Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2362 I actually encountered such a good thing

Dozens of miles away.

The trunk of a tree is tens of thousands of feet tall. The giant tree that covers the sky and the sun seems to cover the whole world. On this tree, there are huge nests of beast swallowers, just like huge poisonous bee nests, with huge circular holes on them.

And in one of the largest nests of beast swallowers.

Huh! !

A silent figure emerged from the nest, then turned into breath and drilled directly into the ground.

Ye Han could not hide his joy as he shuttled through the crisscrossing tree roots on the ground.

The reason why he was so happy was that he originally only planned to avoid the battle between the ancient beast and the beast swallower, but he accidentally drilled under this giant tree and found the nest of the beast swallower.

And those beast swallowers may have been attracted by the ancient beast and came out in droves, and there was no beast swallower left to guard the nest.

That gave Ye Han a great opportunity. He found that there were actually quite a few eggs in the nest of the beast-swallowing worm.

Originally, Ye Han had no interest in strange worms, but recently the 朏朏worms seemed to be about to hatch, and he encountered quite a few powerful strange worms in the ancient wilderness.

And none of these strange worms were as strong as the beast-swallowing worms. If they were cultivated, they would also be his helpers.

So Ye Han sneaked into the nests of the beast-swallowing worms and stole millions of their eggs.

He knew that if he moved the eggs of the beast-swallowing worms, the beast-swallowing worms would definitely notice that their nests had been moved and would come back immediately.

Ye Han didn't dare to provoke so many beast-swallowing worms. It was very troublesome to deal with them and consumed a lot of energy...

And there was not much benefit in killing those beast-swallowing worms. There was no soul demon pill or anything like that. It was a pure waste of mana and strength.

With the eggs in hand, he naturally did not stop.

Ye Han just dived into the ground to breathe.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz! !

A large dark blue cloud roared from the horizon. The beast-devouring insects rushed back in anger and rushed into the nest. Seeing that the eggs had been emptied...

These beast-devouring insects rushed out of the nest like crazy, rushing out in all directions frantically, looking for the damn guy who had moved their nest!

But Ye Han was already hundreds of miles away!!



The extremely heavy breathing sounds, like a bellows, echoed in a huge, dark and deep cave, accompanied by waves of echoes, like thunder.

The ancient wild beast with a huge body and covered with hideous scars was lying weakly on the damp and cold ground in the cave.

At the top of the cave, drops of crystal clear milky white natural spiritual liquid with a strong medicinal aroma would drip slowly along the rock wall from time to time.

Tick! Tick! !

These spiritual liquids seemed to have magical healing powers. Whenever they dripped onto the bloody wound of the wild beast, they would immediately cause a slight ripple and quickly penetrate into its body.

Then, a trace of energy fluctuations containing pure spiritual energy and vigorous blood began to emanate continuously from the wound of the wild beast.

This mysterious and powerful force made the wild beast, which was originally in unbearable pain, gradually feel comfortable and relaxed.

The wild beast's eyes revealed an indescribable regret. It was so unlucky! How could I be so greedy to break into the territory of the beast-eating worm? If it weren't for this rash behavior, how could I be chased and killed by these hateful guys...

Thinking of this, the wild beast couldn't help but secretly groan in his heart, but at the same time he was secretly grateful.

After all, just when it was at the critical moment, those vicious beast-eating worms suddenly fled away for some reason, which saved its life.

From now on, I will never easily provoke those damn beast-eating worms again...

The wild ancient beast silently warned itself in its heart, while trying to mobilize the little remaining spiritual power and blood in its body.

The originally dull fur on its body suddenly began to glow slightly, and countless fine blood threads spread rapidly under the skin like spider webs.

In the blink of an eye, a magnificent torrent of blood and energy erupted with the wild ancient beast as the center and swept around...

This is the spiritual liquid treasure land he discovered many years ago, so he lived here for a long time to practice. This spiritual liquid is also very beneficial for his recovery from injuries.

In order to protect this cave containing the spiritual liquid, he took great pains to not only carefully arrange various defensive measures, but also cleverly hide them.

Damn it!

Wait and see! That extremely hateful beast-eating worm, one day, will make it pay with blood! !

With a heart full of resentment, the ancient beast of the wilderness opened its eyes with unwillingness...

Just at this moment!

Aww! !

A deafening roar suddenly erupted from the mouth of the ancient beast of the wilderness, resounding through the sky like thunder, and at the same time stirred up a horrifying aura. In an instant, a terrifying wave of air gushed out from its body, as unstoppable as a volcanic eruption, and slammed directly into the ground! !

"Damn it! Who on earth is this ignorant fellow who dares to trespass into my forbidden area?" The ancient wild beast was furious, exuding a terrifying magical aura, and launched a fatal attack on the ground again! !

However! With a rumble!! A loud earth-shaking sound, a dazzling golden mud giant hand broke out of the ground, and rushed towards the storm of Qi bombarded by the ancient beast with overwhelming force, and confronted it head-on.


A terrifying light exploded, and the mud hand directly blasted away the storm of Qi crushed by the ancient beast, and heavily bombarded the ancient beast!!


The ancient beast let out a sharp scream, and its entire huge body was blown up by the punch, and hit the top of the cave above heavily!!



A dazzling blade light bombarded instantly!

Not good!

The ancient beast felt an extremely dangerous breath, opened its mouth and spit out a shield treasure, which spun around and turned into a black and gray light shield...


Puff! !

The blade light actually penetrated the shield treasure directly, and pierced through the throat of the ancient beast in an instant...

Ah! !

The ancient beast opened its eyes in disbelief. It had clearly released a treasure to block the blade light attack, why...

Ye Han's body turned into a beam of spiritual light and rushed out. The immortal sword he released turned into an amazing sword intent and killed the ancient beast! !

I am so lucky to have encountered such a good thing! !

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