Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2380 There is no other way to go!

Buzz! !

A circle of dazzling white light suddenly shook out from Ye Han's body, and circles of white light ripples burst out from behind him, forming a pair of huge white wings that shook violently in the air...

Boom! !

A piece of white light exploded, and Ye Han's figure flew and stopped in the air. Although the entire hall was still rolling and shaking, the pair of white wings behind him kept stirring up the storm, keeping his figure stable in the air, responding to all changes with the same.

In this way, although the impact and rolling of the hall were terrible, he remained stable in mid-air, and only the hall itself rolled...


And the corpse of the ancient beast in the God's Tomb was also rolling in the hall...


Ye Han pinched his fingers and released an amazing purple rune ripple, which turned into a huge purple twisted space hand, directly grabbed the corpse of the ancient beast in the God's Tomb, and put it into his purple tripod space.


Ye Han pointed his finger, and the Immortal Sword began to spin, turning into a blade of light and drilling into his storage bag...

The reason why Ye Han used light attribute magic power to drive the Immortal Sword was because the Immortal Sword was actually an immortal treasure without attributes.

What does this mean?

You should know that ordinary treasures have five elements attributes such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, or other special attributes, such as light, electricity, wind, etc.

The reason why they have these attributes is that the materials of these treasures have these natural five elements attributes or other special attributes.

To drive and cast, such treasures should cast spells with corresponding five elements attributes, or special attribute skills and spells.

Only in this way can the maximum power of these treasures be released. Otherwise, if they are forced to drive, not only can they not burst out the maximum power, but sometimes they are simply useless.

Therefore, when ordinary immortal cultivators want to use any treasure, they will refine and use treasures that match their own attribute cultivation skills, so that they can burst out the strongest combat power...

Of course, in the vast world, anything can happen, so what about treasures without attributes?


The Immortal Slaying Sword is a treasure without attributes.

To describe it in the most accurate way, this Immortal Slaying Sword is a treasure with all attributes, which can withstand the drive of most attribute skills.

In other words, whether Ye Han drives it with the five elements of spiritual root spells, or with light, electricity, and ice spiritual root attributes, he can burst out the power of the Immortal Slaying Sword.

However, the treasure that can burst out the greatest power of the Immortal Slaying Sword is still the light attribute spiritual root magic!

Because the Immortal Slaying Sword has a special magical power to break through the prohibition, the light attribute dazzling light art also has such a magical power. The combination of the two can burst out the greatest power of the Immortal Slaying Sword.

This is what Ye Han found when he refined the Immortal Slaying Sword over the years.

Therefore, although he did not refine the Immortal Slaying Sword very deeply, it has become the most lethal treasure among his immortal treasures.

Although the aura of the ancient beast in the tomb of the gods is very strong, under his magical control of the Immortal Slaying Sword, he easily killed this guy!

Moreover, the other spirits and demon babies were not able to escape. It can be said that it was a perfect kill, and the opponent was not weak.

It is the decisive role of powerful treasures in fighting!

Sometimes, simple strength is not as good as a powerful treasure. This is the reason.

This is also the important reason why cultivators are so keen on treasures, and they are willing to kill people to get treasures and pay any price to get treasures.

For Ye Han, if he did not have the purple tripod, a treasure against the sky, how could he have the cultivation today? !

However, for Ye Han now, his mind is not on the treasure, but this hall, although it is protected by prohibitions, has been bombarded and flew out of this huge ancient tomb...

If this is flying in the boundless sea of ​​stars, it will be an extremely troublesome thing for him.

This is not the boundless sea of ​​stars that ascended to the heavenly spirit world back then. At least it is very close to the heavenly spirit world. It is not too difficult to enter the heavenly spirit world. It is either in the starry sea area of ​​​​flying turbulent storms, or in the outer starry sea of ​​​​the endless black hole.

Maybe he won't be able to come back.

On the contrary, the ancient beast from the God's Tomb desperately rushed to this hall and attacked him only when it arrived at this hall, which means that at least this hall should be safe! !

Let's go and have a look!

Ye Han felt relieved, and the white light wings behind him flapped violently, bursting out a beam of light, flying towards the gap in the passage of the hall...

Although this gap is protected by a ban, there is already a big hole, and you can see the situation outside...

Ye Han stopped at this gap, looking at the situation outside, his face changed and he took a breath of cold air...

What is going on? !

The hall he was in was already in the boundless sea of ​​stars, surrounded by huge collapsed bricks and stones, fragments of city walls, flying around in space, occasionally hitting the forbidden light shield of the hall...

This hall was protected by a forbidden light shield, and it vibrated from time to time. The reason for the rotation was that it was hit by the huge fragments of the city wall scattered in the boundless sea of ​​stars, causing the entire hall to roll violently.

As the hall rolled and changed direction, Ye Han discovered that below the hall was a building palace that was constantly collapsing, which was the ancient tomb of the gods.


This God's Tomb is collapsing, and the bricks and stones that are constantly exploding are exploding? !

Ye Han's face turned black when he saw this scene. He finally wanted to enter this ancient God's Tomb to find opportunities, but this God's Tomb is actually going to collapse?


Ye Han suddenly discovered that in this rolling hall, it was not completely out of the scope of this God's Tomb, but something was pulling this hall...

How could there be a forbidden chain holding this hall!

As the hall swayed, Ye Han was surprised to find that this hall was held by an extremely huge chain, leading to the wall of the ancient God's Tomb that had not collapsed in front. There seemed to be some special passages there, but because it was too far away, Ye Han did not see it too clearly.

Where is the way out! !

However, Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief, and the white light wings behind him trembled, and flew back to the hall and flew to the other side of the hall.

Sure enough, he saw a huge forbidden light shield at the edge of the other end, and a chain thousands of feet long was shaking the hall...

Looking at the chain shaking in the boundless sea of ​​stars, Ye Han's face became solemn...

Because when the chain was shaking, it produced a very amazing ripple of space vibration. It is not easy to pass through this place in a relatively simple way! !

However, there should be no other way to go!

I can only go up! !

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