Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2426: Entering a Treasure Mountain with No One

In order to activate the restrictions of these sealed beasts, Lord Bitian also consumes a lot of soul power, and his recovery is also quite special. As for what it is, Lord Bitian did not tell Ye Han.

In order to activate the restrictions of these sealed beasts, Bitian Shenjun needs to consume a lot of divine soul power.

His recovery method is quite unique, but Bitian Shenjun did not reveal the specific details to Ye Han.

On the contrary, Lord Bitian said directly: "This time I don't want you to participate in the battle, but to practice your state of mind. Your state of mind is already very perfect, but if you can improve it further, it will be better. I will take you to a good place. !”

As soon as he finished speaking, Bitian Shenjun took Ye Han and galloped towards the corridor...

Ye Han silently followed Bitian Shenjun without saying much as they headed to their destination together. There are many sealed beasts in this corridor, and he has defeated dozens of them, but compared to the total number, they are still far behind.

In fact, after experiencing so many battles, Ye Han has realized that these sealed beasts hide some secrets. Sure enough, just as he expected, these sealed beasts were not randomly generated, there were extremely amazing formations behind them...

After Bitian Shenjun took Ye Han out of the corridor, it suddenly opened up and they came to a magical world.

The place is lush and green, full of rare materials and treasures, and the true immortal aura is so rich that it seems to be condensed into substance.

This space is vast and boundless as far as the eye can see, as if it is a world of its own.

Here, you can clearly feel that this world is a treasure land that breeds those extremely amazing true immortal auras. If you take a casual glance around, you can see many treasures of heaven, materials and earth that are thousands of years old or even older.

For example, the ten-thousand-year-old wood spirit grass, the three-hand Ganoderma lucidum that has turned black and purple, and the 120,000-year-old evergreen six-yellow fruit with twelve leaves, etc.

These are rare treasures that are rare to see and have been lost for a long time even in the Celestial Spirit World.

Take the twelve-leaf Evergreen Liuhuang fruit, for example. Each additional leaf means it has grown for an additional 10,000 years. These twelve leaves are enough to prove that it is already 120,000 years old!

Such a long time ago, even for a spiritual cultivator in the integration stage, it is a treasure that is coveted and broken down to get...

Ye Han widened his eyes and stared at the magical land in front of him that was full of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. A strong impulse surged in his heart. If he could move all these rare treasures into his purple tripod space, what would happen? How much true spiritual energy!

For his current level of cultivation, these true immortal auras are simply inexhaustible and inexhaustible precious resources.

However, when Ye Han observed carefully for a while, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

It turned out that these genius treasures were surrounded by an extremely terrifying taboo formation. Just like the white dragon fish he encountered in the small garden, all the flowers, plants and genius treasures were firmly imprisoned... ..

Not only that, this kind of confinement spells and formations are even more terrifying and cannot be broken by him.

If there was really a way to unlock this restriction, I am afraid that these heavenly materials and earthly treasures would have been taken away long ago, and they would not remain here to this day.

After all, with so many treasures of heaven and earth, it is easy to reshape the body. How could Lord Bitian end up in such a mess?

In other words, before the forbidden formations are unlocked, all the treasures in this world can only be admired by Ye Han at the Baoshan Mountain, and he has no power to retrieve them.


Lord Bitian also said from the side: "Ye Han, you must have noticed that things here cannot be moved. This is the treasure land where the true immortal aura of the Great Dream Palace was born. Although it doesn't look dangerous, In fact, they are all forbidden formations. Just touching them is very troublesome. Don't think about these ideas of hitting things. If I could get it, I would have got it. "

With that said, Lord Bitian continued to move forward, followed by Ye Han. Although he was greedy for these treasures, there was nothing he could do...

On the contrary, I just walked a few hundred feet...


Ye Han felt it, the purple tripod shook...

Feeling the vibration of the purple tripod, Ye Han's eyes couldn't help but move. Since entering this mysterious fairy palace, Ziding has been shaken several times, but without exception they have been outside the palace.

Every time it vibrated, he could clearly sense the treasure aura coming from that terrifying purple metal giant.

However, after entering the inner palace of the Immortal Palace, even though they went through countless hardships, defeated countless powerful sealed beasts, and harvested many precious innate spiritual treasures, none of the items could cause Ziding's reaction. This made Ye Han feel a little helpless. Is it because Ziding itself has become stronger, or is there some other unknown reason?

At this time, he is unknown. But this time the reaction of the purple tripod seemed quite special. It only vibrated slightly and did not resonate as strongly as before.

But the strange thing is that this weak vibration seems to have an inexplicable urgency, seeming to urge Ye Han to move in a specific direction...

However, not long ago, Lord Bitian reminded him that the restrictions here were extremely dangerous, and it was almost impossible to obtain the treasures contained in these places.

Faced with such a difficult choice, how could Ye Han easily follow Ziding's guidance?

More importantly, the Lord of the Blue Sky was still with him. This guy was extremely experienced and his cultivation was unfathomable. As soon as he showed a little clue, he knew that he had the secret space treasure of the Purple Cauldron Spacer.

This old guy's ability was much stronger than he imagined...

The Lord of the Blue Sky was able to survive in this inner palace for so many years and still maintain such a powerful soul. It can be seen how powerful the original Lord of the Blue Sky was.

In all these years, this was the first person to discover that he had the Purple Cauldron Space.

Of course, this time it was just the Purple Cauldron Space that was discovered. If he accidentally revealed the flaw of having the Heaven-defying Purple Cauldron in front of this old thing, it would be hard to say what would happen next.

So Ye Han would never reveal a flaw in front of such a powerful existence as the Lord of the Blue Sky.

And what Ye Han didn't expect happened.

As the Lord of the Blue Sky walked forward, Ye Han followed him, and then walked out thousands of feet...

Buzz buzz buzz! !

Ye Han felt it again, the purple cauldron in his sea of ​​consciousness was vibrating again, very similar to the vibration just now.

Next, Ye Han followed the Bi Tian God and continued to move forward. Every time he walked a few thousand feet, sometimes closer, sometimes farther, he could feel the purple cauldron vibrating something...

Damn it!

We have entered the treasure mountain, but we can't take it...

But where is the Bi Tian God going to take him?

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