Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2465 Opportunity!

At this moment!

Boom! ! A purple-gold arc exploded and appeared above the rune of the metal giant...

It turned into a golden light and grabbed the purple metal rune!

Ye Han knew that this damn metal giant's spiritual communication would not have only one defense. This high-level cultivator had so many methods, how could he get close to this purple metal rune all at once?

So he did not teleport directly to the side of the purple metal rune twice, just to draw out the spiritual defense, so as not to be hit! !

If it was as he thought, how could he be so far away from the purple rune? Wouldn't it be enough to teleport directly to the side?

Because he had to defend against the continuous defensive attacks of this damn purple metal giant!

That terrible evil attack would not be the last resort of this damn metal giant's spiritual communication...

Sure enough!

Ye Han's figure just rushed towards the purple metal rune.

Boom! !

A brilliant golden light, with a terrifying force of lightning law, directly formed a golden demon-like lightning explosion, and instantly bit Ye Han's figure...

Boom boom boom!!

Ye Han's figure was instantly bombarded by the golden lightning in the lightning rune, which continued to shatter and explode, spreading in all directions. Ye Han's figure turned into ashes in an instant, and turned into a little blood ripples and exploded...

Sure enough! It's a trap again!

And at this time.

Buzz buzz buzz!!

A terrible storm broke out from the metal giant Tongling.

Swish swish swish swish!!

Eight chains brought four long swords, four long swords, forming an amazing storm of sword light and knife light, bombarding Ye Han who was constantly harassing it above his head.

Although Ye Han's cultivation was far inferior to that damned Bi Tian Shen Jun, he felt that this guy was a greater threat...

So this guy was coming for the purple metal rune on his head. It was precisely because of this purple-gold rune that he was able to withstand the suppression of Bi Tian Shen Jun's forbidden magic array and the attacks of many magical powers.

Otherwise, he would have followed in the footsteps of the past and continued to be calculated by Bi Tian Shen Jun...

However, this damned Ye Han kept harassing him, which made him a little distracted and worried that his purple rune would be taken away by Ye Han. After all, the aura of the purple metal rune that burst out from this guy attracted his own.

He always felt very dangerous.

As the sword beams of the eight long swords and long swords he burst out blasted out, forming a sword light and knife light with a radius of hundreds of miles, surrounding the sky above his head!

The countless sword beams and knife lights that burst out of shock formed a huge array matrix surrounding the sky above his head, making Ye Han unable to continue to attack and harass him!

And at this moment!


Ye Han felt that in his purple cauldron space, the purple metal giant had been killed, and the aura of the purple small cauldron on his body was also absorbed by Ye Tianyu's purple cauldron...

In an instant, he felt that Ye Tianyu's purple cauldron was actually undergoing amazing changes.

Buzz buzz buzz!

When Ye Tianyu's purple cauldron flew into his sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Han felt the amazing aura of the law of life emanating from Ye Tianyu's purple cauldron, which continued to flow into Ye Han's body! !


Now, above the head of the damn purple metal giant, a sword formation with sword light explosions and whistling vibrations has been arranged. It is airtight and there is no gap at all, so Ye Han can no longer use teleportation magic to get in.

And he felt that if he wanted to forcibly blast open this sword formation, he might fall into a more troublesome siege.

The true cultivation and magical power of this purple metal giant may really be no less than that of Lord Bi Tian...

Especially after this guy got this purple metal rune, he completely gained the upper hand in the face of Lord Bi Tian's many magical powers.

Of course, it was mainly because Lord Bi Tian's magical power cultivation had not yet fully recovered, which led to this result...

Just at this time!

"Ye Han! Get ready!"

Lord Bi Tian's words came to Ye Han...

Ye Han's face moved, and he immediately pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, and a shocking combination of spiritual energy and magic power burst out of his body.

The Vajra Fire Divine Art was running to the extreme, and the Vajra body burst out with an extremely amazing brilliance, and the Hun Tian Eight Demons Stick Technique also shocked and impacted in an instant!



Ye Han pointed his finger, and the Shangjun Danlu also flew out at this time...

The Shangjun Danlu, which had been strengthened, poured into it with Ye Han's crazy driving magic power...

Boom boom boom! !

The terrifying and suffocating mana surged and vibrated, and the Shangjun Danlu instantly turned into a flame light explosion of a strange purple fire that was tens of thousands of feet large, and instantly bombarded a purple meteor shower, generally each of which was thousands of feet large, bombarding and impacting the sky above the metal giant's head like a violent storm! !

Boom boom boom! !

As the flame light balls of the purple fire bombarded the metal giant's sword formation, a circle of earth-shaking roars and explosions broke out, and the entire flame light column rushed out...

Although the flame light ball did not blast open the sword formation of the golden giant, the purple flame spread on the sword formation, forming a gorgeous and strange purple flame!

This damn kid is really troublesome! !

The purple metal giant's psychic eyes revealed a hint of murderous intent. This damn Ye Han, there are really too many drills. This purple flame is actually an evil spirit fire. When it burns, it constantly consumes the mana of his sword formation.

This consumes his mana in disguise. If he continues to fight like this, he will be in trouble! !

The most important thing is that the Great Dream Fairy Palace is in a very bad situation now! !

If you don't have enough mana and cultivation, you may encounter great trouble to protect yourself.

At this time!


A terrifying golden storm of hundreds of miles in the sky was suppressed. I saw a golden fist of hundreds of miles, rushing down with a terrible storm, and directly hit the metal giant's sword formation!

Bang! With a terrible bombardment, the sword formation was instantly blasted out of a huge pit, and the sword light burst and then continued to shatter and explode in all directions!

Ye Han's eyes moved: "Opportunity!!"

In an instant, he used the teleportation ability again without hesitation! ! !

Boom! ! !

With a deafening roar, Ye Han's figure disappeared in the space in an instant...

The moment Lord Bi Tian greeted him, Ye Han knew that Lord Bi Tian also knew that the biggest reliance of this metal giant's spiritual communication was this purple metal rune!

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