Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2370: The Mad Spirit King

Ye Han didn't know where this guy came from, but he must be a combined-level existence, but because he had experienced a very fierce battle or was in danger.

This guy's physical body has been destroyed. He may have sought medical treatment in a hurry. After discovering that he was an immortal cultivator in the Void Refining Stage, he tried to take away his physical body!

really! !

When the Nascent Soul of this sudden immortal cultivator penetrated into Ye Han's body.

Ye Han felt that in addition to the power of the immortal cultivator's soul, there was also a terrifying evil power that corroded the soul, which made him feel a big impact on his mind.

Follow! !

"Hahaha! I, the Mad Spirit King, am really lucky to have met such a good body!!"

The Evil Nascent Soul Mad Spirit King laughed wildly, forming a powerful and suffocating corrosive force. The soul continued to attack Ye Han's soul. The evil Nascent Soul formed a terrifying suffocating force and invaded Ye Han's Nascent Soul. erosion……

"You're too happy too soon!"

Ye Han said without any panic: "Really?! Didn't you notice? I let you in on purpose."

While speaking, Ye Han suddenly activated the extremely powerful soul-suppressing magical power with his two souls, forming a pulling power of the souls, forming a terrifying vortex of gray light, sweeping towards the soul of the Mad Spirit King. !

at the same time.

Buzz! !

At this moment, Ye Han's Nascent Soul erupted into a rush of colorful spiritual light, and the purple-gold arc of electricity trembled continuously on the Nascent Soul!

In an instant! !

"Ah! How can you have two souls? Is the Nascent Soul so powerful?"

The Mad Spirit King was immediately imprisoned for most of his soul by Ye Han's soul, and his Nascent Soul was also directly crushed and trapped by Ye Han's Nascent Soul! !

This sudden situation made the Mad Spirit King go crazy. He originally thought that he was lucky. When he met an immortal cultivator in the Void Refining Stage, with his powerful soul and Yuanying, he would definitely be able to take away this guy's body. Physical!

I really didn't expect that this guy seemed to have the cultivation level of the Mad Spirit King, but this soul was so powerful for two reasons, and he was caught without any resistance.

The Mad Spirit King immediately begged for mercy and called out: "Wait a minute! Fellow Taoist! Forgive me, I can help you enter the tomb of the ancient gods! I know where there is an opportunity...!!"

Don’t wait for the Mad Spirit King to finish! !


Ye Han shouted angrily, and the two souls and Yuanying burst out with extremely powerful and terrifying power in an instant! !

ah! !

The soul of the Mad Spirit King and Nascent Soul were directly sealed in Ye Han's body...



Ye Han opened his mouth and vomited, and the soul of the Mad Spirit King and Nascent Soul were wrapped in circles of mysterious imprisonment runes and flew out directly.

Ye Han played with the Mad Spirit King's soul Nascent Soul with a hint of disdain, and said to himself: "I won't let you enter my body! It's really hard to catch you!"

With that said, Ye Han put his finger into the soul of the Mad Spirit King and put it into a space ring! !

Just as Ye Han said, the Mad Spirit King thought he had escaped Ye Han's attack. With his magical power, he easily entered Ye Han's body. It was not difficult to seize him.

In fact, Ye Han really let this guy enter his body. The reason why he let this guy in was to more easily catch this self-righteous Crazy Spirit King who could take away his own body.

After all, how can a spiritual cultivator in the Void Refining Stage like Nascent Soul be as powerful as a cultivator in the Fusion Stage? Ye Han didn't release it, so the Mad Spirit King rushed into his body with self-righteousness. Only then did he discover the reason for Ye Han's divine soul. Even more powerful than his current soul Nascent Soul...

On the one hand, Ye Han's soul Nascent Soul is far beyond the average cultivator and has reached the cultivation level of the average cultivator in the integration stage!

On the other hand, it was because the Mad Spirit King had gone through such a brutal battle and his body had been destroyed. The only soul Yuanying left was not in a state of complete victory. There should be only He was down by a third. Under such circumstances, how could he be Ye Han's opponent?

It was precisely because he felt this guy's weakness that Ye Han let him in. This left the Mad Spirit King's Nascent Soul with no way to escape, and he was immediately caught by Ye Han!

This is the Nascent Soul of the immortal cultivator in the integration stage. Although it is very seriously damaged, its value is immeasurable. In the eyes of some immortal cultivators, it can even be exchanged for an ordinary immortal treasure. It can be seen that the soul of the immortal cultivator in the integration stage is The value of the divine soul!

This was an unexpected surprise for Ye Han, and it also gave him a warning. This was the second immortal cultivator in the integration stage he had seen killed.

This level of cultivation was unable to obtain many resources and treasures in the Tomb of the Ancient Gods, but was killed instead. You can imagine how dangerous it would be if you went in by yourself! !

Ye Han suddenly retreated. It seemed that he had to think of other ways. He should retreat temporarily and figure out his own affairs before talking about it!

However! !

Ye Han just wanted to leave here! !

Sudden! !

Boom! ! !

The whole earth suddenly shook with an extremely violent roar. The vibration was so powerful that even Ye Han felt frightened! !

What's happening here?

Ye Han's face became solemn and he looked down at the ground.

An amazing scene appeared!

Dust and rocks were flying everywhere, as if the end of the world was coming.

The originally flat and hard ground seemed to be torn apart by an invisible hand. Countless bottomless cracks spread and intertwined like spider webs. Accompanied by earth-shaking loud noises, these cracks continued to expand and deepen.

What was even more surprising was that from those deep and dark cracks, a trace of mysterious runes with strange light slowly emerged, floating in the air as if they had life, and exuding an ancient and profound breath.

At the same time, the earth began to crumble, and the huge cracks were like greedy giant mouths, ruthlessly devouring everything around.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Han was horrified to find that the entire ancient land seemed to be caught in a violent explosion, forming an extremely terrifying storm ripple.

This force was like a wild horse running wild, turning everything into ruins and scorched earth. The deafening roar was endless, as if it was going to tear the eardrums.

At this moment, in the distant horizon, a huge building that was beyond imagination gradually revealed its outline.

Although it seemed to move very slowly, the strong wind and space fluctuations it caused made the whole world tremble! The towering building was like a god descending to the earth, sweeping over with unparalleled pressure.

At the same time, the towering tree that once stood tall also broke and collapsed in this upheaval, and wood chips flew everywhere.

The whole world was filled with the breath of destruction and chaos, as if it was about to usher in a huge change that would overturn the world.

Didn't this ancient tomb of the gods appear a long time ago?

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