Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 2469 New and old hatreds come together

Before Ye Han could think more!

Boom boom boom! !

A series of earth-shaking roars and explosions, Ye Han's figure was like a fire meteor, hitting the top of the Great Dream Palace!

Boom boom! !

A series of earth-shaking roars and explosions, the Great Dream Palace was hit to create an extremely huge hole, and countless rock and metal building fragments burst into pieces and rushed out in all directions.

Passing through several layers of the surface buildings of the Great Dream Palace, it hit a piece of ground, and the photovoltaic ground was hit to create a huge pit, and the ground within a radius of hundreds of miles was constantly collapsing and shattering...

Clattering! !

Countless rock and building fragments and rocks, like raindrops, dripped down, and the whole world seemed to be constantly collapsing...

And hundreds of miles away! !

Boom boom boom! !

I saw a black and red terrifying figure chasing six figures frantically...

The six figures advanced and retreated in a coordinated manner to form a very powerful formation, fighting against the black terrifying figure, but they were beaten back step by step, and they seemed to have almost no power to fight back! !

Everyone saw the extremely terrifying roar and explosion from a distance, and the boundless storm shook and rushed out...

Among the six figures, five had different looks and postures. They were all beautiful women, and the other was a short and fat young man in white armor...

Zichuan Immortal was also quite shocked. He didn't expect that a terrifying bombardment would suddenly fall from there at this time...

And among the six immortal cultivators, one of them exclaimed: "It's the breath of Junior Brother Ye!!"

Immediately, the six people burst out with amazing magic auras, and rushed towards the direction of the big pit at a rapid speed!


Zichuan Immortal's eyes moved, and he cursed: "Don't even think about escaping!"

With his roar, he slapped the storage bag, and a bronze mirror treasure with gray-black rune aura swirling flew out, and the shocking and suffocating rush of force rushed into the entire swirling red forbidden treasure, bursting out circles of mysterious and mysterious auras...


The Soul Sealing Mirror!

Zichuan Immortal pointed his finger heavily at the top of everyone's head!

Buzz! !

Circles of mysterious and profound gray-black rune auras, along with the bronze mirror, swirled and turned into a black rune condensed light formation of tens of thousands of feet in size...

It suppressed and sealed the sky above the heads of the six people!

Bang! !

This gray-black rune condensed light directly covered an area of ​​tens of thousands of feet in radius, and immediately made the actions of the six people fall into a quagmire, and the mana and protection they exerted could not be fully driven.

It's bad! !

The faces of the six immortal cultivators changed drastically. If this continued, they would be in big trouble.

At the same time!


The figure of Zichuan Immortal appeared on the huge forbidden light shield at an astonishing speed like a ghost, revealing a smug smile and said: "Do you think you can run away after stealing my things? Die."

As Zichuan Immortal appeared above the Sealing Spirit Mirror, his magic power burst out, and the terrifying power of the fusion period was continuously injected into the Sealing Spirit Mirror!

Buzz buzz buzz buzz! ! !

A huge demon hand suddenly rushed out of the Sealing Spirit Mirror, crushing and bombarding the six figures in the forbidden light shield...

Whoosh whoosh! !

The boundless and terrifying black air surrounded the demon hands one by one, crushing and impacting, and the figures in the light shield could no longer resist.

After all, the gap between their cultivation and this guy is too big!

Among the six people, the highest cultivation is only the cultivation of the middle stage of the Refining Void!

At this time! ! !

"Looking for death!!"

An angry roar exploded in the space!


Bang! ! ! !

A deafening roar exploded, and a purple-gold arc of electricity trembling with a stick shadow that was tens of thousands of feet long hit the array light shield of the Sealed Spirit Mirror heavily...

Bang! !

An extremely terrifying roar exploded, and the entire array light shield exploded in an instant. The countless demon arms that crushed and impacted turned into boundless gray-black flames in an instant...

In the boundless annihilation of black-gray flames, Ye Han wore the Tyrant God Armor, holding the Thunder Five Elements Golden Hoop Stick, and brilliant golden light ripples burst out of his body. His breath surged out like thousands of mountains, and his hair surged with amazing and suffocating mana.

Seeing Ye Han appear!

The six trapped immortal cultivators looked at him in surprise.

"Junior Brother Ye!"

"Junior Brother!"


They shouted at Ye Han at the same time...

Ye Han glanced at them, his eyes showing a soft light, yes, it was really them!

In addition to the Red Dragon Girl, Han Yuwan, Magnolia Fairy, Green Phoenix Fairy, and Ningyu Fairy...

The short and fat guy in white armor is Bai Xue? !

However, at this moment, he didn't have time to reminisce with everyone and say anything else...


Zichuan Immortal also recognized Ye Han's aura and said in surprise: "It's you!!"

For a cultivator with such a high level of cultivation, even after so many years, he still remembered Ye Han's aura at once, which was exactly the aura of the guy with the fairy treasure he met in Zichuan! !

Ye Han also recognized Immortal Zichuan. Although he had never met this guy when he was chasing him, his purpose was very clear, and he came for the ghost skeleton mirror on his body...

So, Ye Han said coldly: "It seems that our old and new hatreds have come together!"

As he spoke, he flipped his palm, and the ghost-skull mirror began to spin, turning into an astonishing aura of precious light that came out. He said coldly: "Didn't you really want to steal this treasure from me back then? I'll just let it go." You’ve seen it.”

As he spoke, Ye Han's mana surged out rapidly, and he kneaded a secret and recited a spell to input the terrifying true immortal mana into the ghost skull mirror...

Suddenly! !

Buzz buzz!

The ghost skeleton mirror shocked the world with boundless and astonishing golden light runes, and the golden bone dragon flew out, and as Ye Han's mana was injected into it, boundless terrifying imprisonment mana burst out...

Follow Ye Han's finger.

boom! !

The golden bone dragon instantly became tens of thousands of feet in size, sweeping up a boundless golden light explosion, crushing a suffocating storm, and directly bombarded Immortal Zichuan...

"Damn it! How come this guy's cultivation has improved so quickly?"

Immortal Zichuan felt the boundless terrifying power erupted from the ghost skeleton mirror and couldn't help but cursed.

However, you are definitely not my opponent, I am a person with luck and protection!

At the same time, Immortal Zichuan slapped the storage bag, a bright light trembled, and a strange golden stove flew out! !

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