Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2384 Three Sword Boys

She looked only two or three years old, like an innocent child, but exuded a powerful breath that made people's heart palpitate.

Ye Han was secretly surprised that such a young creature could bring him such a strong sense of oppression, which was incredible.

Just as he was thinking, a crisp and pleasant bell sound came into his ears.

Dinglingling! ! !

It turned out that this delicate little kid was walking towards him with a staggering step, wearing a golden bell chain on his hands and feet, and every step was accompanied by a pleasant sound.

The little kid blinked his bright eyes, looked at Ye Han curiously, and asked in his childish voice: "Are you a cultivator?"

Facing this extremely strange little kid, Ye Han did not dare to neglect it at all. After all, this is the ancient tomb of the gods, which hides countless unknown dangers and mysterious powers. Any seemingly insignificant existence may contain huge threats. And the breath exuded by the little kid in front of him made him alert.

Although it was impossible to determine exactly how high the cultivation level of this kid was, judging from the aura that permeated her body, her cultivation level was definitely higher than his own!

However, this kid actually asked him a question and had no intention of taking action?

So, Ye Han looked at her vigilantly and said, "I am a cultivator, who are you?!"

The kid listened to Ye Han's words, and suddenly clapped his hands happily and said, "What did you say just now? Do I look like a person now? Am I in human form now?"

The mysterious kid clapped his hands, and a circle of aura rippled out of his body, and followed the sound of the bell, echoing throughout the hall, shaking the space and making it buzz...

Ye Han was shocked by the sound of the bell, and his soul was shaken, and his magic power was greatly affected. He looked at the mysterious kid in extreme surprise. This guy...

The mysterious kid saw Ye Han's reaction and suddenly stopped dancing. He said solemnly, "Hey! Daoist friend, you are not mistaken, I am a humanoid cultivator, my name is Sanjian Tongzi, you can call me Daoist friend Sanjian!"

After hearing this, Ye Han frowned, looked at Sanjian Tongzi and smiled, saying, "Yes! Daoist friend Sanjian!"

After a pause, he continued to ask, "Daoist friend Sanjian, I also accidentally came here, do you know where this place is?"

This Sanjian Tongzi looks innocent, but his aura is so strong, he is definitely not an ordinary existence, maybe he has been in this ancient tomb for a long time, if he can find out some of the real situation of this place from him, it would be the best.

As for this little guy who doesn't seem to want to fight him, he can't fight him either...

After all, this mysterious ancient god has encountered too many super strong opponents, if this Sanjian Tongzi is also very powerful, it's better not to fight!

After hearing this, the Three Swords Boy glared at Ye Han with his big eyes and cursed: "Hmph! I have seen many cultivators like you. You want to hear some news from me. I tell you, I won't tell you anything. I am very tight-lipped."

As he said this, the Three Swords Boy glared at Ye Han with his hands on his hips, looking very honest and cute with his angry look! !

Seeing the Three Swords Boy like this, Ye Han smiled and said: "Since you don't want to say it, I won't ask. I just came by mistake and won't disturb you in your practice. I'll leave now!"

As he said this, Ye Han bowed to the three boys and turned to the other side of the hall...

Although he walked away, Ye Han did not relax his vigilance. Although the Three Swords Boy looked innocent, he might not be able to resist if he really attacked him.

However, the Three Swords Boy didn't seem to fight him.


A ball of golden light flickered in front of Ye Han, and the figure of the Three Swords Boy appeared in front of Ye Han like a ghost, and said to Ye Han anxiously: "Hey! Why are you like this? I've told you my name, but you haven't told me your name yet?"

As he said that, the Three Swords Boy looked at Ye Han angrily...

Ye Han smiled and said: "I met you by chance, and I will never see you again. It doesn't matter what your name is."

The Three Swords Boy looked very strange, and he didn't expect that there would be such a person in this hall. He should be able to get some useful things out by retreating.

This guy must have been trapped in this hall for a long time. No matter how smart he is, he will think about getting freedom and going outside.

Seeing Ye Han say this, the Three Swords Boy was indeed a little anxious, and said angrily: "Daoyou! What do you mean we will never see each other again? Do you think it is so easy to leave this Divine Sword Hall? Without the consent of me, the Three Swords Boy, you can't leave!"

As he said this, the Three Swords Boy crossed his arms and looked at Ye Han complacently...

After hearing this, Ye Han looked at the sapling with the sword-shaped fruit, and didn't care about what this guy said at all. Instead, he asked: "Daoyou Three Swords, is this fruit your body?"

The Three Swords Boy saw that Ye Han ignored his words and said angrily: "Why should I tell you? You don't even want to tell me your name!"

Ye Han said: "Then I'll tell you my name, and you tell me what this fruit tree is for, okay?"

After hearing this, the Three Swords Boy said: "That won't work, the master asked me to look after this fruit!"

As he spoke, his eyes rolled around and he said, "But I can tell you, don't give this fruit to you, this thing is not ordinary powerful!"

When he said this, the eyes of the Three Swords Boy had a cunning and somewhat complacent look...

Seeing the Three Swords Boy like this, Ye Han's heart moved, and he said, "Then let me change the question, why are you called the Three Swords Boy?"

Seeing Ye Han constantly changing the topic, the Three Swords Boy didn't seem to react, and subconsciously answered, "Because I know three very powerful sword techniques of the master...!"

Speaking of this, the Three Swords Boy angrily cursed, "Damn it! You lied to me about my secret?!"

While speaking, a suffocating sword intent suddenly burst out from the Three Swords Boy, and a series of gorgeous and amazing sword beams burst out from his body, surrounding his body...

The white skin that was as white as jade turned red in an instant, and the hair also stood up, bursting out with a cold and suffocating sword intent...

Boom boom boom! !

The terrifying and suffocating sword light burst out, shocking the entire hall and making it buzz! !

Ye Han was shocked by the sword intent and flew out!

This guy is too scary! !

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