Gu Changdao walked towards Ye Han enthusiastically and said, "Junior Brother Ye! It's so great to see you alive."

However, Ye Han's face changed, and he moved his body, performing ghost steps, retreating more than ten feet, and distanced himself from Gu Changdao, and said coldly, "Senior Brother Gu! Stop! If you come over again, don't blame me for being rude!"

While speaking, Ye Han pointed his finger and a layer of protective shield was already covering his body. Six wooden flying swords surrounded his body to protect him, and the black bone shield was also released, blocking in front of him, staring at Gu Changdao with extremely vigilant eyes.

It's no wonder that Ye Han was vigilant. They had entered the dark forbidden land for more than a month, and Ye Han spent more than a month to solve the cursed blood shadow of the black gas figure.

He was able to lurk in the cave for so long, mainly because of the mysterious white jade flower trough that could ensure that he would not be eroded by the devil's energy.

Gu Changdao's sudden appearance surprised him, but he was more suspicious.

Gu Changdao's magical power and cultivation are very good, which is not comparable to ordinary Qi Refining cultivators, but it is still far behind Ye Han in treasures.

He didn't believe that Gu Changdao also had such magical power and treasures, not to mention that the damn demonic shadow couldn't find him and would definitely hunt Gu Changdao down...

Gu Changdao frowned and looked at Ye Han, and immediately understood this guy's mind. Ye Han must have doubted him.

So, Gu Changdao immediately said anxiously: "Junior Brother Ye! Can you remove the curse that is following us? Help me to remove it quickly, that damn demon king is coming!"

Seeing Gu Changdao's anxious look, Ye Han's eyes flashed with a cold light, grinned and said: "What are you anxious about? Isn't that demon king coming? Let him come and see how I deal with him."

His vigilance was indeed correct. The demon king mentioned by Gu Changdao should be the demonic shadow that has been chasing them. Gu Changdao has obviously been controlled by the demonic shadow.

The reason why Ye Han suspected Gu Changdao was that he thought Gu Changdao could not solve the cursed blood shadow. As long as he could not solve the cursed blood shadow, he could not escape the pursuit of the Demon Lord.

Although Gu Changdao's magical power was very good, he was not like Ye Han, who had a heaven-defying treasure like the purple tripod to store magic power and help him recover magic power.

It was impossible for him to have a treasure like the white jade flower trough that would not affect him, so that he could meditate and practice to recover magic power.

On the other hand, Ye Han discovered on the first day of his escape that Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde had been captured by the so-called Demon Lord.

Although Gu Changdao's cultivation was much stronger than the two, it was definitely not strong enough to make the Demon Lord unable to catch him for more than a month.

Of course, it made people suspicious.

Gu Changdao frowned at Ye Han's calm and confident expression, and immediately said, "Junior Brother Ye! Don't underestimate that Demon Lord! If we don't leave now, it will be too late."

He paused, and continued, "Junior Brother Ye, I can't assure you that I am not completely controlled by the Demon Lord. It's just that I can't solve the curse that he followed me, so I was forced to obey him temporarily. I just wanted to save my life and deal with him."

At this point, his face darkened and he said to Ye Han, "Junior Brother Ye! If you don't help me, both you and I will be in trouble."

His words were full of threats. If Ye Han really didn't want to help him, then he would have to take action and turn against him completely.

However, Ye Han's calm attitude made him feel daunted.

This Ye Han made him completely unable to figure out the details, and he was unfathomable.

After all, the Demon Lord was so powerful, plus so many subordinates, and he personally looked for the damn Ye Han for more than a month, but he couldn't find his shadow.

Moreover, Ye Han looked very confident, not afraid of the Demon Lord at all.

This made Gu Changdao dare not attack Ye Han easily.

On the other hand, when the Demon Lord summoned him to talk, the guy looked at him with unfriendly eyes, with a hint of murderous intent...

Gu Changdao practiced the ancient sword technique and was very sensitive to murderous intent. Although the Demon Lord concealed it very well, he still noticed it and knew that the Demon Lord felt that he had no use and wanted to get rid of him.

This made Gu Changdao feel a sense of crisis, and it was imperative to deal with the Demon Lord.

If Ye Han could help him get rid of the cursed blood shadow, the two of them would join forces to deal with the Demon Lord, and maybe they would have a better chance...

But if Ye Han did not cooperate, he would have no choice but to take action, because he was not Ye Han, and he was sure that he could avoid the Demon Lord for so long.

So, Gu Changdao's face turned cold and he said, "Junior Brother Ye! You are a smart man. I think you have guessed it by now. I have been caught by the Demon Lord a long time ago. I can survive just to deal with you. If you don't help me! Then I will have to deal with you!"

The voice paused, and the golden sword in his hand trembled. The golden sword appeared in his hand and stared at Ye Han coldly.

If Ye Han didn't help him, he could only try his best to catch Ye Han and ask the Demon Lord for credit to save his life.

Ye Han looked at Gu Changdao with a half-smile on his face. It can be seen that Gu Changdao is quite similar to him, and he is extremely eager to cultivate immortality.

In fact, if it were Ye Han, if he was caught by the damn Demon Lord, he might choose to do the same as Gu Changdao if he had a chance to survive.

After all, when a person dies, he has nothing. When the enemy's strength is far greater than his own, it is just human nature to live in disgrace.

However, Ye Han also had a plan, and said in a deep voice: "This is not the place to talk! Follow me."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

Seeing Ye Han's back running away, Gu Changdao's face widened. Ye Han must have a way to help him get rid of the tracking of the cursed blood shadow...

But this guy is not just difficult to deal with. No wonder the Demon Lord is so troubled by Ye Han.

In fact, when Ye Han saw Gu Changdao appear, he concluded in his heart that the so-called Demon Lord would not appear again.

Gu Changdao came to deal with him with that guy's order.

If you put yourself in his shoes, if you are the Demon Lord, the magic beasts and demonized monks you control are constantly killing...

You will definitely call back the scattered magic beasts and demonized monks to concentrate them, so that he will not be defeated one by one and lose the power of control in vain.

After all, the magic beasts and demonized monks are one less when they die, and they cannot be replenished in a short time...

If you control one of the other party's companions, you will naturally use this companion to deal with yourself.

Gu Changdao obviously has other thoughts. He is not afraid that the Demon Lord's black shadow will really chase him for the time being, and he is not in a hurry to help him get rid of the cursed blood shadow.

Let the demon king have a hard time.

However, Ye Han remembered something and turned around to ask, "Senior Brother Gu! Senior Sister Lin and Senior Brother Sun were both arrested, right? What about Senior Sister Qin? Didn't she get out?"

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