Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2364 Core Treasure

Ye Han looked over and over at the Digeng Spiritual Milk in his hand. He pointed his finger, and a circle of purple rune spiritual light trembled, and he put the thing into the purple cauldron space...

Ye Han was not sure whether this thing could produce Digeng Spiritual Milk again in the environment of the purple cauldron space. However, he spent four days to get the core treasure of this Digeng Spiritual Milk out.

On the one hand, it was because it was very difficult to go deep into the belly of the mountain. This thing was really difficult to dig out at such a deep position. On the other hand, it was also necessary to collect the Digeng Spiritual Milk that had been produced. This thing was a good thing for body refining and strengthening earth treasures.

With this Digeng Spiritual Milk, his Earth God Flawless Skill should be able to improve faster...

After all, relying solely on the aura of the purple cauldron to practice was not fast enough.

As the purple rune spiritual light surged, the spiritual core treasure of the Earth Geng Spirit Milk fell to the ground. The clone flew over, brought the treasure, and came to the belly of a mountain. He began to cast spells and prepared to bury it...

Now that Ye Han's clone has absorbed the heart of the god and demon, the aura has changed significantly, and his cultivation is one level higher than Ye Han, which is the seventh level of Lianxu.

Now Ye Han directly controls the clone in many things, and completes them in the purple tripod space, leaving his original body to look for treasure opportunities.

With this clone, he has indeed saved a lot of time and done a lot of things for himself.

Of course, he is not the only cultivator who can have a clone. Most of the cultivators do the same. Some high-level cultivators even have three or five clones.

The so-called high-level cultivators are naturally cultivators above the fusion stage. Ye Han feels that among the several fusion stage gods he has seen, perhaps only the Ghost God Demon Lord he has seen is the real original body.

Others, such as Tianxuanxingwang, Xuanlongxianwang, and Foyidaoren, should not be the original body...

And the one who was chasing him before, he felt that he should also be the original body, but he did not really see who he was, but he remembered this aura!!

It would be great if there were more clones, so that he could do many things faster.

However, even if you are in the fusion stage, it is very difficult to cultivate your own clone without certain resources and opportunities. Moreover, cultivating a clone requires distraction, which will cause the loss of the original body and the foundation and mana cultivation.

Of course, there are still many opportunities and treasures that can give birth to clones. The reason why Ye Han can have his own clone is because he got the rebirth gourd by chance, and there is also the clone of the demon king with his own blood aura, which is also a great opportunity for him.

In the world of immortal cultivation, there are many immortals who can have their own clones due to various coincidences. After all, this world of immortal cultivation is too big and anything can happen. Don’t think that Ye Han has the heaven-defying purple tripod, which seems to have reached the top.

But there may be treasures in this world of immortal cultivation that are more powerful than the purple tripod, with infinite possibilities, but Ye Han has not encountered it yet...


Ye Han ran silently in the dense forest of towering trees, without making a trace of his figure, just like a gust of wind blowing by.

Ye Han’s face was a little solemn. He has now gone very deep into the ancient land of the wilderness. There are more breaths and dangers in it, just as he said in the situation of the ancient land of the wilderness that he had inquired about in Zichuan Free City.

The deeper you go into this ancient land of the wilderness, the more powerful the dangerous ancient beasts are, because the wild breath here is more intense and amazing, and the ancient beasts are like fish in water here, and their cultivation progress is fast.

However, the cultivators here cannot mobilize too much of the aura of the ancient land, and it becomes very difficult to use treasures and practice.

If it weren't for the special and abnormal aura of natural treasures that appeared this time, the ancient tomb of the gods would probably not attract the attention of so many cultivators! !

When Ye Han encountered some very dangerous auras, he would mostly go around them.

The harvest along the way was okay, but it was still not as good as the harvest of the core treasure of the Di Geng Ling Ru.

However, Ye Han felt that he should be not far from the ancient tomb of the gods, because he could occasionally feel the restless aura left by the high-level cultivators fighting nearby, and there was also a particularly ancient aura, which was not the aura of the ancient land of the wilderness.

Ye Han ran silently.

Suddenly! ! !

Boom! ! ! ! !

A shocking earth-shaking shaking came from the ground. The whole ground was shaking violently, and those huge trees were shaking constantly. Leaves and branches kept falling down...

"What happened?"

Ye Han's face changed, and suddenly he ran up along a huge tree that was ten thousand feet tall...

And the roar and vibration continued to shake, the whole world was shaking, and the ground was about to be overturned! !

This ancient land is not an ordinary place. The ground, rocks and land are very tough. Although it is not as good as the three-layer heaven with forbidden protection, it is also tougher than steel...

As Ye Han ran up to the giant tree tens of thousands of feet away, he saw the boundless violent hurricane in the distance, like a huge wave, shocking the space to distort, and rushing towards him! !

Ye Han moved and hid behind the giant tree! !

Boom! ! !

A deafening roar came, as if it was going to tear the whole world apart. This extremely terrifying hurricane was like a ferocious beast, raging with its fangs and claws.

Wherever the hurricane passed, whether it was leaves or trees, they were ruthlessly swept into it, rolling and twisting...

Ye Han used all his strength to cast a protective spell, struggling to resist the invasion of the hurricane. Despite this, his body was still shaking in the wind, as if it would be blown away at any time.

This huge storm became more and more violent, and the entire giant tree could not withstand such a force. It began to shake and seemed to be about to fall.

Countless leaves and broken branches were swept up by the strong wind and fell in all directions like raindrops.

Finally, the hurricane gradually subsided.

Ye Han looked at the distant sky. I saw a strange fiery red glow there, like a burning flame, dyeing half of the sky red.

Is someone fighting here, or is there a rare treasure coming out? Or is the legendary ancient tomb of the gods nearby?

Facing the devastated world in front of him, Ye Han's face became solemn, but no matter what, he decided to go and find out!

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