual consciousness cultivation opportunities of the cultivator.

There are also cultivators with very terrible spiritual consciousness among those in the early stage of fusion, comparable to those in the late stage of fusion.

So Ye Han can't compare his spiritual consciousness with those extremely powerful fusion stage cultivators.

But among the cultivators of the same level, Ye Han is rare in this city, and Zhang Qingshan can only barely keep up.

But when Zhang Qingshan was unable to come out in the third heaven, his cultivation level had fallen far behind Ye Han.

It can be said that Zhang Qingshan sometimes relies too much on his magical power of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger, and believes in this magical power.

Ye Han doesn't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, but over the years, Zhang Qingshan has indeed relied on this mysterious magical power of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger to survive many dangers and step by step to his current cultivation level.

Every cultivator has his own special opportunities and secrets that cannot be told to others. Perhaps Zhang Qingshan has other secrets.

Just like Ye Han himself, if he hadn't obtained the mysterious and strange purple tripod, according to his innate spiritual roots, it might be impossible for him to get to where he is now.

Perhaps it is precisely because of these infinite possibilities that such uncertain situations have occurred in the world of cultivation.

Ye Han had clearly sensed that there was a very faint aura watching him since he left Zichuan Free City.

If it weren't for his powerful spiritual awareness, he might not have been able to find him.

Ye Han didn't take the initiative to deal with those guys with ulterior motives, which was also a chance for them to survive!

It's a pity that they didn't grasp it at all!

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