Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2356 Zichuan Immortal

Ye Han's consciousness has become extremely powerful now.

After all, the heavenly tribulation caused by his Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror when it was upgraded was so powerful that it was normal for it to attract the attention of other immortal cultivators!

However, if these people dared to have any bad intentions towards him, then Ye Han would never let them go! That was a trophy delivered to his door.

At this moment!

The Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror was like a smart elf, flying towards Ye Han.

Looking at the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror that had successfully upgraded to the level of immortal treasure, Ye Han's joy was beyond words, and even the corners of his mouth rose involuntarily.

This sudden surprise was really unexpected!

Who would have thought that this Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror had such a heaven-defying magical power, not only successfully upgraded, but also forcibly plundered a trace of the power of the heavenly tribulation from the heavenly tribulation!

This is simply unbelievable! !

You know, the Heavenly Tribulation is a severe test set by the heavens. Its might is earth-shattering and extremely terrifying. Whenever a cultivator encounters it, he will try his best to resist and avoid it. He will be very lucky to survive.

However, now that he has such a magical Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror, if he encounters the Heavenly Tribulation again in the future, won’t he have an extra supreme treasure that can defeat the enemy?

Thinking of this, Ye Han was full of expectations and excitement. With such a heaven-defying treasure, he will be a great weapon against the enemy in the future! !

Among Ye Han’s many treasures, the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror is the most magical one, and as it advances, its power becomes more and more amazing.

If the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror had advanced to the level of immortal treasure in the third heaven, it would be easy to deal with the Heavenly Tribulation and the Tyrant God Emperor!

Of course, his future immortal road is still long, and with the immortal treasure of the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror, he can go further!

However, the movement of his Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror's Heavenly Tribulation was too loud, and the immortal cultivators within a million miles should have felt it.

Ye Han, an immortal cultivator in the Refining Void Stage, was not afraid.

But if it was a cultivator in the Fusion Stage, it would be difficult to deal with!

This kind of terrible Heavenly Tribulation, immortal cultivators with a little experience can feel the level of this advanced treasure.

It would be strange if the cultivator in the Fusion Stage didn't come to cause trouble!

And there were already several immortal cultivators in the Refining Void Stage who were spying around.

Ye Han's spiritual consciousness suddenly burst out, and the power of his soul shocked out a terrible might! !

The immortal cultivators who were ready to move within a range of tens of thousands of feet, all sensed the power of Ye Han's extremely powerful spiritual consciousness and soul.

Suddenly, those immortal cultivators in the Refining Void Stage who were lurking in the dark, shuddered one by one. Such a powerful spiritual consciousness and soul power, could it be a cultivator in the Fusion Stage?

Even if he is not a cultivator in the fusion stage, with such a powerful spiritual power, he is definitely not easy to deal with! ! !

All of a sudden, those cultivators who were ready to make a move hid in secret, not daring to act easily!

In fact, Ye Han had not intended to let these guys go.

The reason why he burst out the spiritual power of the soul to warn these guys now is because Ye Han does not want to entangle with these guys now. After all, he has just felt an extremely powerful spiritual power that locked his position, but he can't feel the other party's position.

What does this mean?

This means that the other party's spiritual cultivation is higher than Ye Han's! !

You know, Ye Han's spiritual cultivation is already the best among the cultivators in the refining stage, and the spiritual consciousness of ordinary cultivators in the fusion stage can compete.

The other party's spiritual consciousness is so powerful that it can lock Ye Han's position, but Ye Han can't sense the other party, so the other party must be a cultivator in the fusion stage!

At this critical moment, if Ye Han gets entangled with these immortal cultivators in the Refining Void Stage and is found by the Fusion Stage, then it will be troublesome!

In the world of immortal cultivation, if you are not absolutely sure, you must not provoke opponents with higher cultivation and higher realm than yourself.

Of course, there is no way to retreat when there is no way!

But now is not that time! !



Ye Han immediately activated the Nine-Layer Light Hong Secret Method, and a circle of mana runes on his body suddenly swirled and exploded...

Escape Light Divine Step! !

Ye Han then burst out the Escape Light Divine Step, and his figure instantly turned into a white escape light and flew away to the northwest! ! !

With the blessing of the Nine-Layer Light Hong and the Escape Light Divine Step, Ye Han's speed was so fast that it was breathtaking. In a flash, he was hundreds of miles away.

You know, the reason why Ye Han was quite friendly to As Saint Son was because the Nine-Layer Light Hong Divine Ability passed on to him by As Saint Son was indeed very amazing.

Even if it doesn't resist the area with gravity, using it in such a normal place can make Ye Han's body several times lighter and his flying speed soar.

It can be said that with the blessing of Jiuchong Qinghong and Dunguang Shenbu, Ye Han's speed is even more amazing than that of ordinary fusion stage cultivators! !

With a few flashes of Ye Han, he disappeared into the sky! !

The cultivators in the Lianxu stage who were lurking around and watching secretly lost the trace of Ye Han in an instant!

It's really terrible, this speed is definitely that of a fusion stage cultivator!

Fortunately, I didn't provoke this guy!

Those cultivators couldn't help but feel lucky! !


Less than three breaths!

Huh! !

A gray-black light suddenly broke through the air, and after a few flashes, it stopped in the void.

In the light, there was a middle-aged cultivator with a tall stature, a dignified and square face, gray-black hair, very rough eyebrows, and dark skin. He was wearing a purple-black robe, and exuded a very amazing divine light. The magic power and arrogance of his body made the space distorted and trembled.

The middle-aged cultivator's eyes showed a trace of doubt, and he glanced around and couldn't help saying: "It must be the heavenly tribulation of the immortal treasure! Humph! Running so fast! Do you think I can't catch up with you?"

While speaking, the middle-aged cultivator's magic power suddenly burst out, and a circle of extremely amazing gray-black magic power was shaken out of his body, and a pair of huge black wings burst out.

Boom! ! !

The black feather treasure flapped violently, shaking out a terrible storm. The middle-aged cultivator suddenly rushed out a suffocating ripple storm, instantly disappeared in the air, and rushed out hundreds of miles.

The direction of pursuit was exactly the direction where Ye Han fled!!

Those peeping cultivators in the Void Refining Stage discussed in horror.

"Oh my God! Isn't that the Zichuan Immortal?"

"Didn't he go to the ancient tomb of the gods?"

"Is he back?"

"That immortal treasure will fall into the hands of this Zichuan Immortal!"

"That guy is in great danger!"

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