Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2402 The Lucky Immortal Zichuan? !

Ye Han thought so, and his body moved, turning into a beam of spiritual light and flying to sit on one of the cushions.

The moment Ye Han sat on the cushion, his soul was driven by a powerful soul breath, and his soul suddenly appeared in a vast and boundless world full of countless flowers.

And these flowers are the special flowers on the stone tablet...

At this time.

A figure surrounded by green light was digging among these flowers with a small hoe...

This figure surrounded by green light was digging with a small hoe while chanting: "One step is a fairy path, one grass is eternal life, flowers bloom and die, flowers bloom and fall, life, wonderful..."

Listening to the words chanted by the figure surrounded by green light, Ye Han was stunned, as if he felt some profound truth from it, but it seemed that he felt nothing...

Is this the way of cultivation? Or is this guy bored and talking nonsense?

On the contrary, when Ye Han tried hard to see the green figure clearly, he couldn't see the figure of this guy clearly.

What is this guy?

The words he chanted didn't seem to be a technique! !

Then how can one comprehend the real technique?

Ye Han thought about it and shouted to the figure: "Daoyou!! Please ask..."

Without waiting for words.

The green figure shouted at him: "What is Tao? What is You? What do you ask?"

Listening to the words of this guy, Ye Han frowned, smiled and said: "You are Tao, Tao is You, I am the one who asks, and you are the one who asks!"

Suddenly, the green figure paused slightly, stood up straight, and said to Ye Han: "Okay, okay, you are good, or am I good?"

Ye Han immediately replied: "You are good, I am good! Everyone is good! Okay, okay...!"

This green figure likes to be mysterious when he speaks, as if he is too bored? !

So Ye Han and the green figure, you say yours, I say mine, it seems like they are talking, but neither of them answered the other's question, are they just playing tricks on each other? Or are they trying to communicate with each other?

And in that hall.

Ye Han sat cross-legged on the cushion, and circles of rune auras surged on his body...

Unknowingly, he had already started to operate the Taoist method of nature, forming circles of rune auras that began to have some special exchanges and interactions with the fairy palace aura of this place! ! !


Boom boom boom! !

In a huge and extremely wide passage, huge arched pillars, with pillars thousands of feet high on both sides, were erupting with extremely terrifying roars and explosions...

Zichuan Immortal's body constantly vibrated with terrifying storms of black and gray flames, rushing forward rapidly!

His face was very solemn, and when he rushed forward, he repeatedly dodged the sudden lightning and light speed impact in the void...

Damn! !

Is it never going to end?

This time I'm going to die! !

Zichuan Immortal looked at the constantly collapsing passage, and the passage didn't seem to have reached the end yet, which made him feel that he might really be doomed this time.

Buzz! ! !

A beam of lightning rune aura vibrated and burst out in the space, and a snow-white figure was wrapped in lightning and surging all over his body, staring at Zichuan Immortal with a ferocious look! !

The passage was collapsing, and there was the pursuit of this fairy palace guardian spirit behind him. No wonder Zichuan Immortal felt desperate! !

Whether the collapsed passage was about to throw him into the endless sea of ​​stars, or he was caught up by this terrible fairy palace guardian spirit with thunder attributes, it was almost a dead end! !

At this moment! !

Boom! !

At the end of the passage, a storm of space ripples burst out, and three space ripples appeared in an instant! !

Seeing this sudden space hole vortex, Zichuan Immortal suddenly showed a look of surprise, a way out? !


Zizizizizi! ! !

The thunder attribute fairy palace guardian spirit burst out with circles of terrifying electric light, and shouted coldly: "Damn outsider, only one of the three passages is a way out, are you going to take a gamble?"

With the words of the fairy palace guardian spirit, Zichuan Immortal's heart skipped a beat. He didn't see whether the three passages were dangerous or not, but he knew that he was in big trouble now. Should he take a gamble or fight with this fairy palace guardian spirit? Even if he won by chance, this guy would only fall into the endless sea of ​​stars...

I, Zichuan Immortal, can have the cultivation I have today, not because of how amazing my talent is, nor because I was born in a big race, but because I have a luckier Taoism than most cultivators.

That is the biggest secret of my cultivation today! ! !

Immortal Zichuan thought so in his heart, gritted his teeth, trembled, and rushed towards the space ripple hole on the far right...


At this time, the guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace saw that Immortal Zichuan wanted to escape, and suddenly a terrible lightning flash burst out from his body, streaking across the void. Wherever it passed, the space was a charred lightning storm.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

This lightning directly roared so loudly that the void within a radius of a thousand miles was hit by a terrible lightning storm, and the space was hit out, with endless cracks and lightning...

But it failed to hit Immortal Zichuan!!

The three holes of the space ripples were also broken and exploded by the lightning at this time. How could they remain intact? !

The guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace cursed: "Damn it! This guy is so lucky?!"

As he said that, the lightning of the guardian spirit of the Immortal Palace burst out, turning into a thunder storm, and instantly disappeared in the space.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The entire building passage had completely collapsed at this time, and huge rock fragments flew out into the endless sea of ​​stars! !

I saw that the True Immortal Palace had shrunk a lot now, only half the size when it flew out of the Tianling Realm before.

And this boundless sea of ​​stars constantly impacted with terrible space storms, impacting the True Immortal Palace. As the storms hit, the entire Immortal Palace was shaking and shattered...


Buzz buzz buzz! !

A series of space ripples surged and burst, and the Zichuan Immortal felt that his body was torn by a terrible space.

Huchi! !

A burst of spatial ripples surged, and Zichuan Immortal felt that he had rushed out of this spatial channel. A refreshing spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged up. In this spiritual energy of heaven and earth, there was an extremely amazing medicinal effect.

Zichuan Immortal opened his eyes and exclaimed in extreme surprise: "I, Zichuan Immortal, am indeed unparalleled in Taoism! Haha! The medicine garden!!!"

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