Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 241 Chess Piece

Gu Changdao saw the dark shadow of the demon king looking at him with an unkind look, and his heart skipped a beat. Was this old demon trying to find an excuse to deal with him?

He said cautiously: "Sir Demon King's subordinates don't think so, it's just...!"

Before Ye Gu Changdao could finish speaking, Demon Lord Black Shadow waved his hand and interrupted him: "I have already thought of it. It will be very difficult to catch the damn Ye Han and Qin Minghui who are hiding in the Demon Flame Mountain Forest. , I attack with all my strength, but I am afraid that I will kill them too hard, so I have already thought of this method!"

After a pause in his voice, his golden pupils flashed with a hint of pride and he said: "My intention is for you to pretend to join forces with Ye Han to rescue the other two people. When you activate the formation restriction, I will take action again!"

Then he looked at Gu Chang and said: "My plan was originally like this. You have only now realized my thoughts. It is really a waste of my thoughts."

Gu Changdao stared at the demon king's black shadow in stunned silence. What happened to this guy?

I always feel that something is not quite right about this Demon Lord.

Although he felt strange in his heart, Gu Changdao still said respectfully: "Lord Demon Lord! It's my subordinate who is stupid! I have never understood Lord Demon Lord's intention!"

The Demon Lord said solemnly: "It's not too late for you to realize it now. I have asked the little baby to bring the two of them. You will bring them back to see Ye Han in a moment!"

Gu Changdao was stunned for a moment and replied: "Lord Demon Lord, isn't this a little too deliberate?"

The Demon Lord said coldly: "That's what that kid has in mind, so I'll make it happen! Let's see if he can escape from my grasp."


A quarter of an hour later, a third-level monster flew over, with Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan tied to the horns behind its back.

When the third-level monster ran up to him, he knelt down and put the two of them on the ground.

Demon Lord Black Shadow muttered words, and a bloody rune poured into Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde's body.

As the bloody runes poured into the two people's bodies, traces of black arrogance emerged from their bodies, and the ropes tied to their bodies were automatically loosened.

Looking at the unconscious Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde, Gu Changdao looked a little weird. This thing was a little too smooth and too deliberate to let him go. This was completely beyond his expectation.

Originally, according to his and Ye Han's plan, he told the Demon Lord about their plan. The Demon Lord cooperated with him and deliberately exposed the loopholes, revealing to him the locations of Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde who were imprisoned.

Then he and Ye Han made a plan to rescue the two of them.

Unexpectedly, this demon king directly released Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan from their restraints?

He suddenly understood. Demon Lord Heiying was pretending to be confused because he understood! Understand that this is Ye Han's plan.

Only then did he realize that he and the Demon Lord were both part of Ye Han's plan, and there was no better choice.

Instead of going to such trouble, it is better to open the skylight and speak out. Since everyone feels that they are sure to win, let's have a decisive battle head-on.

The losses on both sides were considerable now, with Demon Lord Black Shadow losing more than half of his men.

Three of the five people they came in with were arrested, and Qin Minghui hid in the Demon Flame Mountains.

In fact, neither side can gather five people, and cannot open the Five Elements Restriction to get the Sky-shaking Pagoda!

The demon king hunted down Ye Han and others, and the demonized monks he controlled suffered too many losses. Only the pagoda could make up for his losses!

So he didn't intend to cause such trouble with Ye Han and others, and just let them go and let them open the restriction.

As for the pagoda, who will win the prize can only depend on his or her ability.

Only then did Gu Changdao realize that it was not the Demon King who suddenly believed in him, but the sudden mutual understanding between others and Ye Han.

Moreover, the two of them seemed to have a chance to win, which actually made Gu Changdao's face become serious...

He had always felt that although his spiritual talent was average, his intelligence had always been top-notch. Compared with Ye Han and the Demon Lord in front of him, he was still far behind.

Gu Changdao took Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan away without hesitation.

He suddenly felt that he was also being used as a pawn by Ye Han's boy. This boy must have known for a long time that the Demon Lord would act according to his plan.

Tsk! Ye Han is a tough guy to deal with, so you have to be careful.

Demon Lord Heiying watched Gu Changdao rush away with Sun Houde and Lin Hongyan, and his golden pupils darkened.

If he had known that Ye Han and others were seeking the treasure of the Five Elements Forbidden Land, he should not have spent so much effort to deal with the five people...

However, he does not have the ability to predict the future, nor does he have the ability to turn back time.

The dark golden pupils of the demon king shrank, and he said coldly to himself: "You are so worthy of me! How dare you plot against me! I won't let you go around without food."

After speaking, Demon Lord Heiying muttered words for a while, and traces of bloody runes came out as he muttered and flew out in all directions...

In the entire dark forbidden area, the monsters, demonized monks, and zombie puppets he controlled all turned around and moved towards him at this moment.

Since this damn Ye Han dares to scheme against him, let's have a head-on confrontation with him.

"I don't believe it anymore. There are several monks in the Qi Refining Stage, but I can't cure you?!"

Demon Lord Black Shadow murmured to himself...

That's when.

Boom! A black electric light surged from a distance.

The six-clawed electric dragon monster at the peak of the third level was flying towards him. The vibrations in all directions were getting stronger and stronger, and other monsters were also flying towards him.

The Demon Lord knew that Ye Han dared to blatantly use tricks on him, and he was obviously determined. He didn't want to continue to entangle like this. It was better to let Ye Han and others open the restriction, so that he could take action to seize the sky-shaking pagoda.

The Demon King is very confident in himself. Although he has lost a lot of his men, he still controls a lot of third-order monsters, especially this peak third-order six-clawed electric dragon monster. Even if the five of them work together, they will definitely not be able to defeat it. exist.

What's more, you have yourself controlling it.

I really don't know where Ye Han got his confidence. Does this kid think he can deal with him if he can evade his search for more than a month?

Daydreaming, doesn't this kid know that he has been lurking in the dark forbidden land for so many years and has only this little ability?

Thinking of this, the demon king flew towards the six-clawed electric dragon monster, patted his head, and flew forward. The surrounding monsters, demonized monks, and zombie puppets followed the huge six-clawed electric dragon monster towards the front. Running wildly...

Under a cliff, Ye Han frowned and looked at Lin Hongyan and Sun Houde who had been put down by Gu Changdao.

I saw that both of them were unconscious, but they looked good and their magic aura had no effect.

Gu Changdao couldn't help but said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye, are you really confident of dealing with such an upright and calculating evil lord like you?"

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