Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2387 Shocking Sword Intent!!

Hearing Ye Han's words, the sword in the hands of the Three Swords Boy suddenly burst out with a more dazzling golden light and sharp sword intent, and his eyes instantly became fierce and ferocious, and he shouted angrily: "My friend Ye Han, don't lie to me!! Otherwise, this boy will never tolerate it!! "

After speaking, the Three Swords Boy raised his arms above his head, and the momentum around him suddenly burst out, forming a circle of terrifying sword intent that made people shudder and have difficulty breathing.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!! This sword intent is as magnificent as a vast and boundless bright moon, but it also carries an unparalleled sense of oppression!!

Hiss!! Feeling such a horrifying sword intent, even Ye Han couldn't help but feel afraid, knowing that it would be difficult to resist this shocking sword with ordinary means alone!!

However, he had already made up his mind, and immediately he quickly pinched the magic formula, and the purple rune appeared out of thin air at his fingertips and spun rapidly. Then the purple tripod turned into a lively spiritual light that gushed out from his forehead, spinning and landing in front of him!

In the blink of an eye, the purple tripod had transformed into a giant tripod that was a hundred feet high, standing steadily in front of Ye Han, emitting brilliant and dazzling treasure light and powerful and surging mana fluctuations.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the fruit condensed from the sword energy on the lid of the purple tripod is now continuously releasing earth-shaking sword intent.

This sword intent echoed with the sapling transformed from the sword-shaped fruit behind the three sword boys not far away, as if there was some kind of wonderful connection.

Buzz buzz buzz! ! !

The sapling with the sword-shaped fruit was constantly trembling.

This situation made the Three Sword Boys who were about to release the sword skills look stunned. They looked at the sword-shaped sapling in surprise and exclaimed: "How did you get this sword fruit?"

As he said this, the heaven-defying sword intent that burst out from the Three Sword Boys stopped abruptly at this time and was restrained by more than half.

Ye Han stared at the terrifying sword intent of the Three Sword Boys and restrained it. He knew that he had calculated correctly that the Three Sword Boys and the sword-shaped fruit behind him were the same body.

The reason why he did not mention the sword-shaped fruit sapling from beginning to end was that he saw that the sword-shaped fruit sapling should be the body of the Three Sword Boys.

For a transformed spirit like the Three Sword Boys, they are very concerned about their own body being noticed by others.

Once their own body is targeted by others, it may be fatal. After all, their bodies are still very fragile, not as strong as monsters or immortals. After continuous practice, the strength of their physical bodies has been strengthened.

In order to build a good relationship with the Three Swords Boy, Ye Han deliberately avoided this question, as if he didn't care about the sword-shaped sapling at all.

As expected, he released the purple tripod to let the Three Swords Boy make up his mind, because the fruit of his purple tripod has a very similar aura to the fruit of the Three Swords Boy.

Ye Han said in a deep voice: "Three Swords Confidant, this purple tripod treasure is my most important treasure. I also took it out for your sake, which shows my trust in you. I hope you can believe me. If you want to go out, your sword aura will merge with my sword aura sapling, and you will be able to leave this ghost place and go with me to travel the world and become an immortal!!"

As Ye Han said this, his spiritual consciousness and magic power turned to the Absolute Cold Sword. As long as this guy didn't agree, this guy already knew the existence of his purple tripod. At that time, he would have to kill this guy at all costs.

Both sides suffered great losses. Once Ye Han's Absolute Cold Sword backfired, he would probably have to recover from his injuries for hundreds of years.

However, Ye Han was still quite confident in his decision and judgment, because every time the Three Swords Boy heard him say that he could take him out, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and he was simple-minded, not a complicated cultivator, and once he believed in his words, he would have already succeeded more than halfway.

As expected.

The Three Swords Boy couldn't help but said, "Friend Ye Han, can you really help me get out? But my master... is not an ordinary cultivator!"

The Three Swords Boy hesitated when talking about his master, but still said that fortunately the ban was not triggered...

Listening to the Three Swords Boy's words, Ye Han's eyes moved, and he said lightly: "Friend Three Swords, do you think you can beat me?"

Speaking, Ye Han looked at the purple tripod in front of him and said, "If I have this treasure, no matter how powerful your swordsmanship is, you can't hurt me! But you... may not be the case!!"

The voice paused, he pointed to the sword energy sapling on the purple tripod and said, "You also saw that there is a small sapling on my purple tripod. As long as your body merges with the body of my treasure, I guarantee that you can get out!!"

He said that he had to convince the Three Swords Boy. After all, if he could follow his words, not only would his losses be minimized, but there was a great probability that he could get the three swordsmanship he mentioned.

The eyes of the Three Sword Boy lit up and his heart beat fast. He gritted his teeth and said, "Friend Ye Han, you are right. Once I use these three sword techniques, I will not be able to survive."

He paused and said with determination, "Okay! Friend Ye Han, take me out!"

As he spoke, circles of brilliant golden runes burst out from his body, turning into sword intents, and flowed into the sword-shaped saplings beside him...


Buzz buzz buzz buzz!!

The sword-shaped saplings flowed in with the Three Sword Boys, constantly merging together and turning into three brilliant sword auras, which made Ye Han feel frightened by the sword intent!

The words of the Three Swords Boy came out from the three sword intentions: "Friend Ye Han, I am going to merge into it!"

Ye Han was very satisfied with this result, which was exactly what he expected, otherwise he would not easily take out the purple tripod and let this guy see it.

So Ye Han said: "Friend Three Swords, you enter my tripod, don't resist, I promise you will be fine!"

As he said, he pinched the magic formula, pointed his finger, and circles of purple rune aura trembled, and the lid of the purple tripod opened.

The three sword intentions of the Three Swords Boy replied: "Okay!"

Swish, swish, swish!

As he said, the three sword intentions of the Three Swords Boy merged into one, turned into a ray of sword light, and flew into the purple tripod on its own initiative...

The lid of the tripod closed!

Buzz buzz buzz!

Circles of purple runes formed a chain, and surged into the three sword intentions!

The three sword boys suddenly shouted, "No! I can't betray my master...!"

As the three sword boys spoke, the three sword intentions burst out in an instant, shining with terrifying and suffocating sword intentions, and the impact shook the entire purple tripod violently...

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