Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2391 So simple?

After hearing this, Ye Han also frowned. Compared with the weird snow-white shadow guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace, what he cared about most was the origin of this purple metal arm. After all, the treasure aura sensed by Ziding belonged to that guy. body.

And that guy is so powerful, if you don't know his weakness, you will only die if you encounter or chase him rashly!

And those guardian spirits of the Immortal Palace were actually transformed from the spiritual consciousness of the owner of the real Immortal Palace.

The spiritual consciousness alone is so powerful, so is the owner of this True Immortal Palace really a True Immortal who avoids the reincarnation of heaven?

Thinking like this, Ye Han couldn't help but ask the Sanjian boy: "Sanjian confidant, is the owner of the True Immortal Palace really a True Immortal?"

After Ye Han asked this question, he patiently waited for the three-sword boy's answer.

Unexpectedly, the boy with three swords remained silent and did not answer his plan.

This made Ye Han a little puzzled. Maybe the three-sword boy didn't dare to mention the true master of the Immortal Palace, right?

So, Ye Han asked again: "Three Swords Confidants, do you know how to deal with those guardian spirits of the Immortal Palace? Those guys are not easy to deal with!"

After hearing this, the Three Swords boy continued to answer Ye Han's words: "Friend Ye Han, don't ask what you shouldn't ask, something will happen. This fairy palace guardian spirit is transformed by the master's spiritual consciousness, and it is difficult to deal with. That's very normal. If you encounter them, I advise you to escape as soon as possible. They can activate the Qi of the Immortal Palace and the power of the spells they release is extremely terrifying. "

"Even if I meet them, I have no choice but to run away! The only way to deal with them is that you can also control the energy that drives the fairy palace. In that case, you can deal with them. After all, their intelligence is still far inferior to yours! "

After hearing the words of the Three Swords boy, Ye Han frowned. It seemed that he had to find a technique that could absorb and refine the Qi of the Immortal Palace first.

But he already knew what was going on. The so-called aura of the Immortal Palace was the owner of this ancient god's tomb. The special aura of his skills had gone through layers of changes and was far superior to the aura of heaven and earth.

In fact, it's not just powerful beings who have such an aura. As for Ye Han, he also has such an aura. For example, if others want to drive and absorb Ye Han's mana information, it's impossible. It's only his own. Only the Kung Fu can absorb the drive, but it is not as powerful as the owner of the ancient god's tomb.

This is also why cultivators can tell who this cultivator is based on their breath, because each cultivator has a unique cultivation method, breath of flesh and blood!

It's just that the aura of the owner of this ancient god's tomb is extremely powerful, and he has become one with the True Immortal Palace...

It's as if Ye Han's purple cauldron space now completely possesses his aura. Anyone who comes in will be crushed and suppressed by the aura of his purple cauldron space...

Unless his cultivation level far exceeds that of Ye Han, then he can not be restricted and even counter attack Ye Han.

Therefore, Ye Han did not dare to let his purple cauldron space enter an existence stronger than his cultivation level...

Ye Han was thinking so!

Boom! ! !

There was an earth-shaking violent roar and vibration throughout the passage, and the passage behind it began to crack and collapse. Huge rocks and walls exploded, and space storms rushed in, filling the entire passage. Constant impacts swept in... …

Boom! ! !

Ye Han looked back and saw that the terrible space storm was coming over. The walls were constantly expanding and shaking, and they were constantly collapsing!

not good! !

When Ye Han saw this scene, he didn't dare to stop. He trembled with both feet and used the Vajra Fire Divine Art to the extreme, and his body shot out like a cannonball...

Boom boom boom! ! !

Ye Han rushed thousands of feet with every step, and in a blink of an eye he reached the end of the passage. At the end of the passage, he saw a huge rock door with very mysterious rune patterns on it.

In the center of this rune pattern is what looks like a fairy palace, and in the middle is...

Buzz! ! !

When Ye Han looked at the pattern in the middle, his fierce consciousness and soul were hit by a terrifying aura, and his whole head shook violently, shocking him with an irresistible dizzying aura.

boom! !

Ye Han's body flew backwards and hit the mountain wall. Even his strong body was twisted by the impact.

Damn, what's going on? !

Ye Han felt that his head was dizzy and he couldn't help but look towards the huge stone door...

Unable to see this, he discovered that the fairy palace pattern that originally existed on the stone door, and the pattern in the middle, suddenly disappeared. The strange thing was that he could no longer remember what that pattern looked like!

What's happening here? !

Ye Han's face became solemn. With his current level of cultivation, it was impossible for him to forget what he had seen immediately. Such a situation would not happen unless he was hit by an extremely powerful magic secret! !

However, he didn't have time to worry about that much now. The only exit of this passage was at the stone gate. The collapse and explosion came from behind. He knew that the palace was constantly collapsing. If he entered quickly, there would be only a dead end.

So, Ye Han asked the Sanjian boy: "Sanjian confidant, I met...!"

Before Ye Han could finish speaking, the boy with three swords interrupted him and said, "You shout three times at the passage door, and the fairy palace will open! He will open it!"

Hearing this, Ye Han was stunned and couldn't help but said: "So simple?!"

The Three Swords Boy asked back: "If I didn't tell you that it can be opened like this, how could you know to shout like this?"

After being asked back by the Three Swords Boy, Ye Han understood. The words to shout the door were simple, but if no one told him, how could he know that the door could be opened by shouting like this?

Ye Han did not delay and shouted: "Open the door of the Immortal Palace! Open the door of the Immortal Palace! Open the door of the Immortal Palace!!"

As Ye Han shouted three times!

Buzz buzz buzz!

The huge door of the Immortal Palace came with an amazing buzzing vibration, and the rune aura continued to ripple and surge out of it.

Boom boom boom! !

The door of the Immortal Palace really opened, and suddenly a strong air of the Immortal Palace and a strong suffocating breath of medicine rushed out from it...

Ye Han saw that there was a different world inside the door, and it turned out to be a huge garden full of exotic flowers and plants.

Ye Han immediately entered it.

Boom boom! !

And the door of the Immortal Palace automatically closed after Ye Han entered.

Before closing, Ye Han saw that the passage had completely collapsed, and a terrifying space storm rushed in, crushing and bombarding the passage so that it roared and shook! !

Fortunately, the door to the fairy palace was closed in time, otherwise he would have been hit hard!

What's in it?

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