Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2358: Wild Sea

Whoops! !

Immortal Zichuan flew through a world like Optimus Pillar at an astonishing speed...

Um? !

He also discovered that the astonishing arrays of light beams came from the heaven and earth in front of him, and an astonishing spiritual energy surged out and surrounded them, attracting extremely large monsters. In this area, It’s active! !


Immortal Zichuan's eyes showed a hint of disdain, and suddenly a terrifying aura of the integration stage erupted from his body, shocking him! !

Suddenly, the terrifying suffocating pressure spread out for thousands of miles! !

Ouch! !

Immediately, those demonic beasts that were ready to move fled away in terror...

Although these monster beasts are huge in size, they are not stupid. If such a terrifying existence bursts out with the aura of the combined stage and is discovered, isn't that a dead end?


These guys hid in fear one by one, but they didn't dare to provoke Immortal Zichuan!


Immortal Zichuan had just burst out with the terrifying pressure of divine consciousness in the integration stage. Suddenly his face changed, he frowned and said to himself: "What's going on? Where are the people?"

Yes, he had obviously been locking the position of Ye Han's aura, but at this moment, he lost Ye Han's position and aura.

Immediately, Immortal Zichuan's face became extremely gloomy. He suddenly understood and cursed angrily: "Damn it! I was fooled!! That bastard hid with the help of the chaotic spiritual energy of heaven and earth!"

As he spoke, his figure suddenly erupted with suffocating circles of mysterious law power, sweeping towards this area!

He didn't believe that a cultivator in the Void Refining Stage could escape his secret method! ! !

A few days later! !

Phew! !

A terrifying sword light instantly cut off a huge monster that was as big as a mountain...

Following a black-gray light explosion, a big hand crushed it down!

boom! ! !

The huge demonic beast's body was directly slapped into a pulp, and the entire ground shook with a terrifying handprint that was as big as ten thousand feet! !


Damn it! !

Immortal Zichuan cursed angrily. After searching in this area for several days, he couldn't find any trace of that guy at all, so he could only vent his anger by killing the monsters in this area! !

If it weren't for the chaotic demonic aura emitted by these demonic beasts, which disrupted even the slightest crack in him...

How could that guy escape from his grasp?

Therefore, Immortal Zichuan was very angry and went on a killing spree to vent his anger...

That is a fairy treasure!

A fairy treasure that can be encountered but cannot be sought! !

Did you just miss it? !

I didn’t even see that guy’s shadow! !

hateful! !

Immortal Zichuan's Taoist heart was about to collapse. After so many years of cultivating immortality, this was the first time he encountered such a situation. He didn't even notice what method the other party used to figure it out!

How to prevent Zichuan Xianren from getting angry?

However, no matter how angry Zichuan Immortal was, Ye Han was already thousands of miles away! !

Wow! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

The stormy waves rose up, setting off a huge tsunami thousands of feet high. The dark blue water was as deep and unpredictable as a bottomless abyss.

In the sky above this turbulent and magnificent sea area, the roaring sound is endless! ! I saw that Ye Han's whole body was shrouded in an extremely strong defensive restriction light shield, which steadily withstood this earth-shattering and turbulent storm, and galloped forward without fear! !

This is the wild sea area at the junction of the Zichuan land and the wild ancient land.

The key to Ye Han's successful escape from Immortal Zichuan lies in the magical Tushen Wuxia Gong he mastered.

At the moment when Immortal Zichuan was distracted, Ye Han did not escape far away, but skillfully used the flawless magical power of the Earth God's flawless skill.

His body seemed to be integrated with the earth, quietly diving into the depths of the ground...

You know, even for a powerful mid-integration monk like Zichuan Xianren, it is absolutely impossible to use his spiritual consciousness to detect the depths of the ground.

Especially in that place, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was chaotic, and the aura emitted by the monsters was complicated and mottled.

And in such a harsh area, there are hidden lairs of a large number of monsters. Not only are these nests hidden, but they are also surrounded by a variety of powerful restraints and defensive formations...

Even for a powerful person like Immortal Zichuan who has reached the integration stage, it is not easy to find Ye Han's traces in a short period of time.

The more critical point is that Ye Han's Earth God Immaculate Skill happened to have recently achieved a major breakthrough in Zichuan Free City. Without this crucial improvement, he may not have been able to successfully escape the pursuit.

The Wuxia skill of the Earth God was able to help Ye Han not leak a trace of his breath when he was underground.

And if Ye Han hadn't used the formation to cause chaos in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in that area, causing the turmoil of the monsters, even the immortal cultivators who were chasing him in the middle stage of the integration would have definitely been able to lock his aura, and it would have just leaked out. Even the slightest breath will be hunted down.

All in all, Ye Han also used many methods to escape from the pursuit of the damn mid-stage immortal cultivator.

However, what makes Ye Han very depressed is that even in the Tianling Realm, there are not so many immortal cultivators in the integration stage. Why did he meet them so casually?

Fortunately, I escaped this pursuit, which was a warning to myself. Although I have made great progress in cultivation, have extraordinary magical powers, and have many treasures.

But it is nothing in this Tianling Realm.

You may encounter a being much stronger than yourself at any time.

So in the following days, Ye Han carefully hid his body shape and breath, and it took more than ten days to fly to the edge of the Zichuan land and enter the Savage Sea.

In addition to the terrifying water spirit of the hurricane in the Savage Sea, there is also a very terrible and dangerous breath lurking in the depths of the sea.

Ye Han did not dare to reveal his breath and went all the way to the Savage Ancient Land! !


Even though Ye Han was very careful.

When he came to a sky full of hurricanes, forming a whirlpool of turbulent currents in the trenches that rolled up thousands of feet, the breath here was still very cold, with a strange cold breath! !


Ye Han felt a very dangerous breath.

Boom! ! !

A blood-red tentacle that was tens of thousands of feet long, with ferocious pupils all over it like eyes, instantly broke through the terrible vortex and swept towards Ye Han! !

At the moment when the pupil tentacles hit the sea water!

These ferocious pupils burst out circles of suffocating and terrible blood-light vortexes, and burst out gray light circles and demonic storms...

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, the area within hundreds of miles was swept by this terrible gray light demonic storm! !

Ye Han's figure was suddenly hit and flew up! !

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